Source code for pytmosph3r.util.math

import numba
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from numba.typed import List

[docs] @numba.vectorize def nmin(x, y): return min(x, y)
[docs] @numba.vectorize def nmax(x, y): return max(x, y)
[docs] @numba.vectorize def nround(x, y): return np.round(x, y)
[docs] def interp1d(xx, yy, xkind='linear', ykind='linear', **kwargs): logx = xx if xkind == 'log': logx = np.log(xx) if ykind == 'log': yy[yy<0] = 0 lin_interp = sp.interpolate.interp1d(logx, np.log(yy), **kwargs) log_interp = lambda x: np.exp(lin_interp(x)) if xkind == 'log': log_interp = lambda x: np.exp(lin_interp(np.log(x))) return log_interp lin_interp = sp.interpolate.interp1d(logx, yy, kind=ykind, **kwargs) if xkind == 'log': return lambda x: lin_interp(np.log(x)) return lin_interp
[docs] @numba.njit(nogil=True,fastmath=True, cache=True) def bilinear_interpolation_array(z00, z10, z01, z11, x, y, res): """ 2D interpolation Applies linear interpolation across x and y between xmin,xmax and ymin,ymax. x, y and z must be 1D-arrays of the same length. Parameters ---------- z00: array Array corresponding to xmin,ymin z10: array Array corresponding to xmax,ymin z01: array Array corresponding to xmin,ymax z11: array Array corresponding to xmax,ymax x: array weights on x coord y: array weights on y coord """ xy = x*y for i in range(z00.shape[0]): res[i] = (z11[i]-z01[i]+z00[i]-z10[i])*xy[i] +(z01[i]-z00[i])*y[i] +(z10[i]-z00[i])*x[i] +z00[i]
[docs] def interp_ind_weights(x_to_interp,x_grid): """Finds the indices and weights to interpolate from a x_grid to a x_to_interp. """ xmin=x_grid.min() xmax=x_grid.max() used_x=np.where(x_to_interp>xmax,xmax,x_to_interp) used_x=np.where(used_x<xmin,xmin,used_x) indices=np.searchsorted(x_grid,used_x) indices=np.where(indices==0,1,indices) return indices,(used_x-x_grid[indices-1])/(x_grid[indices]-x_grid[indices-1])
[docs] @numba.njit def roots(a,b,c): r"""Find roots of a polynomial, i.e., find `x` for :math:`ax^2 + bx + c = 0`. """ x = List() if a == 0: if b != 0: x.append(-c/b) else: bp=b/2 delta=bp*bp-a*c if 0 > delta > -1e-10: delta = 0. ## rounding error x.append((-bp-delta**.5)/a) x.append(-x[0]-b/a) return x