Source code for exo_k.xtable

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
import os.path
from math import log10
import pickle
import h5py
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from .data_table import Data_table
from .util.interp import rebin_ind_weights, rm_molec
from .util.cst import KBOLTZ
from .hires_spectrum import Hires_spectrum
from .util.filenames import create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ, select_kwargs

[docs] class Xtable(Data_table): """A class that handles tables of cross sections. """ def __init__(self, *filename_filters, filename=None, p_unit='unspecified', file_p_unit='unspecified', kdata_unit='unspecified', file_kdata_unit='unspecified', remove_zeros=False, search_path=None, mol=None, **kwargs): """Initializes cross section table and supporting data from a file based on its extension. Parameters ---------- filename: str Relative or absolute path to the input file. filename_filters: sequence of string As many strings as necessary to uniquely define a file in the global search path defined in :class:`~exo_k.settings.Settings`. This path will be searched for a file with all the filename_filters in the name. The filename_filters can contain '*'. If there is no filename or filename_filters provided, just creates an empty object to be filled later See :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` __init__ mehthod for documentation on `p_unit`, `file_p_unit`, `kdata_unit`, `file_kdata_unit`, `remove_zeros`, `search_path`, and `mol` keywords. """ super().__init__() if filename is not None: self.filename=filename elif filename_filters or mol is not None: self.filename=self._settings.list_files(*filename_filters, molecule = mol, only_one=True, search_path=search_path, path_type='xtable')[0] if self.filename is not None: if self.filename.lower().endswith('pickle'): self.read_pickle(filename=self.filename) elif self.filename.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')): self.read_hdf5(filename=self.filename, mol=mol, **kwargs) elif self.filename.lower().endswith(('.dat')): self.read_exo_transmit(filename=self.filename, mol=mol) else: raise NotImplementedError("""Requested format not recognized. Currently recognized formats are Exomol .pickle, .hdf5, and Exo_Transmit .dat.""") super().finalize_init(p_unit=p_unit, file_p_unit=file_p_unit, kdata_unit=kdata_unit, file_kdata_unit=file_kdata_unit, remove_zeros=remove_zeros)
[docs] def read_hdf5(self, filename=None, mol=None, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Initializes k coeff table and supporting data from an Exomol hdf5 file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the input hdf5 file mol : str, optional Overrides the name of the molecule to be put in the :class:`Xtable` object. """ if (filename is None or not filename.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5'))): raise RuntimeError("You should provide an input hdf5 file") with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: if 'mol_name' in f: self.mol=f['mol_name'][()] elif 'mol_name' in f.attrs: self.mol=f.attrs['mol_name'] else: if mol is not None: self.mol=mol else: self.mol=os.path.basename(filename).split(self._settings._delimiter)[0] if isinstance(self.mol, np.ndarray): self.mol=self.mol[0] if isinstance(self.mol, bytes): self.mol=self.mol.decode('UTF-8') if 'DOI' in f: self.DOI=f['DOI'][()][0] if isinstance(self.DOI, bytes): self.DOI=self.DOI.decode('UTF-8') if 'bin_edges' in f: self.wns=f['bin_edges'][...] if 'units' in f['bin_edges'].attrs: self.wn_unit=f['bin_edges'].attrs['units'] else: self.wns=f['bin_centers'][...] if 'units' in f['bin_centers'].attrs: self.wn_unit=f['bin_centers'].attrs['units'] self.wnedges=np.concatenate( \ ([self.wns[0]],(self.wns[:-1]+self.wns[1:])*0.5,[self.wns[-1]])) iw_min, iw_max = self.select_spectral_range(wn_range, wl_range) self.kdata=f['xsecarr'][:,:, iw_min:iw_max] self.kdata_unit=f['xsecarr'].attrs['units'] self.tgrid=f['t'][...] self.pgrid=f['p'][...] self.logpgrid=np.log10(self.pgrid) self.p_unit=f['p'].attrs['units'] self.logk=False self.Np,self.Nt,self.Nw=self.kdata.shape
