Source code for exo_k.cia_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte

A class to handle continuum absorption (CIA)

import os.path
import h5py
import numpy as np
from exo_k.util.filenames import EndOfFile
from .util.interp import linear_interpolation, interp_ind_weights, unit_convert
from .util.cst import KBOLTZ
from .settings import Settings
from exo_k.util.spectral_object import Spectral_object

[docs] class Cia_table(Spectral_object): """A class to handle CIA opacity data tables. .. important:: In the 2018 release of Hitran, some CIA files can contain data for multiple wavenumber range but for different temperatures in each range. This is not yet supported so only the first wavenumber range is used. For H2-H2 cia files, one should manually replace all the `n-H2 -- n-H2` in `H2-H2` for the format to be readable. """ def __init__(self, *filename_filters, filename=None, molecule_pair=None, search_path=None, mks=False, remove_zeros=False, old_cia_unit='cm^5', deltalog_min_value=0., wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Initialization for Cia_tables. Parameters ---------- filename: str, optional Relative or absolute name of the file to be loaded. filename_filters: sequence of string As many strings as necessary to uniquely define a file in the global search path defined with :func:`exo_k.settings.Settings.set_cia_search_path`. This path will be searched for a file with all the filename_filters in the name. The filename_filters can contain '*'. molecule_pair: list of size 2, optional The molecule pair we want to consider, specified as an array with two strings (like ['H2','H2'] or ['N2','H2O']). The order of the molecules in the pair is irrelevant. Other Parameters ---------------- old_cia_unit : str, optional String to specify the current cia unit if it is unspecified or if you have reasons to believe it is wrong (e.g. you just read a file where you know that the cia grid and the cia unit do not correspond). Available units are: 'cm^5', 'cm^2' that stand for cm^2/amagat, and 'cm^-1' that stand for cm^-1/amagat^2. remove_zeros: boolean, optional If True, the zeros in the kdata table are replaced by a value 10 orders of magnitude smaller than the smallest positive value search_path: str, optional If search_path is provided, it locally overrides the global search path defined with :func:`exo_k.settings.Settings.set_cia_search_path` and only files in `search_path` are returned. """ self._init_empty() self._settings=Settings() if filename is not None: self.filename=filename elif filename_filters or molecule_pair is not None: # a none empty sequence returns a True in a conditional statement self.filename=self._settings.list_cia_files(*filename_filters, molecule_pair=molecule_pair, only_one=True, search_path=search_path)[0] if self.filename is not None: if self.filename.lower().endswith(('h5','hdf5')): self.read_hdf5(self.filename, wn_range=wn_range, wl_range=wl_range) elif self.filename.lower().endswith('cia'): self.read_hitran_cia(self.filename, old_cia_unit=old_cia_unit) elif self.filename.lower().endswith('.dat'): self.read_CKD_cia(self.filename, old_cia_unit=old_cia_unit) else: raise RuntimeError('Cia file extension not known.') if self.abs_coeff is not None: if self._settings._convert_to_mks or mks: self.convert_to_mks() if remove_zeros : self.remove_zeros(deltalog_min_value = deltalog_min_value)
[docs] def _init_empty(self): """Initializes attributes to none. """ super().__init__() self.mol1=None self.mol2=None self.tgrid=None self.abs_coeff=None self.abs_coeff_unit='unspecified' self.Nw=None self.filename=None
[docs] def read_hitran_cia(self, filename, old_cia_unit='cm^5'): """Reads hitran cia files and load temperature, wavenumber, and absorption coefficient grid. