Muriel Gargaud
CNRS Research Director - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux, UMR 5804, Université Bordeaux 1
Version anglaise

Chapitres de livres à comité de lecture

C.L.5 Gargaud M, Tirard S, 2011
Astronomy at the frontiers of science, collection ISPT, Springer
Exobiology : an example of interdisciplinarity on the field

C.L.4 Gargaud M, McCarroll, 2004
Atomic, molecular and physical handbook, American Institute of Physics
Ion-atom charge transfer reaction at low energies

C.L.3 Gargaud, M, McCarroll, R, 1996
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Handbook , American Institute of Physics
Ion-atom charge transfer reaction at low energies 49, p578

C.L.2. Ramillon, M., Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R 1994,
American Institute of Physics  Conference proceedings 312, p 519
Reaction of C+ ions with molecules at low temperatures.

C.L.1. Gargaud, M, Hanssen, J, McCarroll, R, Valiron, P,1982
Physics of electronic and atomic collision, S. Datz (editor), North Holland,  708-718:
Electron capture in slow C+4/H collisions.