Source code for

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Optional, Union

import astropy.units as u
import numpy
from astropy.units import Quantity
from exo_k import Spectrum

from pytmosph3r.log import Logger
from pytmosph3r.util import pt
from pytmosph3r.util.util import to_SI

[docs] class BaseStar(ABC, Logger): """ This class represents the base properties of a star and the default methods implemented and required to be implemented. Subclasses should implement `_spectrum(self, wnedges: numpy.ndarray, wns: numpy.ndarray) -> Spectrum` """ def __init__(self, radius: Union[float, Quantity[pt.length]] = 695700000., mass: Union[None, float, Quantity[pt.mass]] = None, **kwargs): """ Args: radius (float, optional): Stellar radius in`m` mass (float, optional): Stellar mass in `kg` """ Logger.__init__(self, name=self.__class__.__name__) if kwargs: raise DeprecationWarning(f"{kwargs=} is not empty.\n" f"API has been modified, you can now use astropy units.\n" f"Variables in float or int will be considered in SI.\n" f"For example the radius in solar radii:\n" f"radius = 1.5 * u.Rsun\n") self.radius: float = to_SI(radius, u.m) """Star radius (in `m`).""" self.mass: Optional[float] = to_SI(mass, """Star mass (in `kg`).""" @property def mass_sol(self) -> Optional[float]: """Star mass (in `solar mass`).""" if self.mass is None: return None return (self.mass *'Msun') @property def radius_sol(self) -> float: """Star radius (in `solar radii`).""" return (self.radius * u.m).to_value('Rsun')
[docs] def spectrum(self, wnedges: numpy.ndarray, wns: numpy.ndarray, distance: Optional[float] = None) -> Spectrum: """Return the spectrum of the flux at the star surface by default, or at the distance given in meters (m). Args: wnedges (numpy.ndarray): Wavenumbers of the bin edges to be used. wns (numpy.ndarray): Wavenumbers of the bin centers to be used. distance (Optional[float]): If distance is None, take the flux at the surface else take the flux seen at the given distance. Returns: Flux from the star. """ s = self._spectrum(wnedges, wns) # Return the flux at the star surface. if distance is None: return s # Rescale the flux to take into account the distance from the star surface. return s * (self.radius / distance) ** 2
@abstractmethod def _spectrum(self, wnedges: numpy.ndarray, wns: numpy.ndarray) -> Spectrum: """Return the spectrum of the flux at the surface of the star. Args: wnedges (numpy.ndarray): Wavenumbers of the bin edges to be used. wns (numpy.ndarray): Wavenumbers of the bin centers to be used. """ raise NotImplementedError