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be read. old_cia_unit: str, optional Units found in the file. """ tmp_tgrid=[] tmp_abs_coeff=[] First=True with open(filename, 'r') as file: while True: try: Nw, Temp = self._read_header(file) except EndOfFile: break except: print(""" The .cia format your are using must not be supported. This can happen with the 2018 release of the hitran CIA coefficients. In particular, for some couple of molecules, the name is written with spaces but exo_k only recognizes formats without spaces for now (for example: \'n-H2 -- n-H2\' should be \'H2-H2\'). You can try replacing these in the files or contact me. """) raise RuntimeError('Bad .cia file format.') tmp_abs_coeff2 = list() if First: tmp_wns=[] for _ in range(Nw): #as iterator not used, can be replaced by _ line=file.readline() tmp=line.split() tmp_wns.append(float(tmp[0])) tmp_abs_coeff2.append(float(tmp[1])) self.wns=np.array(tmp_wns) self.Nw=self.wns.size First = False else: if Nw != self.Nw: break # in 2018 format, there can be data for several # wavenumber range in the same file # but not for the same temperatures. # We take only the first set for now. for _ in range(Nw): line=file.readline() tmp=line.split() tmp_abs_coeff2.append(float(tmp[1])) tmp_abs_coeff.append(tmp_abs_coeff2) tmp_tgrid.append(Temp) self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.tgrid=np.array(tmp_tgrid) self.abs_coeff=np.array(tmp_abs_coeff) self.abs_coeff_unit=old_cia_unit self.Nt=self.tgrid.size
[docs] def _read_header(self, file): """Reads the header lines in a Hitran CIA file. Parameters ---------- file: file stream file to be read. """ line=file.readline() if line is None or line=='': raise EndOfFile tmp = line.split() self.mol1,self.mol2 = tmp[0].split('-') Nw = int(tmp[3]) Temp = float(tmp[4]) return Nw, Temp
[docs] def read_hdf5(self, filename, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Reads hdf5 cia files and load temperature, wavenumber, and absorption coefficient grid. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be read. """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: self.wns=f['bin_centers'][...] self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) iw_min, iw_max = self.select_spectral_range(wn_range, wl_range) self.Nw=self.wns.size self.abs_coeff=f['abs_coeff'][..., iw_min:iw_max] self.abs_coeff_unit=f['abs_coeff'].attrs['units'] self.tgrid=f['t'][...] if 'cia_pair' in f: tmp=f['cia_pair'][()] if isinstance(tmp, bytes): tmp=tmp.decode('UTF-8') self.mol1,self.mol2=tmp.split('-') elif 'cia_pair' in f.attrs: self.mol1,self.mol2=f.attrs['cia_pair'].split('-') self.Nt=self.tgrid.size
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, filename): """Writes hdf5 cia files. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be written. """ if not filename.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')): filename=filename+'.h5' with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as f: f.create_dataset("bin_centers", data=self.wns,compression="gzip") f.create_dataset("t", data=self.tgrid,compression="gzip") f.create_dataset("abs_coeff", data=self.abs_coeff,compression="gzip") f["abs_coeff"].attrs["units"] = self.abs_coeff_unit f.create_dataset("cia_pair", data=self.mol1+'-'+self.mol2)
[docs] def write_cia(self, filename): """Writes simplified .cia files. To be consistent with Hitran CIA files, data is converted back to cm^5 before writing. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be written. """ if not filename.lower().endswith(('.cia')): filename=filename+'.cia' _,conversion_factor=unit_convert( \ 'abs_coeff_unit',unit_file=self.abs_coeff_unit, unit_in=self.abs_coeff_unit,unit_out='cm^5') to_write=conversion_factor*self.abs_coeff with open(filename, "w") as f: for i_t, t in enumerate(self.tgrid): header=""" {m1}-{m2} {w1} {w2} {Nw} {T}\n""".format( m1=self.mol1, m2=self.mol2, w1=self.wns[0], w2=self.wns[-1], Nw=self.Nw, T=t) f.write(header) for i_w, wn in enumerate(self.wns): line=str(wn)+' '+str(to_write[i_t,i_w])+'\n' f.write(line)
[docs] def sample(self, wngrid, remove_zeros=False, use_grid_filter=False, **kwargs): """Method to re sample a cia table to a new grid of wavenumbers (inplace). Parameters ---------- wngrid : array, np.ndarray new wavenumber grid (cm-1) use_grid_filter: boolean, optional If true, the table is sampled only within the boundaries of its current wavenumber grid. The coefficients are set to zero elswere (except if remove_zeros is set to True). If false, the values at the boundaries are used when sampling outside the grid. """ wngrid=np.array(wngrid) #min_val=np.amin(self.abs_coeff) Nnew=wngrid.size #wngrid_filter = np.where((wngrid <= self.wnedges[-1]) & (wngrid >= self.wnedges[0]))[0] if use_grid_filter: wngrid_filter = np.where((wngrid <= self.wns[-1]) & (wngrid >= self.wns[0]))[0] else: wngrid_filter = np.ones(Nnew,dtype=bool) new_abs_coeff=np.zeros((self.Nt,Nnew)) for iT in range(self.Nt): tmp=self.abs_coeff[iT,:] new_abs_coeff[iT,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) self.abs_coeff=new_abs_coeff self.wns=wngrid self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.Nw=Nnew if remove_zeros : self.remove_zeros(**kwargs)
