Source code for pytmosph3r.rays

import math as m
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from ai import cs

from .grid import Grid
from pytmosph3r.log import Logger
from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import Observer
from pytmosph3r.util.util import timer

[docs] class RaysGrid(Grid): """Polar grid defining the number of rays on the terminator plane (plane going through the center of the planet and orthogonal to the rays). The grid has :py:attr:`n_radial` radial points located at the middle of the layers (see :py:attr:`z`), and :py:attr:`n_angular` angular points (see :py:attr:`angles`). """ def __init__(self, n_radial=None, n_angular=None): self.n_radial = n_radial """Number of radial points in the grid. Equal to :attr:`~pytmosph3r.Model.n_layers` by default.""" self.n_angular = n_angular """Number of angular points in the grid. Equal to 2* :attr:`~pytmosph3r.Model.n_latitudes` by default.""" self.top_altitude = None """Top altitude to consider for the rays. Warning: does not represent the altitude of the highest ray, but the altitude of the maximum level of the grid. The rays are then passing through the middle of each layer.""" = None """Distance between levels.""" self.r = None """Impact parameters of the rays, i.e., their distance to the center of the planet. Note that they are passing through the middle of the layers of the grid.""" self.angles = None """Azimuthal angles of the rays.""" self.r_limits = None """Delimiting radii of each transmittance cell.""" self.angles_limits = None """Delimiting angles of each transmittance cell.""" @property def n_radial(self): return self._n_radial @n_radial.setter def n_radial(self, value): self._n_radial = int(value) if value else None @property def n_angular(self): return self._n_angular @n_angular.setter def n_angular(self, value): self._n_angular = int(value) if value else None @property def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Shape of the grid (:py:attr:`n_radial`,:py:attr:`n_angular`).""" return (self.n_radial, self.n_angular)
[docs] def compute_radii(self): """Compute the altitudes (in `m`) over the grid by discretizing the space between the surface and :py:attr:`top_altitude` into :py:attr:`n_radial` intervals. The altitudes are then computed as the middle of these intervals. """ z_levels = np.linspace(0, self.top_altitude, self.n_radial + 1) = np.diff(z_levels) self.r_limits = self.Rp + z_levels self.r = self.r_limits[:-1] + / 2. assert not np.isnan(self.r).any(), "NaN value in altitude"
[docs] def compute_angles(self): """Compute the angles of the grid in `radians`.""" self.angles = np.asarray([self.unit_angle * i for i in range(self.n_angular)]) self.angles_limits = np.asarray([self.unit_angle * (i - 1 / 2) for i in range(self.n_angular + 1)])
@property def unit_angle(self): """Angular length of one slice (in `radians`).""" return 2 * np.pi / self.n_angular
[docs] class Rays(Observer, RaysGrid): """Rays are orthogonal to the terminator plane (going through the center of the planet) of which the direction is defined by :class:`Observer`. The discretization of the plane is handled by :class:`RaysGrid`. """ def __init__(self, n_radial=None, n_angular=None, observer=None, grid=None): Logger.__init__(self, self.__class__.__name__) RaysGrid.__init__(self, n_radial, n_angular) if grid is not None: if self.n_radial is None and "n_radial" in grid: self.n_radial = grid["n_radial"] if self.n_angular is None and "n_angular" in grid: self.n_angular = grid["n_angular"] self.warning(f"'grid' parameter is deprecated. Use directly 'n_radial' and 'n_anguar'. Using (n_radial = {n_radial}, n_angular = {n_angular}).") = observer """Position of the observer.""" if isinstance(observer, dict): = Observer(**observer) self.rays_lengths = None """Lengths of each subsegment of each ray, ordered by their coordinates.""" self.rays_indices = None """Control if rays lengths will be stored as a 1D array (or 2D, which is the default behavior).""" @property def latitude(self): return @property def longitude(self): return @property def units(self): return @property def orbit(self): return # properties above useless? @property def cartesian_system(self): return
[docs] def build(self, model): """Initialize the class with data from other modules for later computations. """ self.model = model = self.atmosphere = model.atmosphere self.Rp = model.planet.radius self.Rs = self.atm_radii = self.Rp + model.atmosphere.altitude_levels self.top_altitude = model.atmosphere.max_altitude if 'max_altitude' in model.atmosphere.__dict__ and model.atmosphere.max_altitude is not None else model.atmosphere.altitude.max() assert not m.isnan(self.top_altitude), "Top altitude is NaN" self.n_radial = self.n_radial if self.n_radial else model.n_vertical self.n_angular = self.n_angular if self.n_angular else model.atmosphere.n_latitudes * 2 self.n_radial = int(self.n_radial) self.n_angular = int(self.n_angular) self.compute_radii() self.compute_angles()
[docs] def init_subrays(self): """Initialize the data for the computation of subrays.""" if self.rays_indices is not None: self.rays_lengths = [] else: self.rays_lengths = np.full( self.shape + (sum((2 * (self.atmosphere.shape[0]),) + self.atmosphere.shape[1:]), 4), -1.0) if Logger.verbose > 1: if "points" not in self.__dict__: self.points = np.empty((self.shape), dtype=object) if "mid_points" not in self.__dict__: self.mid_points = np.empty((self.shape), dtype=object) self.n_subrays = 0 """Total number of sub-segments of rays (for which we compute the length).""" self.n_opacity_coords = 0 # not a property because it depends on the method (per angle or not) """Total number of cells crossed by rays (inferior or equal to :attr:`n_subrays`). Length of :attr:`opacity_coords`.""" self.opacity_coords = {} """Dictionary of coordinates (length :attr:`n_opacity_coords`) of cells for which to compute opacity."""