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, filename, compression="gzip", compression_level=9, kdata_unit=None, p_unit=None, exomol_units=False): """Saves data in a hdf5 format Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be created and saved exomol_units: bool (optional) If True, data are converted back to cm^2 and bar units before being written. """ fullfilename=filename if not filename.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')): fullfilename=filename+'.h5' with h5py.File(fullfilename, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset("key_iso_ll", (1,), data=self.isotopolog_id) f.create_dataset("mol_mass", (1,), data=self.molar_mass*1000.) f["mol_mass"].attrs["units"] = 'AMU' if exomol_units: kdata_unit='cm^2/molecule' p_unit='bar' if kdata_unit is not None: conv_factor=u.Unit(rm_molec(self.kdata_unit)).to(u.Unit(rm_molec(kdata_unit))) data_to_write=self.kdata*conv_factor f.create_dataset("xsecarr", data=data_to_write, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_level) f["xsecarr"].attrs["units"] = kdata_unit else: f.create_dataset("xsecarr", data=self.kdata, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_level) f["xsecarr"].attrs["units"] = self.kdata_unit f.create_dataset("bin_edges", data=self.wns, compression=compression, compression_opts=compression_level) # where most of the data is actually written self.write_hdf5_common(f, compression=compression, compression_level=compression_level, p_unit=p_unit) f["bin_edges"].attrs["long_name"] = 'Wavenumber grid'
[docs] def read_exo_transmit(self, filename, mol=None): """Creates an xsec object from an exo_transmit like spectra. See or Kempton et al. (2016) for details. Pressures are expected to be in Pa and cross sections in m^2/molecule Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the input file. mol: str Overrides the name of the molecule to be put in the :class:`Xtable` object. """ tmp_wlgrid=[] tmp_kdata=[] with open(filename, 'r') as file: tmp = file.readline().split() self.tgrid=np.array([float(ii) for ii in tmp]) tmp = file.readline().split() self.pgrid=np.array([float(ii) for ii in tmp]) self.logpgrid=np.log10(self.pgrid) self.Np=self.pgrid.size self.Nt=self.tgrid.size while True: line=file.readline() if line is None or line=='': break tmp_wlgrid.append(float(line.split()[0])) tmp_kdata.append([]) for _ in range(self.Np): tmp_kdata[-1].append(file.readline().split()[1:]) tmp_wlgrid=np.array(tmp_wlgrid) self.Nw=tmp_wlgrid.size self.kdata=np.zeros((self.Np,self.Nt,self.Nw)) for iP in range(self.Np): for iT in range(self.Nt): for iW in range(self.Nw): self.kdata[iP,iT,iW]=tmp_kdata[self.Nw-iW-1][iP][iT] self.wns=0.01/tmp_wlgrid[::-1] self.wnedges=np.concatenate( \ ([self.wns[0]],(self.wns[:-1]+self.wns[1:])*0.5,[self.wns[-1]])) self.p_unit='Pa' self.kdata_unit='m^2/molecule' if mol is not None: self.mol=mol else: self.mol=os.path.basename(filename).split(self._settings._delimiter)[0]
