Source code for exo_k.two_stream.two_stream_toon

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in Jan 2021

@author: jeremy leconte
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded
import numba

[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def solve_2stream_nu_xsec(source_nu, dtau_nu, omega0_nu, g_asym_nu, flux_top_dw_nu, alb_surf_nu, mu0=0.5, flux_at_level=False): """Deals with the spectral axis """ NLEV, NW = source_nu.shape flux_up=np.empty((NLEV, NW)) flux_dw=np.empty((NLEV, NW)) flux_net=np.empty((NLEV, NW)) for iW in range(NW): flux_up[:,iW], flux_dw[:,iW], flux_net[:,iW] = \ solve_2stream(source_nu[:,iW], dtau_nu[:,iW], omega0_nu[:,iW], g_asym_nu[:,iW], mu0=mu0, flux_top_dw=flux_top_dw_nu[iW], alb_surf=alb_surf_nu[iW], flux_at_level=flux_at_level) return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def solve_2stream_nu_corrk(source_nu, dtau_nu, omega0_nu, g_asym_nu, flux_top_dw_nu, alb_surf_nu, mu0=0.5, flux_at_level=False): """Deals with the spectral axis """ NLEV, NW = source_nu.shape NG = dtau_nu.shape[-1] flux_up=np.empty((NLEV, NW, NG)) flux_dw=np.empty((NLEV, NW, NG)) flux_net=np.empty((NLEV, NW, NG)) for iW in range(NW): for iG in range(NG): flux_up[:,iW, iG], flux_dw[:,iW, iG], flux_net[:,iW, iG] = \ solve_2stream(source_nu[:,iW], dtau_nu[:,iW,iG], omega0_nu[:,iW,iG], g_asym_nu[:,iW,iG], mu0=mu0, flux_top_dw=flux_top_dw_nu[iW], alb_surf=alb_surf_nu[iW], flux_at_level=flux_at_level) return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def solve_2stream(source, dtau, omega0, g_asym, mu0=0.5, flux_top_dw=0., alb_surf=0., flux_at_level=False): """After Toon et al. (JGR, 1989). Equation number refer to this article. emis_surf=1.-alb_surf As we only consider hemispheric mean or quadrature, mu1==mu0 Parameters ---------- source: array, np.ndarray pi*B (Planck function) at each of the Nlay+1 level interfaces of the model (top to bottom). Thanks to the pi factor it can be compared to the incoming flux. dtau: array, np.ndarray optical depth of each of the Nlay model layers. omega0: float or array single scattering albedo of each layer g_asym: float or array asymmetry factor (g in Toon et al.) mu0: float 1./2. yields hemispheric mean approx 1./sqrt(3) yields quadrature flux_top_dw: float Incoming diffuse flux at the upper boundary alb_surf: float Surface albedo. Emissivity is assumed to be 1.-alb_surf flux_at_level: bool, optional if flux_at_level is True, fluxes are calculated at the level surfaces. If False, fluxes are computed at the middle of the layers. The top of atmosphere flux is always computed at the top of the uppermost layer (1st level). """ Nlay=dtau.size gam_1, gam_2=_gammas_toon(omega0, g_asym, mu0=mu0) flux_net, J4pimu=matrix_toon_tridiag(Nlay, source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu0, flux_top_dw, alb_surf, flux_at_level) return 0.5*(J4pimu+flux_net), 0.5*(J4pimu-flux_net), flux_net
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def _gammas_toon(omega0, g_asym, mu0=0.5): """mu0=0.5 yields hemispheric mean Parameters ---------- omega0: float or array single scattering albedo of each layer g_asym: float or array asymmetry factor (g in Toon et al.) mu0: float 1./2. yields hemisperic mean approx 1./sqrt(3) yields quadrature Returns ------- gamma1, gamma2: floats or arrays gammas defined in Table 1 of Toon et al. """ return (2.-omega0*(1.+g_asym))/(2.*mu0), omega0*(1.-g_asym)/(2.*mu0)
