Source code for pytmosph3r.model.model

import os
from copy import copy
from typing import Optional

import astropy.units as u
import exo_k as xk
import numpy as np
from exo_k.util.cst import C_LUM

from pytmosph3r.log import Logger
from pytmosph3r.observations import *
from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import *
from pytmosph3r.util.util import get_attributes, mol_key, update_dict
from ..atmosphere import InputAtmosphere
from ..interface.hdf5 import write_hdf5
from ..opacity import Opacity

[docs] class Model(Logger): """Main model structure which plays the role of the puppeteer. The main function are :func:`build`, which initializes some of the classes once you are sure of your input data (computes altitude for example), and :math:`run`, which basically computes everything (transit depth/emission, ..). All 'property' attributes are derived from :class:`~pytmosph3r.AltitudeAtmosphere`. """ def __init__(self, output_file: str = None, n_vertical: Optional[int] = None, noise=None, interp=None, gas_dict=None, aerosols_dict=None, input_atmosphere: Optional[InputAtmosphere] = None, opacity: Optional[Opacity] = None, planet: Optional[Planet] = None, star: Optional[Star] = None, observer: Optional[Observer] = None, orbit: Optional[Orbit] = None, radiative_transfer=None, transmission: Optional[Transmission] = None, emission: Optional[Emission] = None, lightcurve: Optional[Lightcurve] = None, phasecurve: Optional[Phasecurve] = None, parallel=None, **kwargs, ): """Main class to control all submodules. Here you control *everything*. Args: output_file (str) : HDF5 output filename. n_vertical (int) : Number of vertical layers for the altitude-based :py:attr:`atmosphere` (100 by default). noise (float, array) : If a float, it gives the width of the errorbar (the output spectrum will be noised with a normal distribution scaled with this value). if an array, the noise is simply added to the spectrum. 0 by default. interp : Interpolation of the pressure in the transformation of the input atmosphere into the altitude-based :py:attr:`atmosphere`. It may be either one the parameters to pass to scipy.interpolate.interp1d function (see 'kind' parameters) or False (default option). If it is set to false, the pressure will be recomputed using :class:`~pytmosph3r.atmosphere.AltitudeAtmosphere.compute_pressure`. gas_dict : Dictionary containing the names of the gas and the keys to find them in the input file (diagfi, hdf5). Defaults to {'H2O': 'h2o_vap'}. aerosols_dict : Similar to :py:attr:`gas_dict`, it's a dictionary containing the names of the aerosols (and their characteristics) and the keys to find them in the input file (diagfi, hdf5). If only the name of the molecule is given, the key is assumed to represent the MMR (mass molecular ratio in kg/kg). Example : {'H2O': 'h2o_ice', 'H2O_reff': 'H2Oice_reff'}. planet (:class:`~pytmosph3r.planet.Planet`) : Planet object. star (:class:``) : Star object (not optional). input_atmosphere (:class:`~pytmosph3r.atmosphere.inputatmosphere.InputAtmosphere`) : Input atmospheric grid based on levels (and inter-layers). observer (:class:`~pytmosph3r.rays.Observer`) : Position of the observer (latitude, longitude). opacity (:class:`~pytmosph3r.opacity.Opacity`) : Opacity parameters. transmission (:class:`~pytmosph3r.transmission.Transmission`) : Transmission parameters. emission (:class:`~pytmosph3r.emission.Emission`) : Emission parameters. lightcurve (:class:`~pytmosph3r.lightcurve.Lightcurve`) : Lightcurve parameters. phasecurve (:class:`~pytmosph3r.phasecurve.Phasecurve`) : Phasecurve parameters. kwargs (dict) : You can use set/override other parameters using this. """ super().__init__() self.filename = None self.output_file = output_file self.planet = planet = star self.noise = noise = observer self.orbit = orbit if isinstance(observer, dict): self.warning("You should send an observer.") = Observer(**observer) elif not isinstance(observer, Observer):"Observer type {type(observer)} unknown. Proceed with care...") if isinstance(orbit, dict): self.warning('You should send an orbit like object.') self.orbit = CircularOrbit(**orbit) elif not isinstance(orbit, (CircularOrbit, type(None))):"Orbit type {type(orbit)} unknown. Proceed with care...") self.opacity: Optional[Opacity] = opacity self._surface = None """Only used in Emission.""" self.transmission = transmission self.emission = emission self.lightcurve = lightcurve self.phasecurve = phasecurve if radiative_transfer