[docs] @timer def compute_sub_rays(self, bounds=None): """Subdivision of the rays into smaller segments ('subrays') based on the atmospheric grid. Each subray is associated to coordinates and their lengths are stored in :py:attr:`rays_lengths`. The function iterates over :py:attr:`RaysGrid.angles` and computes :py:func:`compute_sub_rays_angle` for each of these angles. Args: bounds (tuple): Must be ((r_s,r_e), (a_s,a_e)), where r_s and r_e are the radial start and end points, and a_s and a_e the angular ones. Returns: :py:obj:`dict`: Coordinates in the atmospheric grid with at least one subray, which will be given to the opacity module (``Exo_k``). """ iterations = range(self.n_angular) if bounds is not None: iterations = range(bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1] + 1) else:"Computing sub-rays...") self.init_subrays() for self.angle_idx in iterations: rbounds = (0, self.n_radial) if bounds is not None: if bounds[1][0] == bounds[1][1]: rbounds = bounds[0] elif self.angle_idx == bounds[1][0]: rbounds = [bounds[0][0], self.n_radial] elif self.angle_idx == bounds[1][1]: rbounds = [0, bounds[0][1]] self.compute_sub_rays_angle(rbounds) if bounds is None:"Computation of sub-rays - DONE") self.n_opacity_coords = len(self.opacity_coords) return self.opacity_coords
[docs] def compute_sub_rays_angles(self, angles): """Subdivision of rays for multiple angles.""" self.init_subrays() # sets opacity_coords to {} angles = np.atleast_1d(angles) for self.angle_idx in angles: self.compute_sub_rays_angle() return self.opacity_coords
[docs] def compute_sub_rays_angle(self, bounds=None): """Subdivision of the rays at the angle :py:attr:`angle_idx`. WARNING: the parameter to this function is NOT the angle, but the :attr:`bounds` of radial points to consider. See :py:func:`compute_sub_rays`. If :attr:`opacity_coords` is not initialized, it creates one. Args: bounds (tuple): Must be (r_s,r_e), where r_s and r_e are the radial start and end points. """ atm_layer_idx = 0 if not hasattr(self, 'opacity_coords'): self.opacity_coords = {} iterations = range(self.n_radial) if bounds is not None: iterations = range(*bounds) for self.layer_idx in iterations: ray_radius = self.r[self.layer_idx] atm_layer_idx = int(self.atm_radii.searchsorted(ray_radius, side='right')) # Note: if atm.n_vertical == rays.n_radial, atm_layer_idx = self.layer_idx self.n_up_levels = self.atmosphere.n_levels - atm_layer_idx # nb of upper levels to check # compute indices for each intersection type self.lat_idx = 2 * self.n_up_levels self.long_idx = self.lat_idx + 2 * len( self.atmosphere.grid.positive_latitudes) # we will iterate over the positive latitudes only, and duplicate the information self.max_points = self.long_idx + int(self.atmosphere.grid.n_longitudes / 2) # coord_system points of one ray with atmospheric grid points = np.full((self.max_points, 4), np.nan) # (dist, alt, lat, lon) self.add_ray_origin(ray_radius, self.angles[self.angle_idx]) self.levels_intersection(points, atm_layer_idx) self.latitudes_intersection(points) self.longitudes_intersection(points) points = self.filter_out(points) if Logger.verbose > 1: self.points[self.layer_idx, self.angle_idx] = points # save for plotting later subrays_coords = self.subrays_length(points, ray_radius) self.opacity_coords.update(subrays_coords) # merging coordinates for opacity subrays_coords = np.array([(i[0][0], i[0][1], i[0][2], i[1]) for i in list(subrays_coords.items())]) # don't need a dictionary now # store lengths for optical depth (tau) if self.rays_indices is not None: self.rays_indices.append((self.layer_idx, self.angle_idx)) self.rays_lengths.append(subrays_coords) else: try: self.rays_lengths[self.layer_idx, self.angle_idx][:len(subrays_coords)] = subrays_coords except: pass # subrays_coords is empty self.n_subrays += len(subrays_coords) return self.opacity_coords