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def matrix_toon_tridiag(Nlay, source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1, flux_top_dw, alb_surf, flux_at_level): """ Returns ------- flux_net: array, np.ndarray Net flux at the bottom of the Nlay layers. """ e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 = e_i_toon(dtau, gam_1, gam_2) c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot = c_planck(source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1) A=np.empty((2*Nlay)) B=np.empty((2*Nlay)) D=np.empty((2*Nlay)) E=np.empty((2*Nlay)) # upper boundary A[0]=0. D[0]=-e_2[0] E[0]=flux_top_dw-c_dw_top[0] B[0]=e_1[0] #even in Toon numerotation. (remember python arrays start at 0.) A[1:-1:2]=e_1[:-1]*e_2[1:]-e_3[:-1]*e_4[1:] B[1:-1:2]=e_2[:-1]*e_2[1:]-e_4[:-1]*e_4[1:] D[1:-1:2]=e_1[1:]*e_4[1:]-e_2[1:]*e_3[1:] E[1:-1:2]=(c_up_top[1:]-c_up_bot[:-1])*e_2[1:]-(c_dw_top[1:]-c_dw_bot[:-1])*e_4[1:] # middle sign above different in my calculations and toon (+ in Toon) #odd A[2:-1:2]=e_2[:-1]*e_3[:-1]-e_4[:-1]*e_1[:-1] B[2:-1:2]=e_1[:-1]*e_1[1:]-e_3[:-1]*e_3[1:] D[2:-1:2]=e_3[:-1]*e_4[1:]-e_1[:-1]*e_2[1:] E[2:-1:2]=(c_up_top[1:]-c_up_bot[:-1])*e_3[:-1]-(c_dw_top[1:]-c_dw_bot[:-1])*e_1[:-1] #surface A[-1]=e_1[-1]-alb_surf*e_3[-1] B[-1]=e_2[-1]-alb_surf*e_4[-1] D[-1]=0. E[-1]=(1.-alb_surf)*source[-1]-c_up_bot[-1]+alb_surf*c_dw_bot[-1] #return mat,E Y=DTRIDGL(2*Nlay,A,B,D,E) flux_net = np.empty((Nlay+1)) J4pimu = np.empty((Nlay+1)) if flux_at_level: c_up_mid, c_dw_mid = c_planck_mid(source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1) #print('mid:',np.amax(np.abs((c_up_mid-c_up_top)/c_up_top))) #print('bot:',np.amax(np.abs((c_up_bot-c_up_top)/c_up_top))) mid_factor1, mid_factor2 = mid_factor_toon(dtau, gam_1, gam_2) flux_net[1:] = Y[1::2]*mid_factor2+c_up_mid-c_dw_mid J4pimu[1:] = Y[::2]*mid_factor1+c_up_mid+c_dw_mid #flux_net[-1] = Y[-2]*(e_1[-1]-e_3[-1])+Y[-1]*(e_2[-1]-e_4[-1])+c_up_bot[-1]-c_dw_bot[-1] #J4pimu[-1] = Y[-2]*(e_1[-1]+e_3[-1])+Y[-1]*(e_2[-1]+e_4[-1])+c_up_bot[-1]+c_dw_bot[-1] else: flux_net[1:] = Y[::2]*(e_1-e_3)+Y[1::2]*(e_2-e_4)+c_up_bot-c_dw_bot J4pimu[1:] = Y[::2]*(e_1+e_3)+Y[1::2]*(e_2+e_4)+c_up_bot+c_dw_bot flux_net[0] = Y[0]*e_3[0]-Y[1]*e_4[0]+c_up_top[0] J4pimu[0] = flux_net[0] + flux_top_dw flux_net[0] -= flux_top_dw return flux_net, J4pimu
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def lambda_toon(gam_1, gam_2): """lambda from eq 21 of Toon et al. """ return np.sqrt(gam_1*gam_1-gam_2*gam_2)
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def lambda_GAMMA(gam_1, gam_2): """lambda and GAMMA from eq 21 and 22 of Toon et al. For GAMMA, the positive alterative is used (center in eq 22) """ lamb=lambda_toon(gam_1, gam_2) GAMMA=gam_2/(lamb+gam_1) #GAMMA=(gam_1-lamb)/(gam_2) return lamb,GAMMA
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def c_planck(source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1): """c_up/dw is for c+/- whithout direct beam scattering. _top is for tau equal 0 (top of the layer) _bot is for tau=dtau (bottom of the layer) removed a pi factor because source is pi*B """ #cst=2*mu1 #cst=1. # this factor seems to avoid emissivity greater than one. # but what is the analytical basis for this ??? #print(gam_1+gam_2) inv_dtaugam=1./(dtau*(gam_1+gam_2)) #print(1./(dtau*(gam_1+gam_2)), 1./dtau*(gam_1+gam_2)) c_up_top=( source[:-1]*(1.-inv_dtaugam)+source[1:]* inv_dtaugam )#*cst c_dw_top=( source[:-1]*(1.+inv_dtaugam)-source[1:]* inv_dtaugam )#*cst c_up_bot=(-source[:-1]* inv_dtaugam +source[1:]*(1.+inv_dtaugam))#*cst c_dw_bot=( source[:-1]* inv_dtaugam +source[1:]*(1.-inv_dtaugam))#*cst #print(c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot) return c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def c_planck_mid(source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1): """c_up/dw is for c+/- whithout direct beam scattering. These are computed at the middle of the layer, i.e. at tau=dtau/2. removed a pi factor because source is pi*B """ cst=1. # this factor seems to avoid emissivity greater than one. # but what is the analytical basis for this ??? inv_dtaugam=1./(dtau*(gam_1+gam_2)) c_up_mid=cst*( source[:-1]*(.5-inv_dtaugam)+source[1:]*(0.5+inv_dtaugam)) c_dw_mid=cst*( source[:-1]*(.5+inv_dtaugam)+source[1:]*(0.5-inv_dtaugam)) return c_up_mid, c_dw_mid
