Source code for exo_k.atable

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte

A class to handle continuum absorption (CIA)

import os.path
import h5py
import numpy as np
from .settings import Settings
from .util.interp import linear_interpolation, interp_ind_weights
from .util.filenames import _read_array
from .util.spectral_object import Spectral_object
from .util.cst import PI

[docs] class Atable(Spectral_object): """A class to handle aerosol optical properties in table form. """ def __init__(self, *filename_filters, filename=None, aerosol_name=None, search_path=None, mks=False, remove_zeros=False, N_per_line=5, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Initialization for Atables. Parameters ---------- filename: str, optional Relative or absolute name of the file to be loaded. filename_filters: sequence of string As many strings as necessary to uniquely define a file in the global search path defined in :class:`~exo_k.settings.Settings`. This path will be searched for a file with all the filename_filters in the name. The filename_filters can contain '*'. Other Parameters ---------------- search_path: str, optional If search_path is provided, it locally overrides the global _search_path in :class:`~exo_k.settings.Settings` and only files in search_path are returned. """ self._init_empty() self._settings=Settings() if filename is not None: self.filename=filename elif filename_filters : # a none empty sequence returns a True in a conditional statement self.filename=self._settings.list_files(*filename_filters, only_one=True, search_path=search_path, path_type='aerosol')[0] if self.filename is not None: if self.filename.lower().endswith(('h5','hdf5')): self.read_hdf5(self.filename, aerosol_name=aerosol_name, wn_range=wn_range, wl_range=wl_range) elif self.filename.lower().endswith('.dat'): self.read_LMDZ(self.filename, aerosol_name=aerosol_name, N_per_line=N_per_line) else: raise RuntimeError('Aerosol optical property file extension not known.') if self.ext_coeff is not None: if self._settings._convert_to_mks or mks: self.convert_to_mks() if remove_zeros: self.remove_zeros()
[docs] def _init_empty(self): """Initializes attributes to none. """ super().__init__() self.aerosol_name=None self.ext_coeff=None self.single_scat_alb=None self.asymmetry_factor=None self.r_eff_grid=None self.r_eff_unit=None self.Nr=None self.filename=None
[docs] def read_LMDZ(self, filename, aerosol_name=None, N_per_line=5): """Reads LMDZ like optical properties files. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be read. """ with open(filename, 'r') as file: _=file.readline() self.Nw=int(file.readline()) _=file.readline() self.Nr=int(file.readline()) _=file.readline() self.wns=_read_array(file, self.Nw, N_per_line=N_per_line, revert=True) self.wns=.01/self.wns # conversion from m to cm^-1 _=file.readline() self.r_eff_grid=_read_array(file, self.Nr, N_per_line=N_per_line, revert=False) # read ext coeff _=file.readline() self.ext_coeff=self._read_arrays(file, self.Nw, self.Nr, N_per_line=N_per_line) # read albedo _=file.readline() self.single_scat_alb=self._read_arrays(file, self.Nw, self.Nr, N_per_line=N_per_line) # read asymmetry factor _=file.readline() self.asymmetry_factor=self._read_arrays(file, self.Nw, self.Nr, N_per_line=N_per_line) self.r_eff_unit='m' if aerosol_name: self.aerosol_name=aerosol_name else: self.aerosol_name=os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[0]
