Muriel Gargaud
Livres et publications / Articles |
Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture
P.35 Gargaud M, Mustin Ch, Reisse J, 2009
Palevol, Vol 8, n°7, p593-600
Biomarkers versus potential life indicators |
P.34 Montmerle Th, Claeys Ph, Gargaud M, Lopez-Garcia P, Martin H, Pascal R,Reisse J, 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 299-312
Life on Earth …and elsewhere ?
P.33 Despois D, Gargaud M, 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 291-297
A synthetic interdisciplinary « chronological frieze » : an attempt
P.32 Martin H, Claeys Ph, Gargaud M, Pinti D, Selsis F, 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 205-245
Environmental context
P.31 Pascal R, Boiteau L, Forterre P, Gargaud M, Lazcano A , Lopez-Garcia P , Maurel MC, Moreira D, Pereto J, Prieur D, Reisse J, 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 153-203
Prebiotic chemistry – Biochemistry – Emergence of Life
P.30 Martin H, Albarède F, Claeys Ph, Gargaud M, Marty B, Morbidelli A, Pinti D, 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 97-151
Building of a habitable planet
P. 29 Gargaud M, Albarède F, Boiteau L, Chaussidon M , Douzery E, Montmerle Th,
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 11-38
Dating methods and corresponding chronometers in astrobiology |
P.28Gargaud M and Reisse J , 2006
Earth, Moon and planets, 98, 1-4, 1-9
From the arrow of time to the arrow of life
P.27 D. Rabli , M.Gargaud and R. McCarroll , 2002
Atomic and plasma material interaction data for fusion- Issue10, Pages 15
Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Fusion)
Extension of model potential methods to treat charge transfer in open shell systems.
Application to the Si3+/He, He2+/ He (21S) and He2+/ He (23S) systems
P.26 Rabli, D. ; Gargaud, M.; McCarroll, R., 2001
Journal of Physics B (Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics), 34, Issue 8, Pages 1395-1403
Electron capture in low-energy collisions of Si with He,
P.25 Rabli, D. ; Gargaud, M.; McCarroll, R., 2001
Physical Review A, 64, Issue 2, Page 022707/1-9
Electron capture and excitation in low-energy collisions of He with metastable 2 S and 2 S He
P.24. Honvault P., Gargaud, M., Bacchus-Montabonel M.C and McCarroll R., 1998
Chem. Phys: , 238, 401-406
Recombination of Si+3 ions by electron capture from helium
P.23. Pieksma M., Gargaud M., McCarroll R. and Havener C.C, 1996
Phys. Rev. A : 54, R13
Electron capture cross section at near-thermal collision energies for Si+4 + D
P.22. Gargaud, M. , McCarroll R., 1996
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. : 29, 3673
Orientation of excited states resulting from electron capture in Al+3/H collisions
P.21. Gargaud M., McCarroll R., 1996
Atomic and plasma material interaction data for fusion- Issue6, Pages 163-172 (Supplement to the Journal of Nuclear Fusion)
Electron capture by Al+2,3, Si+2,3,4, Ar+6 and Ti+4 in the eV to KeV energy range
P.20. Gargaud, M., Mc Carroll R.,1996
Physica Scripta : T62, 49
Electron capture from H and He by B+3 and B+4 in the eV to keV energy range
P.19. Honvault, P., Gargaud, M., Bacchus-Montabonel M.C and McCarroll, R. 1995,
Astron. Astrophys. 302, 931
Recombination of O+2 ions by electron capture from atomic hydrogen in photo-ionized nebulae
P.18. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Benmeuraiem L.,1995,
Phys. Scripta 51, 752
Model potential methods for the description of electron capture by multiply charged ions from single and multi-electron targets:
application to Ar+6-H and Ar+6-He systems
P.17. Gargaud, M., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., Grozdanov, T., McCarroll, R. 1994,
J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Opt. Phys. : 27, 4675
Orientation propensity for states populated by electron capture in B+3/He collisions
P.16. Gargaud, M., Fraija, F., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., McCarroll, R. 1994,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. : 27, 3985
Total and differential electron capture cross-sections in slow B+3/He collisions
P.15. Fraija, F., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., Gargaud, M. 1994,
Z. Phys. D 29, 179:182
Ab-initio molecular treatment of electron capture processes in the B+3/He collision
P.14. Gargaud, M., O'Rourke, S.F.C., McCarroll, R., Andersson, L.R. 1993,
Physica Scripta 48(4), 436:439
Electron capture in slow collisions of N+3 with atomic hydrogen |
P.13. Gargaud, M., Bacchus-Montabonel, M.C., McCarroll, R. 1993,
J. Chemical Physics 99(6), 4495:4499
Charge transfer of O+2 in helium at thermal and low eV energies. |
P.12. Dubernet, M.L., Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R. 1992,
Astron. Astrophys. 259, 373:376
Reaction rates of C+ with OH at low interstellar temperatures. |
P.11. Andersson, L.R., Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R. 1991,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. 24, 2073-2082:
Electron capture in slow O+5/H collisions.
P.10. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Lennon, M.A., Wilson, S.M., McCullough, R.W., Gilbody,
H.B. 1990,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. 23, 505-512:
One electron capture by slow Al+2 ions in atomic and molecular hydrogen. |
P.9. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R. 1989,
J. Physique 50, C1-127:
State selective electron capture processes in O+3/H and Ne+3/H in astrophysical plasmas. |
P.8. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Opradolce, L. 1989,
Astron. Astrophys. 208, 251-254:
State selective excitation of OIII by charge transfer of OIV with H. |
P.7. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Opradolce, L. 1988,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. 21, 521-532:
Charge transfer in low energy Al+3-H and Ti+4-H collisions : effect of rotational coupling in three-state crossings. |
P.6. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R. 1988,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Opt Phys. 21, 513-520:
Charge transfer in low energy O+4/H and Si+4/H collisions |
P.5. Baptist, R. et al., Gargaud, M. 1987,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B23, 123-127:
Subshell-selective electron capture in collisions of C4+(0.05 a.u.< V < 0.40 a.u.) with H and H2. |
P.4. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Valiron, P. 1987,
J. Phys. B : At Mol. Phys. 20, 1555-1564:
Influence of rotational coupling on charge transfer in low energy C 4+/H collisions. |
P.3. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R. 1985,
J . Phys. B : At. Molec. Physics 18, 463-477:
Charge transfer in low energy collisions of N+3, C+4 and N+5 with H and H2. |
P.2. Gargaud, M., McCarroll, R., Valiron, P. 1982,
Astron. Astrophys. 106, 197-200:
Charge transfer ionization of Si+ by H+ at thermal energies. |
P.1. Gargaud, M., Hanssen, J., McCarroll, R., Valiron, P. 1981,
J. Phys. B : At. Molec. Physics 14, 2259-2276:
Charge exchange with multiply charged ions at low energies : application to the N+3/H and C+4/H systems. |