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def e_i_toon(dtau, gam_1, gam_2): """e_i factors defined in eq 44. """ lamb,GAMMA=lambda_GAMMA(gam_1, gam_2) expdtau=np.exp(-lamb*dtau) #print('lamb,GAMMA,expdtau',lamb,GAMMA,expdtau) e_1=1.+GAMMA*expdtau e_2=1.-GAMMA*expdtau e_3=GAMMA+expdtau e_4=GAMMA-expdtau return e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def mid_factor_toon(dtau, gam_1, gam_2): """Factors to recover the flux at mid layer. """ lamb,GAMMA=lambda_GAMMA(gam_1, gam_2) expdtaumid=np.exp(-lamb*dtau*0.5) mid_fac1=2.*(1.+GAMMA)*expdtaumid mid_fac2=2.*(1.-GAMMA)*expdtaumid return mid_fac1, mid_fac2
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def DTRIDGL(L,AF,BF,CF,DF): """ DIMENSION AF(L),BF(L),CF(L),DF(L),XK(L) DIMENSION AS(2*L),DS(2*L) !* THIS SUBROUTINE SOLVES A SYSTEM OF TRIDIAGIONAL MATRIX !* EQUATIONS. THE FORM OF THE EQUATIONS ARE: !* A(I)*X(I-1) + B(I)*X(I) + C(I)*X(I+1) = D(I) !======================================================================! """ AS=np.empty_like(AF) DS=np.empty_like(AF) XK=np.empty_like(AF) AS[-1] = AF[-1]/BF[-1] DS[-1] = DF[-1]/BF[-1] for I in range(1,L): X = 1./(BF[L+1-I-2] - CF[L+1-I-2]*AS[L+2-I-2]) AS[L+1-I-2] = AF[L+1-I-2]*X DS[L+1-I-2] = (DF[L+1-I-2]-CF[L+1-I-2]*DS[L+2-I-2])*X XK[0]=DS[0] for I in range(1,L): XKB = XK[I-1] XK[I] = DS[I]-AS[I]*XKB return XK
#@numba.jit(nopython=True,fastmath=True, cache=True)
[docs] def matrix_toon(Nlay, source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1, flux_top_dw, alb_surf): """ Returns ------- flux_net: array, np.ndarray Net flux at the bottom of the Nlay layers. """ e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 = e_i_toon(dtau, gam_1, gam_2) c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot = c_planck(source, dtau, gam_1, gam_2, mu1) A=np.empty((2*Nlay)) B=np.empty((2*Nlay)) D=np.empty((2*Nlay)) E=np.empty((2*Nlay)) # upper boundary # A[0]=0. #no need because of the way diagonals are treated (see solve_banded) B[0]=e_1[0] D[0]=0. D[1]=-e_2[0] E[0]=flux_top_dw-c_dw_top[0] #even A[:-2:2]=e_1[:-1]*e_2[1:]-e_3[:-1]*e_4[1:] B[1:-1:2]=e_2[:-1]*e_2[1:]-e_4[:-1]*e_4[1:] D[2:-1:2]=e_1[1:]*e_4[1:]-e_2[1:]*e_3[1:] E[1:-1:2]=(c_up_top[1:]-c_up_bot[:-1])*e_2[1:]-(c_dw_top[1:]-c_dw_bot[:-1])*e_4[1:] # middle sign above different in my calculations and toon (+ in Toon) #odd A[1:-2:2]=e_2[:-1]*e_3[:-1]-e_4[:-1]*e_1[:-1] B[2:-1:2]=e_1[:-1]*e_1[1:]-e_3[:-1]*e_3[1:] D[3::2]=e_3[:-1]*e_4[1:]-e_1[:-1]*e_2[1:] E[2:-1:2]=(c_up_top[1:]-c_up_bot[:-1])*e_3[:-1]-(c_dw_top[1:]-c_dw_bot[:-1])*e_1[:-1] #surface A[-2]=e_1[-1]-alb_surf*e_3[-1] B[-1]=e_2[-1]-alb_surf*e_4[-1] #D[-1]=0. E[-1]=(1.-alb_surf)*source[-1]-c_up_bot[-1]+alb_surf*c_dw_bot[-1] #return mat,E Y=solve_banded((1,1),[D,B,A],E) flux_net = np.empty((Nlay+1)) J4pimu = np.empty((Nlay+1)) flux_net[1:] = Y[::2]*(e_1-e_3)+Y[1::2]*(e_2-e_4)+c_up_bot-c_dw_bot J4pimu[1:] = Y[::2]*(e_1+e_3)+Y[1::2]*(e_2+e_4)+c_up_bot+c_dw_bot flux_net[0] = Y[0]*e_3[0]-Y[1]*e_4[0]+c_up_top[0] J4pimu[0] = flux_net[0] + flux_top_dw flux_net[0] -= flux_top_dw return flux_net, J4pimu