[docs] def sample_cp(self, wngrid, **kwargs): """Creates a copy of the object before resampling it. Parameters ---------- See sample method for details. Returns ------- :class:`Cia_table` object the re-sampled :class:`Cia_table` """ res=self.copy() res.sample(wngrid, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def interpolate_cia(self, t_array=None, log_interp=None, wngrid_limit=None): """interpolate_cia interpolates the kdata at on a given temperature profile. Parameters ---------- t_array: float or array Temperature array to interpolate to. If a float is given, it is interpreted as an array of size 1. wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. log_interp: bool, optional Whether the interpolation is linear in kdata or in log(kdata). Returns ------- array of shape (logp_array.size, self.Nw) The interpolated kdata. """ if hasattr(t_array, "__len__"): t_array=np.array(t_array) else: t_array=np.array([t_array]) tind,tweight=interp_ind_weights(t_array,self.tgrid) if wngrid_limit is None: wngrid_filter = slice(None) Nw=self.Nw else: wngrid_limit=np.array(wngrid_limit) wngrid_filter = np.where((self.wnedges > wngrid_limit.min()) & ( self.wnedges <= wngrid_limit.max()))[0][:-1] Nw=wngrid_filter.size res=np.zeros((tind.size,Nw)) if log_interp is None: log_interp=self._settings._log_interp if log_interp: for ii in range(tind.size): kc_t1=np.log(self.abs_coeff[tind[ii]][wngrid_filter].ravel()) kc_t0=np.log(self.abs_coeff[tind[ii]-1][wngrid_filter].ravel()) res[ii]=linear_interpolation(kc_t0, kc_t1, tweight[ii]) return np.exp(res) else: for ii in range(tind.size): #kc_t1=self.abs_coeff[tind[ii]] kc_t1=self.abs_coeff[tind[ii]][wngrid_filter].ravel() kc_t0=self.abs_coeff[tind[ii]-1][wngrid_filter].ravel() res[ii]=linear_interpolation(kc_t0, kc_t1, tweight[ii]) return res
[docs] def equivalent_xsec(self, logP, T, x_mol2, wngrid_limit=None): """Computes the cross section due to CIA in area per molecule of type 1. """ n_density=10**logP/(KBOLTZ*T) return self.interpolate_cia(t_array=T,wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit)*n_density*x_mol2
[docs] def effective_cross_section(self, logP, T, x_mol1, x_mol2, wngrid_limit=None): """Computes the total cross section for a molecule pair (in m^2 per total number of molecules; assumes data in MKS). Parameters ---------- logP: float or array Log10 of the pressure (Pa). T: float or array Temperature (K). x_mol1/2: float or array Volume mixing ratio of the 1st and 2nd molecule of the pair. wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. Returns ------- float or array total cross section for the molecule pair in m^2 per total number of molecules. """ x_x_n_density=10**logP/(KBOLTZ*T)*x_mol1*x_mol2 #return self.interpolate_cia( \ # T,wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit)*n_density[:,None]*n_density[:,None]*x_mol1*x_mol2 tmp=self.interpolate_cia(t_array=T, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit) return (x_x_n_density*tmp.transpose()).transpose()
# trick for the broadcasting to work whether x_x_n_density is a float or an array
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, ax, t=200., x_axis='wls', xscale=None, yscale=None, **kwarg): """Plot the spectrum for a given point Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`pyplot.Axes` A pyplot axes instance where to put the plot. t: float temperature(K) x_axis: str, optional If 'wls', x axis is wavelength. Wavenumber otherwise. x/yscale: str, optional If 'log' log axes are used. """ toplot=self.interpolate_cia(t)[0] if x_axis == 'wls': ax.plot(self.wls,toplot,**kwarg) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (micron)') else: ax.plot(self.wns,toplot,**kwarg) ax.set_xlabel('Wavenumber (cm$^{-1}$)') ax.set_ylabel('Abs. coeff') if xscale is not None: ax.set_xscale(xscale) if yscale is not None: ax.set_yscale(yscale)
