Source code for exo_k.gas_mix

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
import numpy as np
from .util.molar_mass import Molar_mass
from .util.molar_heat_capacity import Molar_heat_capacity
from .util.interp import RandOverlap_2_kdata_prof, rm_molec
from .rayleigh import Rayleigh
from .util.cst import N_A
from .util.spectral_object import Spectral_object
from .util.singleton import Singleton
from .util.radiation import dBnudT_array, Bnu_integral_num

[docs] class Gas_mix(Spectral_object): """Dict-like class to handle gas composition (with background gas) and molar mass. If `logp_array`, `t_array`, and radiative databases are provided, :any:`cross_section` can be used to compute the opacity of the gas """ def __init__(self, composition=None, logp_array=None, t_array=None, k_database=None, cia_database=None): """__init_ Instantiates a Gas_mix object and computes the vmr of the 'background' gas. """ if composition is None: composition=dict() super().__init__() self.Narray=None self._wn_range=None self.iw_min=None self.iw_max=None self.need_to_recompute_vmr_array = True self.set_composition(composition) self.set_logPT(logp_array=logp_array, t_array=t_array) self.set_k_database(k_database) self.set_cia_database(cia_database)
[docs] def set_composition(self, composition): """Reset composition and computes the vmr of the 'background' gas. Parameters ---------- composition: dict Keys are molecule names. Values are vmr or arrays of vmr. bg_gas: str Name of the background molecule. If None, it is inferred from the molecule for which vmr='background'. """ self.composition = dict() self.bg_gas = None for mol,vmr in composition.items(): if isinstance(vmr, list): self.composition[mol]=np.array(vmr) elif isinstance(vmr, str): self.bg_gas = mol else: self.composition[mol] = vmr if (self.bg_gas is not None): self.composition['inactive_gas'] = 0. else: self.composition['inactive_gas'] = 'background' self.bg_gas = 'inactive_gas' self.get_background_vmr() self.need_to_recompute_vmr_array = True
[docs] def set_logPT(self, logp_array=None, t_array=None): """Sets the pressure (in Pa) and temperature fields. """ if logp_array is not None: if hasattr(logp_array, "__len__"): self.logp_array=np.array(logp_array, dtype=float) else: self.logp_array=np.array([logp_array], dtype=float) if hasattr(t_array, "__len__"): self.t_array=np.array(t_array) else: self.t_array=np.array([t_array]) if self.logp_array.size != self.t_array.size: raise TypeError(\ 'logp_array and t_array should be 1d lists or arrays of the same size') self.Narray=self.logp_array.size
[docs] def get_background_vmr(self): """Computes the volume mixing ratio of the background gas in a mix Uses the fact that self.composition is a dictionary with the name of the molecules as keys and the vmr as values. vmr are either float or arrays. At this stage, the background gas should be identified by `self.bg_gas`, and its Vol. Mix. Ratio will be updated in the composition dict. """ other_vmr=0. for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if mol==self.bg_gas: continue try: other_vmr+=vmr except ValueError: raise TypeError('Incompatible shapes in Gas_mix arrays.') #if np.amax(other_vmr)>1.: # print("""Careful: the sum of the vmr of your gas components is > 1. # If there is a background gas, its vmr will become negative. # I hope you know what you are doing.""") self.composition[self.bg_gas]=1.-other_vmr
[docs] def normalize(self): """Renormalizes the vmr of all the gases so that the total be equal to 1. This works only if the vmr of 'inactive_gas' is not 0. """ vmr_inac = self.composition['inactive_gas'] for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if mol!='inactive_gas': self.composition[mol]=vmr/(1.-vmr_inac) else: self.composition[mol]=0.
