Source code for exo_k.util.radiation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Jun 20 2019

@author: jeremy leconte

Library of useful functions for radiative transfer calculations
import numpy as np
import numba
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from exo_k.util.cst import PI,PLANCK,C_LUM,KBOLTZ,SIG_SB


[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True,fastmath=True, cache=True) #@numba.vectorize([float64(float64,float64)],fastmath=True) def Bnu(nu, T): """Computes the Planck law in wavenumber domain. Parameters ---------- nu: float The wavenumber in cm^-1. T: float Temperature (K). Returns ------- float Bnu in W/m^2/str/cm^-1 (not SI units). sigma*T^4/PI=Int(Bnu dnu) where nu is expressed in cm^-1 """ sigma=nu*1.e2 return PLANCK_CST1*sigma**3/(np.exp(PLANCK_CST2*sigma/T)-1.)
[docs] def Bnu_integral(nu_edges, T): """Computes the integral of the Planck function in wavenumber bins. Uses scipy.integrate.quad. Quite slow. Parameters ---------- nu_edges: array, np.ndarray Edges of the wavenumber bins in cm^-1. T: float Temperature (K). Returns ------- array Bnu_integral in W/m^2/str. sigma*T^4/PI=sum of Bnu_integral """ nu_edges=np.array(nu_edges) res=np.empty(nu_edges.size-1) for ii in range(nu_edges.size-1): res[ii]=integrate.quad(lambda nu: Bnu(nu,T),nu_edges[ii],nu_edges[ii+1])[0] return res
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def Bnu_integral_num(nu_edges, T, n=30): """Computes the integral of the Planck function in wavenumber bins. Uses a series expansion of the integral derived in "PLANCK FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRALS; METHODS OF COMPUTATION by Thomas E. Michels Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. MARCH 1968" Parameters ---------- nu_edges: array, np.ndarray Edges of the wavenumber bins in cm^-1. T: float Temperature (K). n: int number of terms to take into account in the black body calculation. Returns ------- Array of shape (T_array.size,nu_edges.size-1) Bnu_integral_num: Integral of the source function at temperatures T_array inside the bins in W/m^2/str sigma*T^4/PI=sum of Bnu_integral_num """ kp=PLANCK_CST2/T res=np.zeros(nu_edges.size) Nn=nu_edges.size for ii in range(Nn): kpnu=kp*nu_edges[ii]*1.e2 for iteration in range(1,n+1): kpnun=kpnu*iteration #res[ii]+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6+6*kpnun+3*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 res[ii]+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6.+6.*kpnun+3.*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 for ii in range(Nn-1): res[ii]-=res[ii+1] return res[:-1]*PLANCK_CST1MKS/kp**4
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def Bnu_integral_array(nu_edges, T_array, Nw, Nt, n=30): """Computes the integral of the Planck function in wavenumber bins. Uses a series expansion of the integral derived in "PLANCK FUNCTIONS AND INTEGRALS; METHODS OF COMPUTATION by Thomas E. Michels Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, Md. MARCH 1968" Parameters ---------- nu_edges: array, np.ndarray Edges of the wavenumber bins in cm^-1. T: array, np.ndarray Array of temperature (K). Nw: int Number of spectral bins. Nt: int Number of temperatures. n: int, optional number of terms to take into account in the black body calculation. Returns ------- Array of shape (T_array.size,nu_edges.size-1) Bnu_integral_num: Integral of the source function at temperatures T_array inside the bins in W/m^2/str sigma*T^4/PI=sum of Bnu_integral_num """ res=np.empty((Nt,Nw)) for iT in range(Nt): kp=PLANCK_CST2/T_array[iT] mult=PLANCK_CST1MKS/kp**4 kpnu=kp*nu_edges[0]*1.e2 tmp=0. for iteration in range(1,n+1): kpnun=kpnu*iteration # tmp+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6+6*kpnun+3*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 tmp+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6.+6.*kpnun+3.*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 for ii in range(1,Nw+1): tmp2=0. kpnu=kp*nu_edges[ii]*1.e2 for iteration in range(1,n+1): kpnun=kpnu*iteration # tmp2+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6+6*kpnun+3*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 tmp2+=np.exp(-kpnun)*(6.+6.*kpnun+3.*kpnun**2+kpnun**3)/iteration**4 res[iT,ii-1]=(tmp-tmp2)*mult tmp=tmp2 return res
