# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
from re import findall
from exo_k.util.singleton import Singleton
class Molar_mass(Singleton):
"""A class to compute the molar mass (in kg/mol) of regular molecules
with a name written in a regular way (e.g. CO2, H2O, etc.).
This class can also store the molar mass of custom gases with arbitrary names
(for example: My_gas, earth_background).
def init(self, *args, **kwds):
"""Initializes empty dictionary of custom molecular masses.
def add_species(self, species_dict):
"""Add one or several species weights to the database.
species_dict: dict
Keys are gases names (they do not have to be real molecules).
Values are molar masses in kg/mol.
def __repr__(self):
"""Print the currently known species in the database.
return self._custom_mol_mass.__repr__()
def fetch(self, molecule_name):
"""Computes the molar mass of a molecule in kg/mol
molecule_name: str
Name of the molecule.
Molar mass in kg/mol.
if molecule_name in self._custom_mol_mass.keys():
return self._custom_mol_mass[molecule_name]
#s = re.findall('([A-Z][a-z]?)([0-9]*)', molecule_name)
s = findall('([A-Za-z][a-z_]*)([0-9]*)', molecule_name)
molecule_mass = 0
for element, count in s:
count = int(count or '1')
molecule_mass += _molar_mass_atoms[element] * count
except KeyError:
print("""The following molecule name was not recognized: {mol}
If this is a custom gas
add its molecular weight to the library by running:
Molar_mass().add_species({{\'{mol}\':weight in kg/mol}})
""".format(mol=molecule_name) )
raise RuntimeError()
self._custom_mol_mass[molecule_name] = molecule_mass
return molecule_mass
#return molecule_mass*1.e-3 # conversion to kg/mol
_atomic_mass_in_amu = {
"H": 1.00794,
"He": 4.002602,
"Li": 6.941,
"Be": 9.012182,
"B": 10.811,
"C": 12.011,
"N": 14.00674,
"O": 15.9994,
"F": 18.9984032,
"Ne": 20.1797,
"Na": 22.989768,
"Mg": 24.3050,
"Al": 26.981539,
"Si": 28.0855,
"P": 30.973762,
"S": 32.066,
"Cl": 35.4527,
"Ar": 39.948,
"K": 39.0983,
"Ca": 40.078,
"Sc": 44.955910,
"Ti": 47.88,
"V": 50.9415,
"Cr": 51.9961,
"Mn": 54.93805,
"Fe": 55.847,
"Co": 58.93320,
"Ni": 58.6934,
"Cu": 63.546,
"Zn": 65.39,
"Ga": 69.723,
"Ge": 72.61,
"As": 74.92159,
"Se": 78.96,
"Br": 79.904,
"Kr": 83.80,
"Rb": 85.4678,
"Sr": 87.62,
"Y": 88.90585,
"Zr": 91.224,
"Nb": 92.90638,
"Mo": 95.94,
"Tc": 98,
"Ru": 101.07,
"Rh": 102.90550,
"Pd": 106.42,
"Ag": 107.8682,
"Cd": 112.411,
"In": 114.82,
"Sn": 118.710,
"Sb": 121.757,
"Te": 127.60,
"I": 126.90447,
"Xe": 131.29,
"Cs": 132.90543,
"Ba": 137.327,
"La": 138.9055,
"Ce": 140.115,
"Pr": 140.90765,
"Nd": 144.24,
"Pm": 145,
"Sm": 150.36,
"Eu": 151.965,
"Gd": 157.25,
