Currently a CNRS researcher at the Bordeaux Astrophysics Laboratory (LAB), I am interested in the understanding of the physics of (extrasolar) planets and brown dwarfs.

More specifically, my research topics include:

NEWS: Opening for a funded PhD position on the study of storms on Uranus and Neptune in the Fall of 2021. Do not hesitate to contact me to apply.

Ouverture d'une thèse financée sur le climat et les orages d'Uranus et Neptune cet automne. Contactez moi si vous voulez candidater.

Je participe aussi régulièrement à des actions de diffusion scientifique à l'intention des plus et moins jeunes. N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez une idée en tête.

As part of the Ariel science advisory team, I am very glad to announce the adoption of the mission by the European Space Agency for a launch in 2029. Do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

Check out Exo_k, a Python library to handle atmospheric opacities (Leconte, 2021)

Our 3D model of exoplanet's transit spectra, Pytmosph3r (Caldas et al., 2019), is finally available in a user friendly version. Enjoy!

Short Vitae

jeremy.leconte at

Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Bordeaux
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Bât. B18N
CS 50023
33615 Pessac Cedex