[docs] def _read_arrays(self, file, Nvalue, Narray, N_per_line=5): """Reads an array in an optical property LMDZ file. Assumes that the arrays are arranged 5 values per line. Parameters ---------- file: file stream File to be read. Nvalue: int Number of values to be read in each array. Narray: int Number of arrays to be read. N_per_line: int Number of values per lines Returns ------- Array A numpy array with the values. """ Nline=Nvalue//N_per_line if Nvalue%N_per_line != 0: Nline+=1 new_array=np.zeros((Narray,Nvalue)) for ii in range(Narray): file.readline() new_array[ii]=_read_array(file, Nvalue, N_per_line=N_per_line, Nline=Nline, revert=True) return new_array
[docs] def read_hdf5(self, filename, aerosol_name=None, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Reads hdf5 cia files and load temperature, wavenumber, and absorption coefficient grid. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be read. """ with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as f: if aerosol_name: self.aerosol_name=aerosol_name else: self.aerosol_name=f['aerosol_name'][()] if isinstance(self.aerosol_name, bytes): self.aerosol_name=self.aerosol_name.decode('UTF-8') self.wns=f['bin_centers'][...] self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.Nw = self.wns.size iw_min, iw_max = self.select_spectral_range(wn_range, wl_range) if 'units' in f['bin_centers'].attrs: self.wn_unit=f['bin_centers'].attrs['units'] self.ext_coeff=f['ext_coeff'][..., iw_min:iw_max] self.single_scat_alb=f['single_scat_alb'][..., iw_min:iw_max] self.asymmetry_factor=f['asymmetry_factor'][..., iw_min:iw_max] self.r_eff_grid=f['r_eff'][...] self.r_eff_unit=f['r_eff'].attrs['units'] self.Nr=self.r_eff_grid.size
[docs] def write_hdf5(self, filename): """Writes hdf5 cia files. Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to be written. """ if not filename.lower().endswith(('.hdf5', '.h5')): filename=filename+'.h5' with h5py.File(filename, 'w') as f: compression="gzip" f.create_dataset("aerosol_name", data=self.aerosol_name) f.create_dataset("bin_centers", data=self.wns, compression=compression) f.create_dataset("r_eff", data=self.r_eff_grid, compression=compression) f.create_dataset("ext_coeff", data=self.ext_coeff, compression=compression) f.create_dataset("single_scat_alb", data=self.single_scat_alb, compression=compression) f.create_dataset("asymmetry_factor", data=self.asymmetry_factor, compression=compression) f["bin_centers"].attrs["units"] = self.wn_unit f["r_eff"].attrs["units"] = self.r_eff_unit
[docs] def sample(self, wngrid, remove_zeros=False, use_grid_filter=False, sample_all_vars=True, **kwargs): """Method to re sample an Atable to a new grid of wavenumbers (in place) Parameters ---------- wngrid : array, np.ndarray new wavenumber grid (cm-1) use_grid_filter: boolean, optional If true, the table is sampled only within the boundaries of its current wavenumber grid. The coefficients are set to zero elswere (except if remove_zeros is set to True). If false, the values at the boundaries are used when sampling outside the grid. sample_all_vars: boolean, optional Whether to sample the single_scattering albedo and asymmetry_factor as well. """ wngrid=np.array(wngrid) Nnew=wngrid.size if use_grid_filter: wngrid_filter = np.where((wngrid <= self.wns[-1]) & (wngrid >= self.wns[0]))[0] else: wngrid_filter = np.ones(Nnew,dtype=bool) new_values=np.zeros((self.Nr, Nnew)) for iR in range(self.Nr): tmp=self.ext_coeff[iR,:] new_values[iR,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) self.ext_coeff=new_values if sample_all_vars : new_values=np.zeros((self.Nr, Nnew)) new_values2=np.zeros((self.Nr, Nnew)) for iR in range(self.Nr): tmp=self.single_scat_alb[iR,:] new_values[iR,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) tmp=self.asymmetry_factor[iR,:] new_values2[iR,wngrid_filter]=np.interp(wngrid[wngrid_filter],self.wns,tmp) self.single_scat_alb=new_values self.asymmetry_factor=new_values2 self.wns=wngrid self.wnedges=np.concatenate(([self.wns[0]],0.5*(self.wns[1:]+self.wns[:-1]),[self.wns[-1]])) self.Nw=Nnew if remove_zeros : self.remove_zeros(**kwargs)
