Source code for exo_k.util.filenames

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte

Library of useful functions for handling filenames
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import h5py

[docs] class EndOfFile(Exception): """Error for an end of file """
[docs] def select_kwargs(kwargs: dict, filter_keys_list: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> dict: """Function to select only some keyword arguments from a kwargs dict to pass to a function afterward. Parameters ---------- kwargs: Dictionary of keyword arguments and values. filter_keys_list: Names of the keys to select. Returns ------- filtered_kwargs: A dictionary with only the selected keys (if they were present in kwargs). Examples -------- >>> def func(allo=None): >>> print(allo) >>> >>> def bad_global_func(**kwargs): >>> print(kwargs) >>> func(**kwargs) >>> >>> def good_global_func(**kwargs): >>> print(kwargs) >>> func(**select_kwargs(kwargs,['allo'])) >>> bad_global_func(allo=3.,yeah=None) {'allo': 3.0, 'yeah': None} TypeError: func() got an unexpected keyword argument 'yeah' >>> good_global_func(allo=3.,yeah=None) {'allo': 3.0, 'yeah': None} 3.0 """ if filter_keys_list is None: filter_keys_list = [] filtered_kwargs=dict() for key in filter_keys_list: if key in kwargs.keys(): filtered_kwargs[key]=kwargs[key] return filtered_kwargs
[docs] def create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(Np, Nt, Nx=None, suffix='', nb_digit=3): """Creates a grid of filenames consistent with Kspectrum/LMDZ from the number of pressure, temperatures (, and vmr) points (respectively) in the grid. Parameters ---------- Np, Nt: int Number of Pressure and temperature points. Nx: int, optional Number of vmr points if there is a variable gas suffix: str, optional String to add behind the 'k001' nb_digit: int, optional Total number of digit including the zeros ('k001' is 3) Returns ------- list of str List of the files in the right order and formating to be given to :func:`exo_k.ktable.Ktable.hires_to_ktable` or :func:`exo_k.xtable.Xtable.hires_to_xtable`. Examples -------- >>> exo_k.create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(2,3) array([['k001', 'k002', 'k003'], ['k004', 'k005', 'k006']], dtype='<U4') >>> exo_k.create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(2,3,suffix='.h5') array([['k001.h5', 'k002.h5', 'k003.h5'], ['k004.h5', 'k005.h5', 'k006.h5']], dtype='<U7') """ res=[] ii=1 if Nx is None: for _ in range(Np): for _ in range(Nt): res.append('k'+str(ii).zfill(nb_digit)+suffix) ii+=1 return np.array(res).reshape((Np,Nt)) else: for _ in range(Nx): for _ in range(Np): for _ in range(Nt): res.append('k'+str(ii).zfill(nb_digit)+suffix) ii+=1 res=np.array(res).reshape((Nx,Np,Nt)) return np.transpose(res,(2,1,0))
[docs] def convert_exo_transmit_to_hdf5(file_in, file_out, mol='unspecified'): """Converts exo_transmit like spectra to hdf5 format for speed and space. Parameters ---------- file_in: str Initial exo_transmit filename. file_out: str Name of the final hdf5 file to be created. """ tmp_wlgrid=[] tmp_kdata=[] with open(file_in, 'r') as file: tmp = file.readline().split() tgrid=np.array([float(ii) for ii in tmp]) tmp = file.readline().split() pgrid=np.array([float(ii) for ii in tmp]) Np=pgrid.size Nt=tgrid.size while True: line=file.readline() if line is None or line=='': break tmp_wlgrid.append(float(line.split()[0])) # wavelength in m tmp_kdata.append([]) for _ in range(Np): tmp_kdata[-1].append(file.readline().split()[1:]) tmp_wlgrid=np.array(tmp_wlgrid) Nw=tmp_wlgrid.size kdata=np.zeros((Np,Nt,Nw)) for iP in range(Np): for iT in range(Nt): for iW in range(Nw): kdata[iP,iT,iW]=tmp_kdata[Nw-iW-1][iP][iT] print(kdata.shape) wns=0.01/tmp_wlgrid[::-1] if not file_out.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')): fullfilename=file_out+'.h5' else: fullfilename=file_out compression="gzip" with h5py.File(fullfilename, 'w') as f: f.attrs["mol_name"] = mol f.create_dataset("p", data=pgrid,compression=compression) f["p"].attrs["units"] = 'Pa' f.create_dataset("t", data=tgrid,compression=compression) f.create_dataset("xsecarr", data=kdata,compression=compression) f["xsecarr"].attrs["units"] = 'm^2' f.create_dataset("bin_edges", data=wns,compression=compression)
[docs] def _read_array(file, Nvalue, N_per_line=5, Nline=None, revert=False): """Reads an array in a .dat filestream. Assumes that the arrays are arranged N_per_line values per line. Parameters ---------- file: file stream File to be read. Nvalue: int Number of values to be read. N_per_line: int Number of values assumed per line. revert: boolean (optional) Whether or not to revert the array (because some arrays are in decreasing order). Nline: int (optional) Slightly speeds up the process if the user specifies the number of lines that will need to be read. Returns ------- Array A numpy array with the values. """ if Nline is None: Nline=Nvalue//N_per_line if Nvalue%N_per_line != 0: Nline+=1 new_array=[] for _ in range(Nline): line=[float(i) for i in file.readline().split()] new_array+=line if revert : new_array=np.array(new_array)[::-1] else: new_array=np.array(new_array) #print(new_array) return new_array
[docs] def _read_exorem_k_array(file, Nline): """Reads an array in a .dat filestream. Assumes that the arrays are arranged N_per_line values per line. Parameters ---------- file: file stream File to be read. Nline: int Number of values/lines to be read. Returns ------- Array A numpy array with the values. """ new_array=[] for _ in range(Nline): srt=file.readline() try: new_array.append(float(srt)) except ValueError: i = srt.index('-') srt = srt[:i] + 'e' + srt[i:] new_array.append(float(srt)) new_array=np.array(new_array) return new_array
####### OLD FUNCTIONS ###################
[docs] def convert_old_kspectrum_to_hdf5(file_in, file_out, skiprows=0): """Deprecated. Converts kspectrum like spectra to hdf5 format for speed and space Parameters ---------- file_in: str Initial kspectrum filename. file_out: str Name of the final hdf5 file to be created. """ wn_hr,k_hr=np.loadtxt(file_in,skiprows=skiprows,unpack=True) with h5py.File(file_out, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset("wns", data=wn_hr,compression="gzip") f.create_dataset("k", data=k_hr,compression="gzip")