
@author: jeremy leconte

Library of useful functions for handling filenames

Module Contents

exception exo_k.util.filenames.EndOfFile[source]

Bases: Exception

Error for an end of file

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

exo_k.util.filenames.select_kwargs(kwargs, filter_keys_list=None)[source]

Function to select only some keyword arguments from a kwargs dict to pass to a function afterward.

  • kwargs (dict) – Dictionary of keyword arguments and values.

  • filter_keys_list (Optional[list[str]]) – Names of the keys to select.



A dictionary with only the selected keys (if they were present in kwargs).

Return type:



>>> def func(allo=None):
>>>     print(allo)
>>> def bad_global_func(**kwargs):
>>>     print(kwargs)
>>>     func(**kwargs)
>>> def good_global_func(**kwargs):
>>>     print(kwargs)
>>>     func(**select_kwargs(kwargs,['allo']))
>>> bad_global_func(allo=3.,yeah=None)
{'allo': 3.0, 'yeah': None}
TypeError: func() got an unexpected keyword argument 'yeah'
>>> good_global_func(allo=3.,yeah=None)
{'allo': 3.0, 'yeah': None}
exo_k.util.filenames.create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(Np, Nt, Nx=None, suffix='', nb_digit=3)[source]

Creates a grid of filenames consistent with Kspectrum/LMDZ from the number of pressure, temperatures (, and vmr) points (respectively) in the grid.

  • Np (int) – Number of Pressure and temperature points.

  • Nt (int) – Number of Pressure and temperature points.

  • Nx (int, optional) – Number of vmr points if there is a variable gas

  • suffix (str, optional) – String to add behind the ‘k001’

  • nb_digit (int, optional) – Total number of digit including the zeros (‘k001’ is 3)


list of str

List of the files in the right order and formating to be given to exo_k.ktable.Ktable.hires_to_ktable() or exo_k.xtable.Xtable.hires_to_xtable().


>>> exo_k.create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(2,3)
array([['k001', 'k002', 'k003'],
['k004', 'k005', 'k006']], dtype='<U4')
>>> exo_k.create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(2,3,suffix='.h5')
array([['k001.h5', 'k002.h5', 'k003.h5'],
['k004.h5', 'k005.h5', 'k006.h5']], dtype='<U7')
exo_k.util.filenames.convert_exo_transmit_to_hdf5(file_in, file_out, mol='unspecified')[source]

Converts exo_transmit like spectra to hdf5 format for speed and space.

  • file_in (str) – Initial exo_transmit filename.

  • file_out (str) – Name of the final hdf5 file to be created.

exo_k.util.filenames._read_array(file, Nvalue, N_per_line=5, Nline=None, revert=False)[source]

Reads an array in a .dat filestream. Assumes that the arrays are arranged N_per_line values per line.

  • file (file stream) – File to be read.

  • Nvalue (int) – Number of values to be read.

  • N_per_line (int) – Number of values assumed per line.

  • revert (boolean (optional)) – Whether or not to revert the array (because some arrays are in decreasing order).

  • Nline (int (optional)) – Slightly speeds up the process if the user specifies the number of lines that will need to be read.



A numpy array with the values.

exo_k.util.filenames._read_exorem_k_array(file, Nline)[source]

Reads an array in a .dat filestream. Assumes that the arrays are arranged N_per_line values per line.

  • file (file stream) – File to be read.

  • Nline (int) – Number of values/lines to be read.



A numpy array with the values.

exo_k.util.filenames.convert_old_kspectrum_to_hdf5(file_in, file_out, skiprows=0)[source]


Converts kspectrum like spectra to hdf5 format for speed and space

  • file_in (str) – Initial kspectrum filename.

  • file_out (str) – Name of the final hdf5 file to be created.