[docs] def molar_mass(self): """Computes and returns the molar mass of a mix of gases Returns ------- float or array: Molar mass of the active gases in kg/mol """ mol_mass_active_gases=0. vmr_active_gases=0. for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if mol!='inactive_gas': Mmol=Molar_mass().fetch(mol) mol_mass_active_gases+=vmr*Mmol vmr_active_gases+=vmr mol_mass=mol_mass_active_gases/vmr_active_gases return mol_mass
[docs] def cp(self): """Computes and returns the specific heat capacity (cp) of a mix of gases Returns ------- float or array: Specific cp of the gas mix """ mol_cp_active_gases=0. vmr_active_gases=0. for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if mol != 'inactive_gas': cp_mol = Molar_heat_capacity().fetch(mol) mol_cp_active_gases += vmr * cp_mol vmr_active_gases += vmr mol_mass = self.molar_mass() return mol_cp_active_gases/vmr_active_gases/mol_mass
[docs] def get_vmr_array(self, sh=None): """Returns a dictionary with an array of vol. mix. ratios for each species. Parameters ---------- sh: set or list shape of the array wanted if all the vmr are floats. If some are already arrays, check whether the shape is the correct one. Returns ------- vmr_array: dict A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species. cst_array: boolean Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant. """ vmr_array=dict() cst_array=True for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if isinstance(vmr,(float,int)): vmr_array[mol]=np.ones(sh)*vmr else: cst_array=False vmr_array[mol]=np.array(vmr) # this np.array could probably go because vmr should be an array at this stage. if not np.array_equal(vmr_array[mol].shape, sh): print('molecule:',mol) print('requested shape:',sh,', molecule shape:',vmr_array[mol].shape) raise RuntimeError('Wrong shape in get_vmr_array') return vmr_array, cst_array
[docs] def get_q_array(self, sh=None): """Returns a dictionary with an array of specific concentrations for each species. Parameters ---------- sh: set or list shape of the array wanted if all the vmr are floats. If some are already arrays, check whether the shape is the correct one. Returns ------- q_array: dict A dictionary with the an array of specific concentration per species. cst_array: boolean Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant. """ q_array=dict() cst_array=True Mg = self.molar_mass() for mol,vmr in self.composition.items(): if mol!='inactive_gas': mmol=Molar_mass().fetch(mol) else: mmol=0. if isinstance(vmr,(float,int)): q_array[mol]=np.ones(sh)*vmr*mmol/Mg else: cst_array=False q_array[mol]=np.array(vmr)*mmol/Mg # this np.array could probably go because vmr should be an array at this stage. if not np.array_equal(q_array[mol].shape, sh): print('molecule:',mol) print('requested shape:',sh,', molecule shape:',q_array[mol].shape) raise RuntimeError('Wrong shape in get_vmr_array') return q_array, cst_array
[docs] def get_vmr_array_basic_molecules(self, sh=None): """Returns a dictionary with an array of vol. mix. ratios for each and decomposes gas mixtures into basic molecules. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- vmr_array_basic_mol: dictionary of arrays A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species. Each species is considered a basic molecule. vmr_array: dictionary of arrays A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species. Species in this dictionary can be a gas mixture. cst_array: boolean Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant. """ vmr_array_basic_mol=dict() cst_array=True vmr_array, tmp_cst_array = self.get_vmr_array(sh=sh) if not tmp_cst_array: cst_array=False for mol,vmr in vmr_array.items(): if mol in Known_composite_species().keys(): tmp, _, tmp_cst_array= \ Known_composite_species()[mol].get_vmr_array_basic_molecules(sh=sh) if not tmp_cst_array: cst_array=False for mol2,vmr2 in tmp.items(): if mol2 in vmr_array_basic_mol.keys(): vmr_array_basic_mol[mol2]+=vmr*vmr2 else: vmr_array_basic_mol[mol2]=vmr*vmr2 else: if mol in vmr_array_basic_mol.keys(): vmr_array_basic_mol[mol]+=vmr else: vmr_array_basic_mol[mol]=vmr return vmr_array_basic_mol, vmr_array, cst_array
[docs] def set_k_database(self, k_database=None): """Change the radiative database attached to the current instance of Gas_mix Parameters ---------- k_database: :class:`~exo_k.kdatabase.Kdatabase` object New Kdatabase to use. """ self.k_database=k_database if self.k_database is None: self.Ng=None else: self.Ng=self.k_database.Ng if self.k_database.p_unit != 'Pa' or rm_molec(self.k_database.kdata_unit) != 'm^2': print("""You're being Bad!!! You are trying *NOT* to use MKS units!!! You can convert to mks using convert_to_mks on your Kdatabase. More generally, you can specify exo_k.Settings().set_mks(True) to set MKS system as default for all newly loaded data, but beware that this global setting is overridden by local options specified during the loading. You will have to reload all your data though. (A good thing it does not take so long). """) raise RuntimeError("Bad units in the Kdatabase used with Gas_mix.") if (not self.k_database.consolidated_p_unit) \ or (not self.k_database.consolidated_kdata_unit): raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same units to proceed. You should probably use convert_to_mks().""")