[docs] def sample_cp(self, wngrid, **kwargs): """Creates a copy of the object before resampling it. Parameters ---------- See sample method for details. Returns ------- :class:`Atable` object the re-sampled :class:`Atable` """ res=self.copy() res.sample(wngrid, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def interpolate_optical_properties(self, r_array=None, var_type=0, log_interp=None, wngrid_limit=None): """interpolate_cia interpolates the kdata at on a given temperature profile. Parameters ---------- r_array: float or array Effective radius array to interpolate to. If a float is given, it is interpreted as an array of size 1. var_type: int type of data to interpolate: * 0 is extinction coefficient * 1 is single scattering albedo * 2 is asymmetry factor wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. log_interp: bool, optional Whether the interpolation is linear in kdata or in log(kdata). """ if hasattr(r_array, "__len__"): r_array=np.array(r_array) else: r_array=np.array([r_array]) rind,rweight=interp_ind_weights(r_array,self.r_eff_grid) if wngrid_limit is None: wngrid_filter = slice(None) Nw=self.Nw else: wngrid_limit=np.array(wngrid_limit) wngrid_filter = np.where((self.wnedges > wngrid_limit.min()) & ( self.wnedges <= wngrid_limit.max()))[0][:-1] Nw=wngrid_filter.size if log_interp is None: log_interp=self._settings._log_interp_aerosol if var_type == -1: return [interp_data(self.ext_coeff, rind, rweight, Nw, wngrid_filter, log_interp), interp_data(self.single_scat_alb, rind, rweight, Nw, wngrid_filter, log_interp), interp_data(self.asymmetry_factor, rind, rweight, Nw, wngrid_filter, log_interp) ] if var_type == 0: data_to_interp=self.ext_coeff elif var_type == 1: data_to_interp=self.single_scat_alb else: data_to_interp=self.asymmetry_factor return interp_data(data_to_interp, rind, rweight, Nw, wngrid_filter, log_interp)
[docs] def cross_section(self, r_array, wngrid_limit=None, log_interp=None): """Computes the cross section due to the aerosol in area per particles. Parameters ---------- r_array: float or array Effective radius array to interpolate to. If a float is given, it is interpreted as an array of size 1. Other Parameters ---------------- wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. log_interp: bool, optional Whether the interpolation is linear in kdata or in log(kdata). """ if hasattr(r_array, "__len__"): r_array=np.array(r_array) else: r_array=np.array([r_array]) area=PI*r_array**2 return (area*self.interpolate_optical_properties(r_array=r_array, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit, log_interp=log_interp).transpose()).transpose()
[docs] def absorption_coefficient(self, r_array, n_density, wngrid_limit=None, log_interp=None): """Computes the opacity due to the aerosols. .. warning:: If n_density is the number density of aerosol particles (in m^-3), then the result is the absorption coefficient in m^-1. If n_density is the ratio of the number density of aerosol particles normalized to the number density of gas molecules (dimless), then the result is a cross section (in m^2) for aerosols normalized "per gas molecule". This latter choice allows us to directly add it to gaseous cross sections later-on without further normalizations. This is what needs to be used when coupling with the atmospheric model. Parameters ---------- r_array: float or 1d array Effective radius array to interpolate to. If a float is given, it is interpreted as an array of size 1. n_density: float or 1d array (same dim as r_array) Number density of aerosol or ratio of aerosol to gas particle number density (see above). Other Parameters ---------------- wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. log_interp: bool, optional Whether the interpolation is linear in kdata or in log(kdata). """ if hasattr(r_array, "__len__"): r_array=np.array(r_array) else: r_array=np.array([r_array]) factor=np.array(n_density)*PI*r_array**2 return (factor*self.interpolate_optical_properties(r_array=r_array, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit, log_interp=log_interp).transpose()).transpose()