is not None: self.warning("'radiative_transfer' is a deprecated parameter. This will not be supported in the future. Use either 'emission', 'transmission', 'lightcurve' or 'phasecurve' parameters.") if isinstance(radiative_transfer, Emission): self.emission = radiative_transfer elif isinstance(radiative_transfer, Transmission): self.transmission = radiative_transfer elif isinstance(radiative_transfer, Lightcurve): self.lightcurve = radiative_transfer elif isinstance(radiative_transfer, Phasecurve): self.phasecurve = radiative_transfer self.noised_spectrum: Optional[xk.Spectrum] = None """Noiseless spectrum.""" self.input_atmosphere = input_atmosphere self.emission_atmosphere = None self.transmission_atmosphere = None self.n_vertical = n_vertical self.interp = interp self.gas_dict = gas_dict self.aerosols_dict = aerosols_dict self.mode_keys = { 'transmission': 'transmission_spectrum', 'emission': 'emission_spectrum', 'lightcurve': 'light_curve', 'phasecurve': 'phase_curve', } self.modes = [ 'transmission', 'lightcurve', 'emission', 'phasecurve', ] """Names of modes, and their order of computation.""" self.parallel = parallel self._stats_file = None self._profile = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.warning(f'Unknown keys added: `{key}`: `{value}`.') self.__dict__[key] = value @property def default_values(self): return { 'n_vertical': 100, 'noise': 0, 'interp': 'log', 'gas_dict': {}, 'aerosols_dict': {}, 'observer': Observer(), 'orbit': CircularOrbit(), 'opacity': Opacity(), }
[docs] def outputs(self): outputs = ["input_atmosphere", "atmosphere", "wns", "wnedges", "transmission", "emission", "lightcurve", "phasecurve", "spectrum_value","spectrum_noised", ] return outputs
@property def stats_file(self): """File with profiling statistics. Profiling is activated by :func:`start_profiling` and saved in :func:`dump_profiling`. Defaults to the same name as `output_file`, with '.prof' as a file extension.""" if self._stats_file is None: self._stats_file = os.path.splitext(self.output_file)[0]+".prof" return self._stats_file @stats_file.setter def stats_file(self, value): self._stats_file = value
[docs] def start_profiling(self, file=None): """Start profiling code. Can specify in which `file` (optional).""" import cProfile self._profile = cProfile.Profile() self._profile.enable() if file is not None: self.stats_file = file
[docs] def dump_profiling(self, file=None): """Save profiling stats in `file` (optional, defaults to `stats_file`). """ try: self._profile.disable() except: raise KeyError("Profile has not been activated. You should call start_profiling() first.") self._profile.create_stats() if file is None: file = self.stats_file'Recording time stats in %s', file) self._profile.dump_stats(file)
@property def atmosphere(self): if not (self.transmission or self.lightcurve): return self.emission_atmosphere else: return self.transmission_atmosphere @atmosphere.setter def atmosphere(self, value): if not (self.transmission or self.lightcurve): self.emission_atmosphere = value else: self.transmission_atmosphere = value @property def doppler(self): try: return self.opacity.doppler except: return False @property def grid(self): try: return self.atmosphere.grid except: return self.input_atmosphere.grid @property def shape(self): return self.n_layers, self.n_latitudes, self.n_longitudes @property def n_latitudes(self) -> int: return self.grid.n_latitudes @property def n_longitudes(self) -> int: return self.grid.n_longitudes @property def n_layers(self) -> int: return self.grid.n_vertical @property def n_levels(self) -> int: return self.atmosphere.n_levels @property def altitude(self): return self.atmosphere.altitude @property def pressure(self): return self.atmosphere.pressure @property def temperature(self): return self.atmosphere.temperature @property def molar_mass(self): return self.atmosphere.molar_mass @property def gas_mix_ratio(self): return self.atmosphere.gas_mix_ratio @property def aerosols(self): return self.atmosphere.aerosols
[docs] def Rp(self): return self.planet.radius
