Source code for pytmosph3r.interface.netcdf

from abc import ABC

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

from pytmosph3r.log import Logger
from pytmosph3r.util.util import mol_key
from .io import Input, Output

[docs] class ncInput(Input): def __init__(self, filename): Logger.__init__(self, 'ncInput') super().__init__(filename) def _openFile(self): self.f = nc.Dataset(self.filename)
[docs] def keys(self, path="."): return self.f.variables
[docs] def getclass(self, path): return self.f[path].description
[docs] def get(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ncOutput(Output, ncInput): def __init__(self, filename, append=False): Logger.__init__(self, 'ncOutput') Output.__init__(self, filename, append) self.group_func = nc.Group.createGroup self.group_class = ncGroup
[docs] def getclass(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
def _openFile(self): self.f = nc.Dataset(self.filename, mode="w") self.f.description = "NETCDF4_CLASSIC data model, file format classic"
[docs] def createDimension(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.f.createDimension(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def createVariable(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.f.createVariable(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_model(self, model, output=None, radius_scale: float = 1.): from ..atmosphere.altitudeatmosphere import AltitudeAtmosphere if model.atmosphere is None and output is None: if output is not None: atmosphere = AltitudeAtmosphere(model) atmosphere.__dict__ = output["atmosphere"] else: atmosphere = model.atmosphere grid = atmosphere.grid radius = model.planet.radius*radius_scale n_vertical = int(grid.n_vertical) n_latitudes = int(grid.n_latitudes) n_longitudes = int(grid.n_longitudes)+1 n_inter = int(grid.n_vertical+1) n_index = 100 self.f.createDimension('Time', None) self.f.createDimension('index', n_index) self.f.createDimension('latitude', n_latitudes) self.f.createDimension('longitude', n_longitudes) self.f.createDimension('interlayer', n_inter) self.f.createDimension('altitude', n_vertical) try: self.f.createDimension('wavenumber', len(model.spectrum.wns)) spectrum = True except: self.warning("No spectrum to write.") spectrum = False Time = self.f.createVariable('Time', 'f4', ('Time',)) Time.units = "days since 0000-00-0 00:00:00" controle = self.f.createVariable('controle', 'f8', ('index',)) latitude = self.f.createVariable('latitude', 'f8', ('latitude',),) latitude.units = 'degrees_north' longitude = self.f.createVariable('longitude', 'f8', ('longitude',)) longitude.units = 'degrees_east' if model.transmission is None and model.lightcurve is None: altitude = self.f.createVariable('altitude', 'f8', ('altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude')) if spectrum and hasattr(model.emission, 'raw_flux'): flux = self.f.createVariable('flux', 'f8', ('latitude', 'longitude', 'wavenumber')) wavenumber = self.f.createVariable('wavenumber', 'f8', ('wavenumber',)) else: # transmission mode has one altitude-based grid altitude = self.f.createVariable('altitude', 'f8', ('altitude',)) altitude.units = "km" altitude.positive = "up" p = self.f.createVariable('p', 'f8', ('Time', 'altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude',)) ps = self.f.createVariable('ps', 'f8', ('Time', 'latitude', 'longitude',)) temp = self.f.createVariable('temp', 'f8', ('Time', 'altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude',)) Time[:] = 1 controle[:] = np.zeros(n_index, dtype=int) controle[0] = n_longitudes-1 controle[1] = n_latitudes-1 controle[2] = n_vertical controle[4] = model.planet.radius controle[6] = model.planet.surface_gravity try: controle[7] = atmosphere.molar_mass except: self.warning("controle[7] set as the mean of the molar mass 'molar_mass'.") controle[7] = np.mean(atmosphere.molar_mass) latitude[:] = np.degrees(grid.mid_latitudes) longitude[:-1] = np.degrees(grid.mid_longitudes) if grid.to_east: # increasing longitude[-1] = longitude[0] + 360 else: # decreasing longitude[-1] = longitude[0] - 360 if model.transmission is None and model.lightcurve is None: input_atm = model.emission_atmosphere altitude[:, :, :-1] = radius + atmosphere.altitude altitude[:, :, -1] = radius + atmosphere.altitude[..., 0] if spectrum and hasattr(model.emission, 'raw_flux'): flux[:, :-1] = model.emission.raw_flux flux[:, -1] = model.emission.raw_flux[:, 0] wavenumber[:] = model.spectrum.wns else: input_atm = model.input_atmosphere altitude[:] = radius + atmosphere.altitude p[0, :, :, :-1] = atmosphere.pressure p[0, :, :, -1] = atmosphere.pressure[:, :, 0] ps[0, :, :-1] = ps[0, :, -1] =[..., 0] temp[0, :, :, :-1] = atmosphere.temperature temp[0, :, :, -1] = atmosphere.temperature[:, :, 0] self.write_mol_dict(atmosphere.gas_mix_ratio, model.gas_dict) self.write_mol_dict(atmosphere.aerosols, model.aerosols_dict, "ice")
[docs] def write_mol_dict(self, mol_list, mol_dict, mol_type="vap"): """Write list of molecules (gas or aerosols).""" for mol in mol_list.keys(): if isinstance(mol_list[mol], dict): # aerosols (dict {mmr, reff,...}) for data in mol_list[mol].keys(): extension = "_" + data if data == "mmr": extension = "" self.write_mol(mol_list[mol][data], mol_dict, mol, mol_type, extension) else: # gas (volume mix ratio) self.write_mol(mol_list[mol], mol_dict, mol, mol_type)
[docs] def write_mol(self, mol_data, mol_dict, mol, mol_type="vap", data=""): """Write one molecule.""" key = mol_key(mol_dict, mol, mol_type, data) if isinstance(mol_data, str): mol_var = self.f.createVariable(key, f'S{len(mol_data)}', 'Time') else: mol_var = self.f.createVariable(key, 'f8', ('Time', 'altitude', 'latitude', 'longitude',)) mol_var.title = key if mol_type == "vap": mol_var.units = "m^3/m^3" elif data == "_reff": mol_var.units = "m" elif data in ("_mmr", ""): mol_var.units = "kg/kg" elif data == "_condensate_density": mol_var.units = "kg/m^3" if isinstance(mol_data, (float, str)): mol_var[0] = mol_data else: mol_var[0, :, :, :-1] = mol_data try: mol_var[0, :, :, -1] = mol_data[:, :, 0] except: mol_var[0, :, :, -1] = mol_data
[docs] def get(self, path): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class ncGroup(ncOutput, ABC): def __init__(self, f): super().__init__('ncGroup') self.f = f
[docs] def get(self, path): pass
[docs] def write_netcdf(filename, model, radius_scale: float = 0.): """Write a netCDF file using :attr:`model`, which can be viewed using ncview, ParaView, etc. Args: filename (string): Name of the netCDF output file. model (:class:`~pytmosph3r.model.model.Model`): Model to write. radius_scale (float): Scale for planet radius (for visualization purposes). ncview prefers a scale of 0. """ with ncOutput(filename) as nc: nc.write_model(model, radius_scale=radius_scale)