[docs] def hires_to_xtable(self, path=None, filename_grid=None, logpgrid=None, tgrid=None, write=0, mol=None, grid_p_unit='Pa', p_unit='unspecified', kdata_unit='unspecified', file_kdata_unit='unspecified', **kwargs): """Loads an `Xtable` from high-resolution spectra (inplace). .. warning:: By default, log pressures are specified in Pa in logpgrid!!! If you want to use another unit, do not forget to specify it with the grid_p_unit keyword. see :func:`exo_k.ktable.Ktable.hires_to_ktable` method for details on the arguments and options. """ first=True if path is None: raise TypeError("You should provide an input hires_spectrum directory") self.filename=path if mol is not None: self.mol=mol else: self.mol=os.path.basename(self.filename).split(self._settings._delimiter)[0] conversion_factor=u.Unit(grid_p_unit).to(u.Unit('Pa')) self.logpgrid=np.array(logpgrid, dtype=float)+np.log10(conversion_factor) self.pgrid=10**self.logpgrid #in Pa self.p_unit='Pa' self.Np=self.logpgrid.size if write >= 3 : print(self.Np,self.pgrid) self.tgrid=np.array(tgrid) self.Nt=self.tgrid.size if write >= 3 : print(self.Nt,self.tgrid) if filename_grid is None: filename_grid=create_fname_grid_Kspectrum_LMDZ(self.Np, self.Nt, **select_kwargs(kwargs,['suffix','nb_digit'])) else: filename_grid=np.array(filename_grid) for iP in range(self.Np): for iT in range(self.Nt): filename=filename_grid[iP,iT] fname=os.path.join(path,filename) if write >= 3 : print(fname) spec_hr=Hires_spectrum(fname, file_kdata_unit=file_kdata_unit, **select_kwargs(kwargs,['skiprows','wn_column','mult_factor', 'kdata_column','data_type','binary','mass_amu'])) # for later conversion, the real kdata_unit is in spec_hr.kdata_unit self.kdata_unit=spec_hr.kdata_unit was_xsec=(spec_hr.data_type=='xsec') wn_hr=spec_hr.wns k_hr=spec_hr.kdata if not was_xsec: k_hr=k_hr*KBOLTZ*self.tgrid[iT]/self.pgrid[iP] if first: self.wns=wn_hr[1:-1] #to be consistent with kcorr self.wnedges=0.5*(wn_hr[:-1]+wn_hr[1:]) self.Nw=self.wns.size self.kdata=np.zeros((self.Np,self.Nt,self.Nw)) self.kdata[iP,iT]=k_hr[1:-1] first=False else: self.kdata[iP,iT]=np.interp(self.wns,wn_hr[1:-1],k_hr[1:-1]) if not was_xsec: self.kdata=self.kdata*u.Unit(self.kdata_unit).to(u.Unit('m^-1')) self.kdata_unit='m^2/molecule' # Accounts for the conversion of the abs_coeff to m^-1, so we know that # self.kdata is now in m^2/molecule. Can now convert to the desired unit. if self._settings._convert_to_mks and kdata_unit == 'unspecified': kdata_unit='m^2/molecule' self.convert_kdata_unit(kdata_unit=kdata_unit) # converts from self.kdata_unit wich is either: # - 'm^2/molecule' data_type was 'abs_coeff' # - The units after Hires_spectrum (which have already taken # file_kdata_unit into account) # to the desired unit. self.convert_p_unit(p_unit=p_unit)
[docs] def bin_down(self, wnedges=None, remove_zeros=False, write=0): """Method to bin down a xsec table to a new grid of wavenumbers (inplace). Parameters ---------- wnedges : array, np.ndarray Edges of the new bins of wavenumbers (cm-1) onto which the xsec should be binned down. if you want Nwnew bin in the end, wngrid.size must be Nwnew+1 wnedges[0] should be greater than self.wnedges[0] wnedges[-1] should be lower than self.wnedges[-1] remove_zeros: bool, optional If True, remove zeros in kdata. """ wnedges=np.array(wnedges) if wnedges.size<2: raise TypeError('wnedges should at least have two values') wngrid_filter = np.where((wnedges <= self.wnedges[-1]) & (wnedges >= self.wnedges[0]))[0] if write>=3: print(self.wnedges);print(wnedges);print(wngrid_filter);print(wnedges[wngrid_filter]) indicestosum,weights=rebin_ind_weights(self.wnedges, wnedges[wngrid_filter]) if write>=3: print(indicestosum[0]);print(weights[0]) Nnew=wnedges.size-1 Ntmp=wnedges[wngrid_filter].size-1 newxsec=np.zeros((self.Np,self.Nt,Nnew)) for iP in range(self.Np): for iT in range(self.Nt): tmp=self.kdata[iP,iT,:] newxsec[iP,iT,wngrid_filter[0:-1]]= \ [[indicestosum[ii]-1:indicestosum[ii+1]],weights[ii]) \ for ii in range(Ntmp)] self.kdata=newxsec self.wnedges=wnedges self.wns=(wnedges[1:]+wnedges[:-1])*0.5 self.Nw=self.wns.size if remove_zeros : self.remove_zeros(deltalog_min_value=10.)