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True) def dBnudT_array(nu, T_array, Nw, Nt): """Computes the derivative of the Planck function with respect to temperature. Parameters ---------- nu: array, np.ndarray Wavenumbers in cm^-1. T: array, np.ndarray Array of temperature (K). Nw: int Number of spectral bins. Nt: int Number of temperatures. Returns ------- Array of shape (T_array.size,nu.size) dBnudT: derivative of the Planck function at temperatures T_array. """ res=np.empty((Nt,Nw)) sigma=nu*1.e2 for iT, T in enumerate(T_array): exp=np.exp(-PLANCK_CST2*sigma/T) tmp=((1. - exp) * T)**2 res[iT]=exp * PLANCK_CST3 * sigma**4 / tmp return res
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def Bmicron(lamb, T): """Computes the Planck law in wavelength domain. Parameters ---------- lamb: float The wavelength in microns. T: float Temperature (K). Returns: float Bmicron in W/m^2/str/micron (not SI units). sigma*T^4/PI=Int(Bmicron d lamb) where lamb is expressed in microns """ lambda_si=lamb*1.e-6 return PLANCK_CST1_lamb/(lambda_si**5 \ *(np.exp(PLANCK_CST2/(lambda_si*T))-1.))
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def BBnu_Stellar_Spectrum(nu, T, Flux): """Computes the outgoing spectral flux of a black body at temperature T so that its bolometric flux is equal to the input 'Flux' Parameters ---------- nu: float The wavenumber in cm^-1. T: float Temperature (K). Flux: float bolometric flux for rescaling. Returns ------- float BBnu_Stellar_Spectrum is in W/m^2/cm^-1 (not SI units). sigma*T^4=Int(Bnu dnu) where nu is expressed in cm^-1 """ Scaling_Factor=PI/(SIG_SB*T**4)*Flux return Scaling_Factor*Bnu(nu,T)
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, cache=True) def BBmicron_Stellar_Spectrum(lamb, T, Flux): """Computes the outgoing spectral flux of a black body at temperature T so that its bolometric flux is equal to the input 'Flux' Parameters ---------- lamb: float The wavelength in microns. T: float Temperature (K). Flux: float bolometric flux for rescaling. Returns ------- float BBmicron_Stellar_Spectrum is in W/m^2/micron (not SI units). sigma*T^4=Int(Bmicron d lamb) where lamb is expressed in microns. """ Scaling_Factor=PI/(SIG_SB*T**4)*Flux return Scaling_Factor*Bmicron(lamb,T)
[docs] def wavelength_grid_R(lambda_min, lambda_max, R): """Creates a wavelength grid starting from lambda_min and ending at lambda_max with a resolution of R (roughly). Parameters ---------- lambda_min/lambda_max: int or float Min/max wavelength (in micron). R: int or float Resolution. Returns ------- array Grid of wavelength. """ return np.append(np.exp(np.arange(np.log(lambda_min),np.log(lambda_max),1./R)),lambda_max)
[docs] def wavenumber_grid_R(nu_min, nu_max, R): """Creates a wavenumber grid starting from nu_min and ending at nu_max with a resolution of R (roughly). Parameters ---------- nu_min/nu_max: int or float Min/max wavenumber (in cm^-1). R: int or float Resolution. Returns ------- array Grid of wavenumber. """ return np.append(np.exp(np.arange(np.log(nu_min),np.log(nu_max),1./R)),nu_max)