[docs] def set_cia_database(self, cia_database=None): """Changes the CIA database attached to the current instance of Gas_mix Parameters ---------- cia_database: :class:`~exo_k.ciadatabase.CIAdatabase` object New CIAdatabase to use. """ self.cia_database=cia_database if self.cia_database is not None: if self.cia_database.abs_coeff_unit != 'm^5': print("""You're being Bad!!! You are trying *NOT* to use MKS units!!! You can convert to mks using convert_to_mks on your CIAdatabase. More generally, you can specify exo_k.Settings().set_mks(True) to set MKS system as default for all newly loaded data, but beware that this global setting is overridden by local options specified during the loading. You will have to reload all your data though. (A good thing it does not take so long). """) raise RuntimeError("Bad units in the CIAdatabase used with Gas_mix.")
[docs] def set_spectral_range(self, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Sets the default spectral range in which computations will be done by specifying either the wavenumber or the wavelength range. Parameters ---------- wn_range: list or array of size 2 Minimum and maximum wavenumber (in cm^-1). wl_range: list or array of size 2 Minimum and maximum wavelength (in micron) """ self._wn_range=self._compute_spectral_range(wn_range=wn_range, wl_range=wl_range)
[docs] def _compute_wn_range_indices(self, wn_range=None): """Compute the starting and ending indices to be used for current wn_range """ if wn_range is None: local_wn_range=self._wn_range else: local_wn_range=wn_range if local_wn_range is None: self.iw_min=0 self.iw_max=self.k_database.Nw else: self.iw_min, self.iw_max = np.where((self.k_database.wnedges > local_wn_range[0]) \ & (self.k_database.wnedges <= local_wn_range[1]))[0][[0,-1]]
# to be consistent with interpolate_kdata
[docs] def cross_section(self, composition=None, logp_array=None, t_array=None, wl_range=None, wn_range=None, rayleigh=True, write=0, random_overlap=False, logp_interp=True, use_basic_molecules=False, inactive_molecules=None, **kwargs): """Computes the cross section (m^2/total number of molecule) for the mix at each of the logPT points as a function of wavenumber (and possibly g point). Parameters ---------- wl_range: array, np.ndarray or list of two values, optional Wavelength range to cover. wn_range: array, np.ndarray or list of two values, optional Wavenumber range to cover. rayleigh: boolean, optional Whether to compute rayleigh scattering. random_overlap: boolean, optional Whether Ktable opacities are added linearly (False), or using random overlap method (True). Returns ------- kdata_array: array, np.ndarray Cross section array of shape (layer number, Nw (, Ng if corrk)). After every computation, the following variables are updated to account for any possible change in spectral range: * self.Nw, Number of wavenumber bins * self.wns, Wavenumber array * self.wnedges, Wavenumber of the edges of the bins """ if self.k_database is None: raise RuntimeError("""k_database not provided. Use the k_database keyword during initialization or use the set_k_database method.""") if not self.k_database.consolidated_wn_grid: raise RuntimeError(""" All tables in the database should have the same wavenumber grid to proceed. You should probably use bin_down().""") if self.cia_database is not None and \ (not np.array_equal(self.cia_database.wns,self.k_database.wns)): raise RuntimeError("""CIAdatabase not sampled on the right wavenumber grid. You should probably run something like CIAdatabase.sample(Kdatabase.wns).""") self.set_logPT(logp_array=logp_array, t_array=t_array) if self.Narray is None: raise RuntimeError('You must prescribe logP (in