[docs] def sample(self, wngrid, remove_zeros=False, log_interp=None): """Method to re sample a xsec table to a new grid of wavenumbers (inplace). Parameters ---------- wngrid : array, np.ndarray Location of the new wavenumbers points (cm-1) """ wngrid=np.array(wngrid) wngrid_filter = np.where((wngrid <= self.wnedges[-1]) & (wngrid >= self.wnedges[0]))[0] Nnew=wngrid.size newxsec=np.zeros((self.Np,self.Nt,Nnew)) if log_interp is None: log_interp=self._settings._log_interp if log_interp: for iP in range(self.Np): for iT in range(self.Nt): tmp=np.log(self.kdata[iP,iT,:]) newxsec[iP,iT,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) self.kdata=np.exp(newxsec) else: for iP in range(self.Np): for iT in range(self.Nt): tmp=self.kdata[iP,iT,:] newxsec[iP,iT,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) self.kdata=newxsec self.wns=wngrid self.wnedges=np.concatenate( \ ([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.Nw=Nnew if remove_zeros : self.remove_zeros(deltalog_min_value=10.)
[docs] def sample_cp(self, wngrid, **kwargs): """Creates a copy of the instance before resampling it. Parameters ---------- See sample method for details. Returns ------- :class:`Xtable` object the re-sampled :class:`Xtable` """ res=self.copy() res.sample(wngrid, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def spectrum_to_plot(self, p=1.e-5, t=200., x=1., g=None): """provide the spectrum for a given point to be plotted Parameters ---------- p : float Pressure (Ktable pressure unit) t : float Temperature(K) x: float Volume mixing ratio of the species g: is unused but here to be consistent with the method in data_table """ return self.interpolate_kdata(log10(p),t)[0]*x
[docs] def copy(self, cp_kdata=True): """Creates a new instance of :class:`Xtable` object and (deep) copies data into it Parameters ---------- cp_kdata: bool, optional If false, the kdata table is not copied and only the structure and metadata are. Returns ------- :class:`Xtable` A new :class:`Xtable` instance with the same structure as self. """ res=Xtable() res.copy_attr(self, cp_kdata=cp_kdata) return res
def __repr__(self): """Method to output header """ out1=super().__repr__() output=out1+""" data oredered following p, t, wn shape : {shape} """.format(shape=self.shape) return output
[docs] def read_pickle(self, filename=None): """Initializes xsec table and supporting data from an Exomol pickle file Parameters ---------- filename : str Relative or absolute name of the input pickle file mol : str, optional Overrides the name of the molecule to be put in the :class:`Xtable` object. """ if filename is None: raise TypeError("You should provide an input pickle filename") with open(filename,'rb') as pickle_file: raw=pickle.load(pickle_file, encoding='latin1') self.mol=raw['name'] if self.mol=='H2OP': self.mol='H2O' self.tgrid=raw['t'] self.wns=raw['wno'] self.wnedges=np.concatenate( \ ([self.wns[0]],(self.wns[:-1]+self.wns[1:])*0.5,[self.wns[-1]])) self.logk=False #deals with the p grid and units if 'p_unit' in raw.keys(): self.p_unit=raw['p_unit'] else: self.p_unit='bar' self.pgrid=raw['p'] self.logpgrid=np.log10(self.pgrid) #deals with the k grid and units if 'kdata_unit' in raw.keys(): self.kdata_unit=raw['kdata_unit'] else: self.kdata_unit='cm^2/molec' self.kdata=raw['xsecarr'] if 'wn_unit' in raw.keys(): self.wn_unit=raw['wn_unit'] self.Np,self.Nt,self.Nw=self.kdata.shape
[docs] def write_pickle(self, filename): """Saves data in a pickle format Parameters ---------- filename: str Relative or absolute name of the file to be created and saved """ fullfilename=filename if not filename.lower().endswith('.pickle'): fullfilename=filename+'.pickle' with open(fullfilename,'wb') as pickle_file: dictout={'name':self.mol, 'p':self.pgrid, 'p_unit':self.p_unit, 't':self.tgrid, 'wno':self.wns, 'wn_unit':self.wn_unit, 'xsecarr':self.kdata, 'kdata_unit':self.kdata_unit} #print(dictout) pickle.dump(dictout,pickle_file,protocol=-1)