[docs] def convert_abs_coeff_unit(self,abs_coeff_unit='unspecified',old_abs_coeff_unit='unspecified'): """Converts abs_coeff to a new unit (inplace). Parameters ---------- abs_coeff_unit: str String to identify the units to convert to. Accepts 'cm^5', 'm^5'. or any length^5 unit recognized by the astropy.units library. If ='unspecified', no conversion is done. old_abs_coeff_unit : str, optional String to specify the current kdata unit if it is unspecified or if you have reasons to believe it is wrong (e.g. you just read a file where you know that the kdata grid and the kdata unit do not correspond) """ if abs_coeff_unit==old_abs_coeff_unit: return tmp_k_u_in=old_abs_coeff_unit tmp_k_u_out=abs_coeff_unit tmp_k_u_file=self.abs_coeff_unit self.abs_coeff_unit,conversion_factor=unit_convert( \ 'abs_coeff_unit',unit_file=tmp_k_u_file,unit_in=tmp_k_u_in,unit_out=tmp_k_u_out) self.abs_coeff=self.abs_coeff*conversion_factor
[docs] def convert_to_mks(self, verbose=False): """Converts units to MKS """ message=None if self.abs_coeff_unit=='cm^5': message='Conversion from cm^5 to m^5' self.convert_abs_coeff_unit(abs_coeff_unit='m^5') elif self.abs_coeff_unit in ['cm^2','m^2']: message='Conversion from '+self.abs_coeff_unit+'/amagat to m^5' self.convert_abs_coeff_unit(abs_coeff_unit='m^2') self.abs_coeff=self.abs_coeff*(KBOLTZ*273.15/101325.0) #conversion from m^2/amagat to m^5 elif self.abs_coeff_unit in ['cm^-1','m^-1']: message='Conversion from '+self.abs_coeff_unit+'/amagat^2 to m^5' self.convert_abs_coeff_unit(abs_coeff_unit='m^-1') self.abs_coeff=self.abs_coeff*(KBOLTZ*273.15/101325.0)**2 #conversion from m^-1/amagat^2 to m^5 else: return if verbose and message is not None: print(message) self.abs_coeff_unit='m^5' return
[docs] def remove_zeros(self, deltalog_min_value=0., **kwargs): """Finds zeros in the abs_coeff and set them to (10.^-deltalog_min_value) times the minimum positive value in the table (inplace). This is to be able to work in logspace. """ mask = np.zeros(self.abs_coeff.shape,dtype=bool) mask[np.nonzero(self.abs_coeff)] = True minvalue=np.amin(self.abs_coeff[mask]) self.abs_coeff[~mask]=minvalue/(10.**deltalog_min_value)
def __repr__(self): """Method to output header """ output=""" file : {file} molecule pair : {mol1} - {mol2} t grid (K) : {t} abs coeff : {abs_coeff} """.format(file=self.filename,mol1=self.mol1, mol2=self.mol2, \ t=self.tgrid,abs_coeff=self.abs_coeff) return output def __getitem__(self,key): """Overrides getitem. """ return self.abs_coeff[key]
[docs] def copy(self): """Creates a new instance of :class:`CIA_table` object and (deep) copies data into it """ res=Cia_table() res.mol1 = self.mol1 res.mol2 = self.mol2 res.wns = np.copy(self.wns) res.wnedges = np.copy(self.wnedges) res.tgrid = np.copy(self.tgrid) res.abs_coeff = np.copy(self.abs_coeff) res.abs_coeff_unit = self.abs_coeff_unit res.Nt = self.Nt res.Nw = self.Nw res.filename = self.filename res._settings=Settings() return res
[docs] def read_CKD_cia(self, filename, old_cia_unit='cm^2'): """Reads hitran cia files and load temperature, wavenumber, and absorption coefficient grid. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be read. """ self.tgrid=np.array([200., 250., 300., 350., 400., 450., 500., 550., 600., 650., 700.]) self.Nt=self.tgrid.size self.abs_coeff=np.loadtxt(filename, skiprows=1, unpack=True) self.mol1='H2O' if 'SELF' in os.path.basename(filename): self.mol2='H2O' else: self.mol2='N2' nu_name=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),'H2O_CONT_NU.dat') self.wns=np.loadtxt(nu_name, skiprows=1, unpack=True) self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.abs_coeff_unit=old_cia_unit self.Nw=self.wns.size
# # amagatS=(273.15/temp)*(presS/101325.0) # # amagatF=(273.15/temp)*(presF/101325.0) # # # abcoef = abcoefS*amagatS + abcoefF*amagatF ! Eq. (15) in Clough (1989) # # abcoef = abcoef*(presS/(presF+presS)) ! take H2O mixing ratio into account # # ! abs coeffs are given per molecule of H2O # # # Nmolec = (presS+presF)/(kB*temp) ! assume ideal gas #! print*,'Total number of molecules per m^3 is',Nmolec # # abcoef = (abcoefS*x_H2O + abcoefF*(1-x_other))*(k_b*273.15/101325.0)*x_H2O # *Nmolec*2/(100.0**2) ! convert to m^-1
[docs] def effective_cross_section2(self, logP, T, x_mol1, x_mol2, wngrid_limit=None): """Obsolete. Computes the total cross section for a molecule pair (in m^2 per total number of molecules; assumes data in MKS). """ x_x_n_density=10**logP/(KBOLTZ*T)*x_mol1*x_mol2 #return self.interpolate_cia( \ # T,wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit)*n_density[:,None]*n_density[:,None]*x_mol1*x_mol2 tmp=self.interpolate_cia(t_array=T, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit) return x_x_n_density[:,None]*tmp