
Module Contents

class InputAtmosphere(grid=None, pressure=None, max_pressure=None, min_pressure=None, temperature=None, gas_mix_ratio=None, transparent_gases=None, aerosols=None, winds=None, chemistry=None, molar_mass=None, albedo_surf=None, wn_albedo_cutoff=None)[source]

Bases: pytmosph3r.atmosphere.atmosphere.Atmosphere

Class to build an atmosphere of your own, which will override the datafile.

Create the atmosphere you want (or you deserve).

  • grid (Grid3D) – Grid representing the coordinate system (level+layer, latitude,

  • longitude).

  • pressure (float, array, optional) – Pressure for each point in grid. Incompatible with

:param max_pressure.: :param max_pressure: Maximum pressure (at the surface). Incompatible with pressure. :type max_pressure: float :param min_pressure: Minimum pressure to use in the highest column of the model. :type min_pressure: float :param temperature: Temperature for each point in grid. If it is an array :type temperature: float, array, dict :param or a float: :param it will simply define the temperature over the whole grid. If used as a dictionary: :param : :param it can configure Simple2DTemperature.: :param gas_mix_ratio: Volume Mixing Ratio of gases (dictionary {'H2O': array, ...}. :type gas_mix_ratio: float, array :param transparent_gases: Gases considered transparent (not taken into account for the :type transparent_gases: list, optional :param contributions).: :param aerosols: Aerosols: number density of particles (in number per unit volume). :type aerosols: float, array :param chemistry: Chemistry module. Either a class of :type chemistry: pytmosph3r.chemistry.Chemistry :param pytmosph3r.chemistry.Chemistry or your personal module (which should probably inherit from: :param pytmosph3r.chemistry.Chemistry: :param or at least change the gas mix ratio of the atmosphere).: :param albedo_surf: 2d array with the albedo value to use on each column. :type albedo_surf: ndarray, optional :param wn_albedo_cutoff: 2d array with the cutoff value of the low pass filter on each column. :type wn_albedo_cutoff: ndarray, optional