[docs] def levels_intersection(self, points, atm_layer_idx): """Computes the intersection of a ray (of coordinates (radius, angle)) with atmospheric levels (spheres). Returns a list of points [dist, r, lat, lon].""" radii = self.atm_radii[atm_layer_idx:] n_up_levels = len(radii) assert n_up_levels == self.atmosphere.n_levels - atm_layer_idx assert 2 * n_up_levels == self.lat_idx dist, latitudes, longitudes = self.cartesian_system.solve_radius(radii) points[:2 * n_up_levels] = np.stack([dist, np.tile(radii, 2), latitudes, longitudes], axis=1) # doubled because of symmetry
[docs] def latitudes_intersection(self, points): dist, radii, latitudes, longitudes = self.cartesian_system.solve_latitude( self.atmosphere.grid.positive_latitudes) points[self.lat_idx:self.long_idx] = np.stack([dist, radii, latitudes, longitudes], axis=1) # doubled because of symmetry
[docs] def longitudes_intersection(self, points): dist, radii, latitudes, longitudes = self.cartesian_system.solve_longitude( self.atmosphere.grid.half_longitudes) points[self.long_idx:] = np.stack([dist, radii, latitudes, longitudes], axis=1)
[docs] def filter_out(self, points): """Filter out spheres that are larger than atmosphere and sort""" atm_idx = np.where((points[:, 1] <= self.atm_radii[-1]) # & (points[:, 1] > 0) & (~np.isnan(points[:, 0])) & (~np.isnan(points[:, 1])) & (~np.isnan(points[:, 2])) & (~np.isnan(points[:, 3])) ) try: points = np.unique(points[atm_idx], axis=0) except: # atm_idx = [] probably makes np.unique() fail points = points[atm_idx] sorted_points = sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort using distance to origin point return np.asarray(sorted_points)
[docs] def subrays_length(self, points, ray_radius): """Find coordinates of subrays and compute their length. Stored their coordinates into a dictionary: {(altitude, latitude, longitude): True} to allow merging the coordinates shared with other rays. """ subrays_coords = {} if len(points) < 1: # no points return subrays_coords dist = np.diff(points[:, 0]) x, y, z = cs.sp2cart(points[:, 1], points[:, 2], points[:, 3]) mid_points_x = x[:-1] + np.diff(x) / 2 mid_points_y = y[:-1] + np.diff(y) / 2 mid_points_z = z[:-1] + np.diff(z) / 2 radii, latitudes, longitudes = cs.cart2sp(mid_points_x, mid_points_y, mid_points_z) altitudes = radii - self.Rp alti_idx = list(map(self.atmosphere.index_altitude, altitudes)) lati_idx = list(map(self.atmosphere.grid.index_latitude, latitudes)) # lati_idx = self.atmosphere.grid.index_latitudes(latitudes) # vectorized? long_idx = list(map(self.atmosphere.grid.index_longitude, longitudes)) mid_points = np.stack([dist, radii, latitudes, longitudes], axis=1) if Logger.verbose > 1: self.mid_points[self.layer_idx, self.angle_idx] = mid_points for i in range(len(points) - 1): if m.isnan(dist[i]) or m.isnan(alti_idx[i]) or m.isnan(lati_idx[i]) or m.isnan(long_idx[i]): self.error("NaN in coordinates & distance of subrays.") if (alti_idx[i], lati_idx[i], long_idx[i]) not in subrays_coords: subrays_coords[(alti_idx[i], lati_idx[i], long_idx[i])] = dist[i] else: subrays_coords[(alti_idx[i], lati_idx[i], long_idx[i])] += dist[i] coords_sum = np.sum(list(subrays_coords.values())) dist_sum = np.sum(dist) assert np.isclose(coords_sum, dist_sum), "Probably skipped a point in measuring distances, lengths of each subray coordinates does not match distances between intersection points (total of %s vs %s)" % ( coords_sum, dist_sum) return subrays_coords
[docs] def outputs(self): outputs = ["n_opacity_coords", "n_subrays", "r", "angles", "r_limits" , "angles_limits"] if Logger.verbose > 1: outputs += ["points", "mid_points"] return outputs
[docs] def init_rays(obj): """Returns a :class:`Rays` class with either a dictionary or a Rays object.""" if obj is not None: if isinstance(obj, Rays): return obj # already a class return Rays(**obj)