[docs] @numba.njit def rad_prop_corrk(dcol_density, opacity_prof, mu0): """Computes the optical depth of each of the radiative layers for the opacity given for every wavelength and g point. Parameters ---------- dcol_density: array, np.ndarray Column density per radiative layer (molecules/m^2/layer). opacity_prof: array, np.ndarray effective cross section per molecule (m^2/molecule). mu0: cosine of the equivalent zenith angle for the rays. e.g. Cos(60deg)=0.5 is chosen (See, for example, chap 4 of Pierrehumbert 2010) Returns ------- tau: Array cumulative optical depth from the top (with zeros at the top of the first radiative layer) dtau: Array optical depth of each radiative layer for each wavenumber. """ Nlay_rad,Nw,Ng=opacity_prof.shape OvMu=1./mu0 dtau=np.empty((Nlay_rad,Nw,Ng)) tau=np.zeros((Nlay_rad+1,Nw,Ng)) for lay in range(Nlay_rad): for iW in range(Nw): for ig in range(Ng): dtau_tmp=dcol_density[lay]*opacity_prof[lay,iW,ig]*OvMu dtau[lay,iW,ig]=dtau_tmp tau[lay+1,iW,ig]=tau[lay,iW,ig]+dtau_tmp return tau, dtau
[docs] @numba.njit def rad_prop_xsec(dcol_density, opacity_prof, mu0): """Computes the optical depth of each of the radiative layers for the opacity given for every wavelength. Parameters ---------- dcol_density: array, np.ndarray Column density per radiative layer (molecules/m^2/layer). opacity_prof: array, np.ndarray effective cross section per molecule (m^2/molecule). mu0: cosine of the equivalent zenith angle for the rays. e.g. Cos(60deg)=0.5 is chosen (See, for example, chap 4 of Pierrehumbert 2010) Returns ------- tau: Array cumulative optical depth from the top (with zeros at the top of the first layer). dtau: Array optical depth of each radiative layer for each wavenumber. The 1/mu0 factor is taken account so that these are the depths along the ray. """ Nlay_rad,Nw=opacity_prof.shape OvMu=1./mu0 dtau=np.empty((Nlay_rad,Nw)) tau=np.zeros((Nlay_rad+1,Nw)) for lay in range(Nlay_rad): for iW in range(Nw): dtau_tmp=dcol_density[lay]*opacity_prof[lay,iW]*OvMu dtau[lay,iW]=dtau_tmp tau[lay+1,iW]=tau[lay,iW]+dtau_tmp return tau,dtau
[docs] @numba.njit(nogil=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def path_integral_corrk(Nlay, Nw, Ng, tangent_path, density_prof, opacity_prof, weights): """Computes the transmittance for each layer of the atmosphere for k-coefficients. Parameters ---------- Nlay: int Number of layers. Nw: int Number of wavenumber bins. Ng: int Number of gauss points. tangent_path: List of arrays Triangular array of tangent path for each layer. density_prof: array, np.ndarray Array with the number density of molecules in the atmosphere. opacity_prof: array, np.ndarray Effective cross section of the atmsophere for each (layer,wavenumber,g-point). weights: array, np.ndarray Weights for the quadrature in g-space. Returns ------- transmittance: array, np.ndarray Transmittance for each layer and wavenumber bin (Exp(-tau_sigma)). """ exp_min_tau=np.zeros((Nlay,Nw,Ng)) transmittance=np.zeros((Nlay,Nw)) for ilay in range(Nlay): for jlay in range(ilay+1): dm=tangent_path[ilay][jlay]*density_prof[jlay] for iW in range(Nw): for ig in range(Ng): exp_min_tau[ilay,iW,ig]+=dm*opacity_prof[jlay,iW,ig] exp_min_tau=np.exp(-exp_min_tau) for ilay in range(Nlay): for iW in range(Nw): trans=0. for ig in range(Ng): trans+=exp_min_tau[ilay,iW,ig]*weights[ig] transmittance[ilay,iW]=trans return transmittance
[docs] @numba.njit(nogil=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def path_integral_xsec(Nlay, Nw, tangent_path, density_prof, opacity_prof): """Computes the transmittance for each layer of the atmosphere from cross sections. Parameters ---------- Nlay: int Number of layers. Nw: int Number of wavenumber bins. tangent_path: List of arrays Triangular array of tangent path for each layer. density_prof: array, np.ndarray Array with the number density of molecules in the atmosphere. opacity_prof: array, np.ndarray Effective cross section of the atmsophere for each (layer,wavenumber). Returns ------- transmittance: array, np.ndarray Transmittance for each layer and wavenumber bin (Exp(-tau_sigma)). """ transmittance=np.zeros((Nlay,Nw)) for ilay in range(Nlay): for jlay in range(ilay+1): dm=tangent_path[ilay][jlay]*density_prof[jlay] for iW in range(Nw): transmittance[ilay,iW]+=dm*opacity_prof[jlay,iW] transmittance=np.exp(-transmittance) return transmittance