# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created in Jan 2021.
@author: jeremy leconte
from typing import Literal, Optional, Tuple # noqa
import numba
import numpy as np
# Bug: Sphinx should replace `StellarMode` with the following content. Does not actually work.
# StellarMode: TypeAlias = Literal['diffusive', 'collimated']
"""Alias for the supported modes to treat the stellar flux."""
##-- Solve the 2-stream equations --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def solve_2stream_nu_xsec(source_nu: np.ndarray, tau_nu: np.ndarray, dtau_nu: np.ndarray,
omega0_nu: np.ndarray, g_asym_nu: np.ndarray,
flux_top_dw_nu: np.ndarray, alb_surf_nu: np.ndarray,
mu0: float = 0.5, flux_at_level: bool = False,
mu_star: Optional[float] = None,
stellar_mode: Literal['diffusive', 'collimated'] = 'diffusive',
planck_correction_factor: Optional[float] = None) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Deals with the spectral axis.
source_nu :
$\pi B(T)$ (Planck function) at each of the Nlay+1 level interfaces.
Shape: **(Nlev+1, Nw)**.
tau_nu :
Cumulative optical depth of the previous levels, start at 0.
The last value tau[-1] is equals to the optical depth of the column.
Shape: **(Nlev+1, Nw)**.
dtau_nu :
Optical depth of each level, for each band.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
omega0_nu :
Single scattering albedo of each level for each band.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
g_asym_nu :
Asymmetry factor.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
flux_top_dw_nu :
Top down flux, either diffusive or collimated.
Shape: **(Nw,)**.
alb_surf_nu :
Surface albedo. Emissivity is assumed to be 1.-alb_surf. Shape: **(Nw,)**.
mu0 :
$\mu_0$ is the incident direction of the observer. It is used as an effective angle.
- $\frac{1}{2}$ yields the hemispheric mean approximation.
- $\frac{1}{\sqrt(3)}$ yields the quadrature approximation
flux_at_level :
- If ``flux_at_level`` is ``True``, fluxes are calculated at the **level surfaces**.
- If ``False``, fluxes are computed at the **middle of the layers**.
The top of atmosphere flux is always computed at the top of the uppermost layer (1st level).
mu_star :
$\mu_*$ is the incident direction of the solar beam. Used when the incoming diffuse flux is treated as a
source term.
stellar_mode :
When `flux_top_dw_nu` is provided, set the method to be used to take it into account.
- ``diffusive``: Incoming diffuse flux at the upper boundary.
- ``collimated``: Incoming diffuse flux is treated as a source term.
planck_correction_factor :
Allow setting the epsilon used to rewrite the equations , from Chaverot et al. (2022).
flux_up : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
flux_dw : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
flux_net: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw)**.
J4pi: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
NLEV, NW = source_nu.shape
flux_up: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW))
flux_dw: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW))
flux_net: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW))
J4pi: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW))
for iW in range(NW):
flux_up[:, iW], flux_dw[:, iW], flux_net[:, iW], J4pi[:, iW] = \
solve_2stream(source_nu[:, iW], tau_nu[:, iW], dtau_nu[:, iW],
omega0_nu[:, iW], g_asym_nu[:, iW],
flux_top_dw_nu[iW], alb_surf_nu[iW],
mu0, flux_at_level,
mu_star, stellar_mode,
return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net, J4pi
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def solve_2stream_nu_corrk(source_nu: np.ndarray, tau_nu: np.ndarray, dtau_nu: np.ndarray,
omega0_nu: np.ndarray, g_asym_nu: np.ndarray,
flux_top_dw_nu: np.ndarray, alb_surf_nu: np.ndarray,
mu0: float = 0.5, flux_at_level: bool = False,
mu_star: Optional[float] = None,
stellar_mode: Literal['diffusive', 'collimated'] = 'diffusive',
planck_correction_factor: Optional[float] = None
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Deals with the spectral axis.
source_nu :
$\pi B(T)$ (Planck function) at each of the Nlay+1 level interfaces.
Shape: **(Nlev+1, Nw)**.
tau_nu :
Cumulative optical depth of the previous levels, start at 0.
The last value tau[-1] is equals to the optical depth of the column.
Shape: **(Nlev+1, Nw, Ng)**.
dtau_nu :
Optical depth of each level, for each band.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
omega0_nu :
Single scattering albedo of each level, for each band.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
g_asym_nu :
Asymmetry factor.
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
flux_top_dw_nu :
Top down flux, either diffusive or collimated.
Shape: **(Nw,)**.
alb_surf_nu :
Surface albedo. Emissivity is assumed to be 1.-alb_surf. Shape: **(Nw,)**.
mu0 :
$\mu_0$ is the incident direction of the observer. It is used as an effective angle.
- $\frac{1}{2}$ yields the hemispheric mean approximation.
- $\frac{1}{\sqrt(3)}$ yields the quadrature approximation
flux_at_level :
- If ``flux_at_level`` is ``True``, fluxes are calculated at the **level surfaces**.
- If ``False``, fluxes are computed at the **middle of the layers**.
The top of atmosphere flux is always computed at the top of the uppermost layer (1st level).
mu_star :
$\mu_*$ is the incident direction of the solar beam. Used when the incoming diffuse flux is treated as a
source term.
stellar_mode :
Dictate how `flux_top_dw_nu` is taken it into account.