Pa) and T arrays first.') if composition is not None: self.set_composition(composition) if self.need_to_recompute_vmr_array: self.vmr_arr_base_mol, self.vmr_arr, self.cst_array = \ self.get_vmr_array_basic_molecules((self.Narray,)) self.need_to_recompute_vmr_array = False if write>6 : print('recomputed vmr array:', self.vmr_arr_base_mol, self.vmr_arr) if use_basic_molecules: molecs=self.vmr_arr_base_mol.keys() else: molecs=self.vmr_arr.keys() if inactive_molecules is not None: molecs = list(molecs) for inac_mol in inactive_molecules: molecs.remove(inac_mol) if write>6 : print('molecs:', molecs) mol_to_be_done=list(set(molecs).intersection(self.k_database.molecules)) if not mol_to_be_done: if 'total' in self.k_database.molecules: #special case where you have one ktable that describes the whole gas. mol_to_be_done=['total'] use_basic_molecules=False self.vmr_arr['total']=np.ones((self.Narray)) else: raise RuntimeError("""The k_database you provided should contain at least one molecule in your atm, or a ktable with the 'total' key.""") if all(elem in self.k_database.molecules for elem in molecs): if write>3 : print("""I have all the molecules present in the atmosphere in ktables provided:""") else: if write>3 : print("""Some missing molecules in my database, I ll compute opacites with the available ones:""") if write>3 : print(mol_to_be_done) # does what needs to be done to reduce the spectral range local_wn_range=self._compute_spectral_range(wl_range=wl_range, wn_range=wn_range) self._compute_wn_range_indices(wn_range=local_wn_range) self.wnedges=np.copy(self.k_database.wnedges[self.iw_min:self.iw_max+1]) self.dwnedges=np.diff(self.wnedges) self.wns=np.copy(self.k_database.wns[self.iw_min:self.iw_max]) # 2021: are these copy needed? self.Nw=self.wns.size first_mol=True if use_basic_molecules: vmr_arr_to_use = self.vmr_arr_base_mol else: vmr_arr_to_use = self.vmr_arr for mol in mol_to_be_done: tmp_kdata=self.k_database[mol].interpolate_kdata(logp_array=self.logp_array, t_array=self.t_array, x_array=vmr_arr_to_use[mol], wngrid_limit=local_wn_range, logp_interp=logp_interp, **kwargs) if first_mol: kdata_array=tmp_kdata first_mol=False else: if random_overlap and (self.k_database.Ng is not None): kdata_array=RandOverlap_2_kdata_prof(self.Narray, self.Nw, self.k_database.Ng, kdata_array,tmp_kdata, self.k_database.weights, self.k_database.ggrid) else: kdata_array+=tmp_kdata if rayleigh or (self.cia_database is not None): # continua always use base molecules cont_sig=np.zeros((self.Narray,self.Nw)) if rayleigh: if self.cst_array: cont_sig+=Rayleigh().sigma(self.wns, self.vmr_arr_base_mol) else: cont_sig+=Rayleigh().sigma_array(self.wns, self.vmr_arr_base_mol) self.kdata_scat=np.copy(cont_sig) if self.cia_database is not None: cont_sig+=self.cia_database.cia_cross_section(self.logp_array, self.t_array, self.vmr_arr_base_mol, wngrid_limit=local_wn_range, Nw=self.Nw) if self.k_database.Ng is None: kdata_array+=cont_sig else: kdata_array+=cont_sig[:,:,None] return kdata_array
[docs] def rosseland_mean_opacity(self, per_unit_mass = True, **kwargs): """Computes Rosseland mean opacities in area per unit of mass of matter. The unit for area is determined by the data used. In MKS,it will be m^2. """ kdata_array = self.cross_section(**kwargs) if self.Ng is not None: inv_kdata_array = np.sum(1./kdata_array * self.k_database.weights, axis=-1) else: inv_kdata_array = 1./kdata_array if per_unit_mass: mean_molecular_mass = self.molar_mass() / N_A else: mean_molecular_mass = 1. dBnudT = dBnudT_array(self.wns, self.t_array, self.Nw, self.Narray) norm = np.sum(dBnudT * self.dwnedges, axis=-1) norm /= mean_molecular_mass ovkappa = np.sum(dBnudT * inv_kdata_array * self.dwnedges, axis=-1) return norm / ovkappa