[docs] def optical_properties(self, r_array, n_density, wngrid_limit=None, log_interp=None, compute_all_opt_prop=True): """Computes all the optical properties for the aerosols. .. warning:: If n_density is the number density of aerosol particles (in m^-3), then kdata is the absorption coefficient in m^-1. If n_density is the ratio of the number density of aerosol particles normalized to the number density of gas molecules (dimless), then kdata is a cross section (in m^2) for aerosols normalized "per gas molecule". This latter choice allows us to directly add it to gaseous cross sections later-on without further normalizations. This is what needs to be used when coupling with the atmospheric model. Parameters ---------- r_array: float or 1d array Effective radius array to interpolate to. If a float is given, it is interpreted as an array of size 1. n_density: float or 1d array (same dim as r_array) Number density of aerosol or ratio of aerosol to gas particle number density (see above). Other Parameters ---------------- wngrid_limit: array, np.ndarray, optional If an array is given, interpolates only within this array. log_interp: bool, optional Whether the interpolation is linear in kdata or in log(kdata). """ if hasattr(r_array, "__len__"): r_array=np.array(r_array) else: r_array=np.array([r_array]) factor=np.array(n_density)*PI*r_array**2 if compute_all_opt_prop: Q, omeg, g = self.interpolate_optical_properties(r_array=r_array, var_type=-1, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit, log_interp=log_interp) kdata = (factor*Q.transpose()).transpose() return [kdata, kdata*omeg, g] else: Q = self.interpolate_optical_properties(r_array=r_array, var_type=0, wngrid_limit=wngrid_limit, log_interp=log_interp) kdata = (factor*Q.transpose()).transpose() return [kdata, 0., 0.]
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, ax, r=1.e-6, x_axis='wls', xscale=None, yscale=None, var_type=0, **kwarg): """Plot the spectrum for a given point Parameters ---------- ax : :class:`pyplot.Axes` A pyplot axes instance where to put the plot. r: float Effective radius (m) x_axis: str, optional If 'wls', x axis is wavelength. Wavenumber otherwise. x/yscale: str, optional If 'log' log axes are used. """ toplot=self.interpolate_optical_properties(r_array=r, var_type=var_type)[0] if var_type==0: ax.set_ylabel('Ext. coeff') elif var_type==1: ax.set_ylabel('Single Scat. Albedo') else: ax.set_ylabel('Ass. factor') if x_axis == 'wls': ax.plot(self.wls,toplot,**kwarg) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (micron)') else: ax.plot(self.wns,toplot,**kwarg) ax.set_xlabel('Wavenumber (cm$^{-1}$)') if xscale is not None: ax.set_xscale(xscale) if yscale is not None: ax.set_yscale(yscale)
[docs] def convert_to_mks(self): """Converts units to MKS """ pass
[docs] def rindex(self, r): """Finds the index corresponding to the given radius r (units must be the same as the ktable) """ return min(np.searchsorted(self.r_eff_grid,r),self.Nr-1)
[docs] def remove_zeros(self, deltalog_min_value=0.): """Finds zeros in the ext_coeff and set them to (10.^-deltalog_min_value) times the minimum positive value in the table. This is to be able to work in logspace. """ mask = np.zeros(self.ext_coeff.shape,dtype=bool) mask[np.nonzero(self.ext_coeff)] = True minvalue=np.amin(self.ext_coeff[mask]) self.ext_coeff[~mask]=minvalue/(10.**deltalog_min_value)
