@author: jeremy leconte
Module Contents
- class exo_k.gas_mix.Gas_mix(composition=None, logp_array=None, t_array=None, k_database=None, cia_database=None)[source]
Dict-like class to handle gas composition (with background gas) and molar mass.
If logp_array, t_array, and radiative databases are provided,
can be used to compute the opacity of the gas__init_ Instantiates a Gas_mix object and computes the vmr of the ‘background’ gas.
- Narray = None
- _wn_range = None
- iw_min = None
- iw_max = None
- need_to_recompute_vmr_array = True
- set_composition(composition)[source]
Reset composition and computes the vmr of the ‘background’ gas.
- get_background_vmr()[source]
Computes the volume mixing ratio of the background gas in a mix Uses the fact that self.composition is a dictionary with the name of the molecules as keys and the vmr as values. vmr are either float or arrays.
At this stage, the background gas should be identified by self.bg_gas, and its Vol. Mix. Ratio will be updated in the composition dict.
- normalize()[source]
Renormalizes the vmr of all the gases so that the total be equal to 1.
This works only if the vmr of ‘inactive_gas’ is not 0.
- molar_mass()[source]
Computes and returns the molar mass of a mix of gases
- Returns:
- float or array:
Molar mass of the active gases in kg/mol
- cp()[source]
Computes and returns the specific heat capacity (cp) of a mix of gases
- Returns:
- float or array:
Specific cp of the gas mix
- get_vmr_array(sh=None)[source]
Returns a dictionary with an array of vol. mix. ratios for each species.
- Parameters:
sh (
) – shape of the array wanted if all the vmr are floats. If some are already arrays, check whether the shape is the correct one.- Returns:
- vmr_array: dict
A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species.
- cst_array: boolean
Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant.
- get_q_array(sh=None)[source]
Returns a dictionary with an array of specific concentrations for each species.
- Parameters:
sh (
) – shape of the array wanted if all the vmr are floats. If some are already arrays, check whether the shape is the correct one.- Returns:
- q_array: dict
A dictionary with the an array of specific concentration per species.
- cst_array: boolean
Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant.
- get_vmr_array_basic_molecules(sh=None)[source]
Returns a dictionary with an array of vol. mix. ratios for each and decomposes gas mixtures into basic molecules.
- Returns:
- vmr_array_basic_mol: dictionary of arrays
A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species. Each species is considered a basic molecule.
- vmr_array: dictionary of arrays
A dictionary with the an array of vmr per species. Species in this dictionary can be a gas mixture.
- cst_array: boolean
Is True if all the values in the arrays are constant.
- set_k_database(k_database=None)[source]
Change the radiative database attached to the current instance of Gas_mix
- Parameters:
k_database (
object) – New Kdatabase to use.
- set_cia_database(cia_database=None)[source]
Changes the CIA database attached to the current instance of Gas_mix
- Parameters:
cia_database (
object) – New CIAdatabase to use.
- set_spectral_range(wn_range=None, wl_range=None)[source]
Sets the default spectral range in which computations will be done by specifying either the wavenumber or the wavelength range.
- _compute_wn_range_indices(wn_range=None)[source]
Compute the starting and ending indices to be used for current wn_range
- cross_section(composition=None, logp_array=None, t_array=None, wl_range=None, wn_range=None, rayleigh=True, write=0, random_overlap=False, logp_interp=True, use_basic_molecules=False, inactive_molecules=None, **kwargs)[source]
Computes the cross section (m^2/total number of molecule) for the mix at each of the logPT points as a function of wavenumber (and possibly g point).
- Parameters:
wl_range (
oftwo values
, optional) – Wavelength range to cover.wn_range (
oftwo values
, optional) – Wavenumber range to cover.rayleigh (
, optional) – Whether to compute rayleigh scattering.random_overlap (
, optional) – Whether Ktable opacities are added linearly (False), or using random overlap method (True).
- Returns:
- kdata_array: array, np.ndarray
Cross section array of shape (layer number, Nw (, Ng if corrk)).
After every computation
,the following variables are updated
toaccount for any possible
change in spectral range
–self.Nw, Number of wavenumber bins
self.wns, Wavenumber array
self.wnedges, Wavenumber of the edges of the bins
- rosseland_mean_opacity(per_unit_mass=True, **kwargs)[source]
Computes Rosseland mean opacities in area per unit of mass of matter.
The unit for area is determined by the data used. In MKS,it will be m^2.
- class exo_k.gas_mix.Known_composite_species[source]
A class to store composite gas mixes that can be used in other gas mixes This class can also store the molar mass of custom gases with arbitrary names (for example: My_gas, earth_background).