@property def Rs(self): return @property def surface(self): """Surface area at each latitude x longitude.""" if not hasattr(self,"_surface") or self._surface is None: # if self.atmosphere is None: # raise AttributeError("The model needs an atmosphere to compute a surface. # Set the 'atmosphere' attribute by using build().") self._surface = np.zeros((self.n_latitudes, self.n_longitudes)) self._surface[:] = np.abs((2*np.pi*self.planet.radius**2 * (np.sin(self.grid.latitudes[1:])-np.sin(self.grid.latitudes[:-1])) / self.grid.n_longitudes))[:, None] assert np.isclose(np.sum(self._surface), 4*np.pi*self.planet.radius**2), "Total surface is not equal to the sum of the surfaces of each grid point (%g != %g)... Report this as a bug."%(np.sum(self._surface), 4*np.pi*self.planet.radius**2) return self._surface @surface.setter def surface(self, value): self._surface = value
[docs] def gas(self, gas): """Return the key corresponding to :attr:`gas` using user dictionary :attr:`gas_dict`.""" return mol_key(self.gas_dict, gas, "vap")
[docs] def aerosol(self, aerosol): """Return the key corresponding to :attr:`aerosol` using user dictionary :attr:`aerosols_dict`.""" return mol_key(self.aerosols_dict, aerosol, "ice")
[docs] def read_data(self): if self.filename: self.warning("%s does not read any data file. %s is ignored."%(self.__class__.__name__, self.filename))
[docs] def override_data_file(self, params): """This method allows subclasses to override the data read from data file (HDF5, diagfi, ...) """"Loading model attributes from config file...") for key, value in params.items(): self.override_file_param(key, value)
[docs] def override_file_param(self, data_name, config): """Override an element from the datafile Args: data_name (string): name of attribute to override config (object): object read from config file """ if data_name not in self.__dict__: self.error("%s is not initialized in model. Maybe set it to None before calling this method."%data_name) if isinstance(config, (int, float, str, list, np.ndarray, tuple)): self.__dict__[data_name] = config return data = self.__dict__[data_name] if config is None: # if data is None: # self.error("%s needs to be defined at least in data or config file"%data_name) return if data is None: # no data: take config value self.__dict__[data_name] = config elif isinstance(data, dict) and isinstance(config, dict): data.update(config) else: # get attributes to copy # try: attrs = get_attributes(config) # except: # try: # if isinstance(config, dict): # attrs = list(config) # else: # attrs = list(config.__dict__) # except: # attrs = [(i, getattr(config, i)) for i in config.inputs()] for attr, val in attrs: if val is not None: if isinstance(val, dict) and attr in data.__dict__.keys() and isinstance(data.__dict__[attr], dict): try: update_dict(data.__dict__[attr], val) except: self.error("Couldn't override original %s - not same shape."%attr) else: data.__dict__[attr] = val if isinstance(val, (float, int)):"Setting %s.%s = %s"%(data_name, attr, val)) elif hasattr(val, "__len__") and not isinstance(val, u.Quantity): # for some reason, u.Quantity has len but len(val) doesn't work"Setting %s.%s (length = %s)"%(data_name, attr, len(val))) else:"Setting %s.%s"%(data_name, attr))
[docs] def default_value(self, data_name, value): if self.__dict__[data_name] is None: if not(hasattr(value, "inputs")): self.warning(f"Using default {data_name} ({value}).") else: # don't display classes (too long) self.warning(f"Using default {data_name}.") self.__dict__[data_name] = value
[docs] def build(self): """Initialize the model once all the parameters have been set. Set default values if needed. """ if 't' not in self.__dict__: self.t = 0 if self.filename is not None and self.input_atmosphere is not None: if self.input_atmosphere.grid: self.warning("Ignoring Grid from .cfg file since we have an input file.") self.input_atmosphere.grid = None if self.input_atmosphere.max_pressure: self.warning("Ignoring max_pressure from .cfg file since we have an input file.") self.input_atmosphere.max_pressure = None # parameters are the values read from the config file / parameters self.params = { 'filename': copy(self.filename), 'n_vertical': copy(self.n_vertical), 'interp': copy(self.interp), 'gas_dict': copy(self.gas_dict), 'aerosols_dict': copy(self.aerosols_dict), 'planet': copy(self.planet), 'star': copy(, 'input_atmosphere': copy(self.input_atmosphere), 'emission_atmosphere': copy(self.input_atmosphere), 'observer': copy(, 'opacity': copy(self.opacity), 'transmission': copy(self.transmission), 'emission': copy(self.emission), 'lightcurve': copy(self.lightcurve), 'phasecurve': copy(self.phasecurve), } if self.gas_dict is None: self.gas_dict = {} # read input file... self.read_data() if self.emission_atmosphere is None: # small fix if emission grid not set by user (copy from transmission) self.emission_atmosphere = copy(self.input_atmosphere) # ... and override file data with input 'params' self.override_data_file(self.params) for parameter in self.default_values.items(): self.default_value(*parameter) self.n_vertical = int(self.n_vertical) del self.params # don't keep duplicates if not (self.transmission or self.emission or self.lightcurve or self.phasecurve): self.warning("No mode chosen. We will compute a transit depth (Transmission mode). You may replace it with emission, lightcurve or phasecurve.") self.transmission = Transmission() assert self.planet, "Planet not defined!" assert, "Star not defined!" if self.output_file: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.output_file)), exist_ok=True) # Initialize each module and modes, link with model, set default values for module in ("observer", "orbit", "star", "planet"): try: self.__dict__[module].build(self) except Exception as e: self.debug(f"{module} has failed. Full error:\n{e}") for mode in self.modes: if self.__dict__[mode] is not None:"Building %s"%mode) self.__dict__[mode].build(self) if self.output_file:'Saving model into %s ...', self.output_file) write_hdf5(self.output_file, self, "Model")'Save - DONE')
[docs] def run(self, profiling=False): """Run Pytmosph3R, i.e., compute the spectrum of a built model (the function :py:attr:`build` (or an equivalent) should have been called). """"Running model...") if self.atmosphere is None: self.error("Altitude Grid not computed. Call build() first.") if profiling: self.start_profiling() self.opacity.load_gas_database(self) # includes clip spectral range for mode in self.modes: if self.__dict__[mode] is not None:"Switching to %s"%mode) self.__dict__[self.mode_keys[mode]] = self.__dict__[mode].compute(self)'Saving %s outputs into %s ...' %(mode, self.output_file)) write_hdf5(self.output_file, self, "Output", items=[mode])'Save - DONE') continue if self.opacity.doppler: #if hasattr(self.opacity.doppler, "Kp") and hasattr(self.opacity.doppler, "phi"): if "Kp" in self.opacity.doppler.keys() and "phi" in self.opacity.doppler.keys(): V_doppler = self.opacity.doppler['Kp']*1e3*np.sin(2.*np.pi*self.opacity.doppler['phi']) self.spectrum.wns = self.spectrum.wns/(1+V_doppler/C_LUM) self.spectrum.wnedges = self.spectrum.wnedges/(1+V_doppler/C_LUM) else: self.warning("Could not compute Doppler because I do not know 'Kp' or 'phi'.") if self.noise is not None and self.noise is not False and self.spectrum is not None: noise = self.noise if isinstance(noise, (float, int)): # create a normal distribution around the spectrum values noise = np.random.normal(0, self.noise, self.opacity.k_data.Nw) noise_spectrum = xk.Spectrum(noise, wns=self.wns, wnedges=self.wnedges) self.noised_spectrum = self.spectrum + noise_spectrum if profiling: if isinstance(profiling, str): self.dump_profiling(profiling) else: self.dump_profiling(None) items = [o for o in self.outputs() if o not in self.modes] write_hdf5(self.output_file, self, "Output", items=items)'Save - DONE')
@property def spectrum(self): try: return self.transmission_spectrum except: try: return self.emission_spectrum except: return None @property def wns(self): try: return self._wns except: return self.opacity.k_data.wns @wns.setter def wns(self, value): self._wns = value @property def wnedges(self): try: return self._wnedges except: return self.opacity.k_data.wnedges @wnedges.setter def wnedges(self, value): self._wnedges = value @property def wls(self): return 10000/self.wns @property def wledges(self): return 10000/self.wnedges @property def spectrum_value(self): return self.spectrum.value @property def spectrum_noised(self): try: return self.noised_spectrum.value except AttributeError: return None
[docs] class FileModel(Model): """Model reading from a file. Same parameters as :class:`~pytmosph3r.model.model.Model`, with the addition of a :attr:`filename`.""" def __init__(self, filename:str, *args, **kwargs): Model.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if filename is None: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No input file given. `{self.__class__.__name__}` takes a 'filename' parameter") self.filename = filename self.search_path(filename) # replaces self.filename
[docs] def read_data(self, *args, **kwargs): """Adapt this function according to your format. See :func:`~pytmosph3r.model.diagfimodel.DiagfiModel.read_data` for an example.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inputs(self): return Model.inputs(Model) + ["filename"]