[docs] def planck_mean_opacity(self, t_blackbody, per_unit_mass = True, **kwargs): """Computes Plank mean opacities in area per unit of mass of matter. The unit for area is determined by the data used. In MKS,it will be m^2. """ kdata_array = self.cross_section(**kwargs) if self.Ng is not None: kdata_array = np.sum(kdata_array * self.k_database.weights, axis=-1) if per_unit_mass: mean_molecular_mass = self.molar_mass() / N_A else: mean_molecular_mass = 1. Bnu = Bnu_integral_num(self.wnedges, t_blackbody) norm = np.sum(Bnu) return np.sum(kdata_array * Bnu, axis=-1) / mean_molecular_mass / norm
def __getitem__(self, molecule): """Overrides getitem """ return self.composition[molecule] def __setitem__(self, molecule, vmr): """Overrides setitem and recomputes the background gas mixing ratio if needed """ if isinstance(vmr, str): self.bg_gas=molecule self.composition['inactive_gas']=0. else: if isinstance(vmr, list): self.composition[molecule]=np.array(vmr) else: self.composition[molecule]=vmr if molecule==self.bg_gas: self.bg_gas='inactive_gas' self.get_background_vmr()
[docs] def items(self): """Emulates dict.items() method """ return self.composition.items()
[docs] def values(self): """Emulates dict.values() method """ return self.composition.values()
[docs] def keys(self): """Emulates dict.keys() method """ return self.composition.keys()
def __repr__(self): """Method to output """ output='Volume mixing ratios in Gas_mix: \n' for mol, vmr in self.composition.items(): output+=mol+'->'+str(vmr)+'\n' return output
[docs] def copy(self): """Deep copy of the dict and arrays. The databases are not deep copied. """ res=Gas_mix(self.composition, bg_gas=self.bg_gas, k_database=self.k_database, cia_database=self.cia_database) res.logp_array=np.copy(self.logp_array) res.t_array=np.copy(self.t_array) res.Narray=self.Narray res._wn_range=np.copy(self._wn_range) res.iw_min=self.iw_min res.iw_max=self.iw_max
[docs] def mix_with(self, other_gas, vmr_other_gas): """Mix with other Gas_mix. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def __mul__(self, vmr): """Defines multiplication """ raise NotImplementedError() #composition=dict() #for mol,mol_vmr in self.composition.items(): # composition[mol]=vmr*mol_vmr #res=Gas_mix(composition, bg_gas=self.bg_gas) #return res __rmul__ = __mul__
[docs] class Known_composite_species(Singleton): """A class to store composite gas mixes that can be used in other gas mixes This class can also store the molar mass of custom gases with arbitrary names (for example: My_gas, earth_background). """
[docs] def init(self, *args, **kwds): """Initializes empty dictionary of custom molecular masses. """ self._known_composite_species={}
[docs] def add_species(self, species_dict): """Add one or several composite species to the database. Parameters ---------- species_dict: dict Keys are gases names (they do not have to be real molecules). Values are a gas_mix object. """ self._known_composite_species.update(species_dict) for species, gas_mix in species_dict.items(): Molar_mass().add_species({species: gas_mix.molar_mass()})
[docs] def items(self): """Emulates dict.items() method """ return self._known_composite_species.items()
[docs] def values(self): """Emulates dict.values() method """ return self._known_composite_species.values()
[docs] def keys(self): """Emulates dict.keys() method """ return self._known_composite_species.keys()
def __getitem__(self, molecule): """Overrides getitem """ return self._known_composite_species[molecule] def __setitem__(self, molecule, mix): """Overrides setitem """ self._known_composite_species[molecule]=mix