def __repr__(self): """Method to output header """ output=""" file : {file} aerosol name : {name} reff grid : {r} reff unit : {runit} wavenumber : {w} ext coeff : {ext_coeff} albedo : {alb} asymmetry : {ass} """.format(file=self.filename,name=self.aerosol_name, r=self.r_eff_grid, runit = self.r_eff_unit, w=self.wns,ext_coeff=self.ext_coeff, alb=self.single_scat_alb, ass=self.asymmetry_factor) return output def __getitem__(self, key): """Overrides getitem. """ return self.ext_coeff[key]
[docs] def copy(self): """Creates a new instance of :class:`Atable` object and (deep) copies data into it """ res=Atable() res.aerosol_name = self.aerosol_name res.wns = np.copy(self.wns) res.wn_unit = self.wn_unit res.wnedges = np.copy(self.wnedges) res.r_eff_grid = np.copy(self.r_eff_grid) res.r_eff_unit = self.r_eff_unit res.ext_coeff = np.copy(self.ext_coeff) res.single_scat_alb = np.copy(self.single_scat_alb) res.asymmetry_factor = np.copy(self.asymmetry_factor) res.Nr = self.Nr res.Nw = self.Nw res.filename = self.filename return res
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate_spectral_range(cls, atab1, atab2, verbose=False): """Combine the instance of atable with another one for which there is some overlap of the spectral range. """ if atab2.wns[-1] < atab1.wns[-1]: atab1,atab2 = atab2,atab1 id_keep_ir = list(map(lambda num: num not in atab2.wns, atab1.wns)) new_atab = atab1.copy() if verbose: print(atab2.ext_coeff.shape) new_atab.ext_coeff = np.concatenate( \ (atab1.ext_coeff[:,id_keep_ir], atab2.ext_coeff[...]), axis=1) new_atab.single_scat_alb = np.concatenate( \ (atab1.single_scat_alb[:,id_keep_ir], atab2.single_scat_alb[...]), axis=1) new_atab.asymmetry_factor = np.concatenate( \ (atab1.asymmetry_factor[:,id_keep_ir], atab2.asymmetry_factor[...]), axis=1) new_atab.wns = np.concatenate((atab1.wns[id_keep_ir], atab2.wns)) new_atab.Nw = len(new_atab.wns) if verbose: print(atab1.wns, atab2.wns, new_atab.wns) return new_atab
[docs] def combine_tables(aerosol_name, *atables): """Combine several tables representing the same aerosol type for different wavelength range. Deprecated, use concatenate_spectral_range """ r_eff_grid=atables[0].r_eff_grid order=np.argsort([atable.wns[0] for atable in atables]) ordered_atables=np.array(atables)[order] #print(ordered_atables) res=ordered_atables[0].copy() r_eff_grid=res.r_eff_grid wns_max=res.wns[-1] for atable in ordered_atables[1:]: if np.any(atable.r_eff_grid != r_eff_grid): raise RuntimeError('Not the same r_eff grid for all tables') print(atable.wns[0], wns_max) if atable.wns[0]<wns_max: raise RuntimeError('Overlapping wavenumber range') else: wns_max=atable.wns[-1] res.wns=np.concatenate([atable.wns[:-1] for atable in ordered_atables]) res.Nw=res.wns.size res.ext_coeff=np.concatenate([atable.ext_coeff[:,:-1] for atable in ordered_atables], axis=1) res.single_scat_alb=np.concatenate( [atable.single_scat_alb[:,:-1] for atable in ordered_atables], axis=1) res.asymmetry_factor=np.concatenate( [atable.asymmetry_factor[:,:-1] for atable in ordered_atables], axis=1) res.aerosol_name=aerosol_name return res
[docs] def interp_data(data_to_interp, rind, rweight, Nw, wngrid_filter, log_interp): res=np.zeros((rind.size,Nw)) if log_interp: for ii in range(rind.size): kc_t1=np.log(data_to_interp[rind[ii]][wngrid_filter].ravel()) kc_t0=np.log(data_to_interp[rind[ii]-1][wngrid_filter].ravel()) res[ii]=linear_interpolation(kc_t0, kc_t1, rweight[ii]) return np.exp(res) else: for ii in range(rind.size): kc_t1=data_to_interp[rind[ii]][wngrid_filter].ravel() kc_t0=data_to_interp[rind[ii]-1][wngrid_filter].ravel() res[ii]=linear_interpolation(kc_t0, kc_t1, rweight[ii]) return res