"Tb": 158.92534,
"Dy": 162.50,
"Ho": 164.93032,
"Er": 167.26,
"Tm": 168.93421,
"Yb": 173.04,
"Lu": 174.967,
"Hf": 178.49,
"Ta": 180.9479,
"W": 183.85,
"Re": 186.207,
"Os": 190.2,
"Ir": 192.22,
"Pt": 195.08,
"Au": 196.96654,
"Hg": 200.59,
"Tl": 204.3833,
"Pb": 207.2,
"Bi": 208.98037,
"Po": 209,
"At": 210,
"Rn": 222,
"Fr": 223,
"Ra": 226.0254,
"Ac": 227,
"Th": 232.0381,
"Pa": 213.0359,
"U": 238.0289,
"Np": 237.0482,
"Pu": 244,
"Am": 243,
"Cm": 247,
"Bk": 247,
"Cf": 251,
"Es": 252,
"Fm": 257,
"Md": 258,
"No": 259,
"Lr": 260,
"Rf": 261,
"Db": 262,
"Sg": 263,
"Bh": 262,
"Hs": 265,
"Mt": 266,
_molar_mass_atoms = {'H': 0.0010079400000000001,
'He': 0.004002602000000001,
'Li': 0.006941,
'Be': 0.009012181999999999,
'B': 0.010811,
'C': 0.012010999999999999,
'N': 0.01400674,
'O': 0.0159994,
'F': 0.0189984032,
'Ne': 0.020179700000000002,
'Na': 0.022989768,
'Mg': 0.024305,
'Al': 0.026981539000000002,
'Si': 0.0280855,
'P': 0.030973762000000002,
'S': 0.032066000000000004,
'Cl': 0.035452700000000004,
'Ar': 0.039948000000000004,
'K': 0.0390983,
'Ca': 0.040078,
'Sc': 0.04495591,
'Ti': 0.047880000000000006,
'V': 0.0509415,
'Cr': 0.051996099999999996,
'Mn': 0.054938049999999995,
'Fe': 0.055847,
'Co': 0.0589332,
'Ni': 0.0586934,
'Cu': 0.063546,
'Zn': 0.06539,
'Ga': 0.06972300000000001,
'Ge': 0.07261000000000001,
'As': 0.07492159,
'Se': 0.07895999999999999,
'Br': 0.079904,
'Kr': 0.0838,
'Rb': 0.0854678,
'Sr': 0.08762,
'Y': 0.08890585000000001,
'Zr': 0.091224,
'Nb': 0.09290638,
'Mo': 0.09594,
'Tc': 0.098,
'Ru': 0.10107,
'Rh': 0.10290550000000001,
'Pd': 0.10642,
'Ag': 0.1078682,
'Cd': 0.112411,
'In': 0.11481999999999999,
'Sn': 0.11871,
'Sb': 0.121757,
'Te': 0.1276,
'I': 0.12690447000000002,
'Xe': 0.13129,
'Cs': 0.13290543,
'Ba': 0.137327,
'La': 0.1389055,
'Ce': 0.14011500000000002,
'Pr': 0.14090765,
'Nd': 0.14424,
'Pm': 0.145,
'Sm': 0.15036000000000002,
'Eu': 0.15196500000000002,
'Gd': 0.15725,
'Tb': 0.15892534,
'Dy': 0.1625,
'Ho': 0.16493032,
'Er': 0.16726,
'Tm': 0.16893421,
'Yb': 0.17304,
'Lu': 0.174967,
'Hf': 0.17849,
'Ta': 0.1809479,
'W': 0.18384999999999999,
'Re': 0.18620699999999998,
'Os': 0.19019999999999998,
'Ir': 0.19222,
'Pt': 0.19508,
'Au': 0.19696654000000002,
'Hg': 0.20059000000000002,
'Tl': 0.2043833,
'Pb': 0.2072,
'Bi': 0.20898037,
'Po': 0.209,
'At': 0.21,
'Rn': 0.222,
'Fr': 0.223,
'Ra': 0.2260254,
'Ac': 0.227,
'Th': 0.2320381,
'Pa': 0.2130359,
'U': 0.2380289,
'Np': 0.23704820000000001,
'Pu': 0.244,
'Am': 0.243,
'Cm': 0.247,
'Bk': 0.247,
'Cf': 0.251,
'Es': 0.252,
'Fm': 0.257,
'Md': 0.258,
'No': 0.259,
'Lr': 0.26,
'Rf': 0.261,
'Db': 0.262,
'Sg': 0.263,
'Bh': 0.262,
'Hs': 0.265,
'Mt': 0.266,