- ``diffusive``: Incoming diffuse flux at the upper boundary.
- ``collimated``: Incoming diffuse flux is treated as a source term.
planck_correction_factor :
Allow setting the epsilon used to rewrite the equations , from Chaverot et al. (2022).
flux_up : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
flux_dw : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
flux_net: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
J4pi: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev, Nw, Ng)**.
NLEV, NW = source_nu.shape
NG = dtau_nu.shape[-1]
flux_up: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW, NG))
flux_dw: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW, NG))
flux_net: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW, NG))
J4pi: np.ndarray = np.zeros((NLEV, NW, NG))
for iW in range(NW):
for iG in range(NG):
(flux_up[:, iW, iG],
flux_dw[:, iW, iG],
flux_net[:, iW, iG],
J4pi[:, iW, iG]) = solve_2stream(source=source_nu[:, iW], tau=tau_nu[:, iW, iG], dtau=dtau_nu[:, iW, iG],
omega0=omega0_nu[:, iW, iG], g_asym=g_asym_nu[:, iW, iG],
flux_top_dw=flux_top_dw_nu[iW], alb_surf=alb_surf_nu[iW],
mu0=mu0, flux_at_level=flux_at_level,
mu_star=mu_star, stellar_mode=stellar_mode,
return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net, J4pi
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def solve_2stream(source: np.ndarray, tau: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray,
omega0: np.ndarray, g_asym: np.ndarray,
flux_top_dw: float, alb_surf: float,
mu0: float, flux_at_level: bool,
mu_star: Optional[float],
stellar_mode: Literal['diffusive', 'collimated'],
planck_correction_factor: Optional[float]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Solve the 2-stream equations over a bin.
After Toon et al. (JGR, 1989). Equation numbers refer to this article.
``alb_surf`` = $R_{sfc}$,
``emis_surf`` = $\varepsilon$ = ``1 - alb_surf`` = $1 - R_{sfc}$,
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
stellar_mode :
planck_correction_factor :
Allow setting the epsilon used to rewrite the equations , from Chaverot et al. (2022).
flux_up : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
flux_dw : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
flux_net: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
J4pi: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
Nlev = dtau.size
r"""This factor ensure that the emissivity will not be greater than $1.$, when $\mu_0\neq .5$
, from Chaverot et al. (2022)
When $\mu_0 = .5$, we retrieve the hemispheric mean method,
while for $\mu_0 = 1/\sqrt{3}$, we retrieve the quadrature method, from Toon et al. (1989)
planck_correction_factor: float = planck_correction_factor or 2. * mu0
flux_diffuse_top_dw = flux_top_dw if stellar_mode == 'diffusive' else 0.
# To skip the compute intensive part, if collimated flux is not used set to `None` and not `0`.
# Moreover, when collimated flux is used but the column is not exposed to it,
# setting `mu_star` to `None` allow to skip the computation of a source term null.
flux_collimated_top_dw = flux_top_dw if stellar_mode == 'collimated' and mu_star is not None else None
Due to the fact that numba is typed, if we type `mu_star` as `Optional[float]`,
the fact that "`stellar_mode == 'collimated'` => `mu_star` is not `None`" is not
obvious to numba.
So, the code-branch `if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None: ...` where `mu_star` is used as a float
will result on a compilation error. It's because numba do not know that in this case, `mu_star` is a float.
There are 2 solutions:
- use `if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None and isinstance(mu_star, float)`
- set `mu_star` to `0.` knowing that it will not be used.
We use the second solution to simplify the code.
mu_star: float = mu_star if mu_star is not None else 0.
gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3, gamma_4 = _gammas_toon(omega0=omega0, g_asym=g_asym,
mu0=mu0, mu_star=mu_star, planck_correction_factor=planck_correction_factor, # 1. / np.sqrt(3.)
flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net, J4pi = matrix_toon_tridiag(Nlev=Nlev, taucum=tau, dtau=dtau, omega_0=omega0,
gamma_1=gamma_1, gamma_2=gamma_2,
gamma_3=gamma_3, gamma_4=gamma_4,
source=source, mu0=mu0, mu_star=mu_star,
alb_surf=alb_surf, flux_at_level=flux_at_level)
return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net, J4pi
##-- $C^{+}(0), C^{-}(0),C^{+}(\tau)$ and $C^{-}(\tau)$ --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def c_planck(source: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
c_up/dw is for c+/- without direct beam scattering.
_top is for tau equal 0 (top of the layer)
_bot is for tau=dtau (bottom of the layer)
removed a pi factor because source is pi*B
source :
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
c_up_top : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
c_dw_top : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
c_up_bot : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
c_dw_bot : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
# cst=2*mu0
# cst=1. # this factor seems to avoid emissivity greater than one.
# but what is the analytical basis for this ???
# print(gamma_1+gamma_2)
inv_dtaugam = 1. / (dtau * (gamma_1 + gamma_2))
c_up_top = (source[:-1] * (1. - inv_dtaugam) + source[1:] * inv_dtaugam) # *cst
c_dw_top = (source[:-1] * (1. + inv_dtaugam) - source[1:] * inv_dtaugam) # *cst
c_up_bot = (-source[:-1] * inv_dtaugam + source[1:] * (1. + inv_dtaugam)) # *cst
c_dw_bot = (source[:-1] * inv_dtaugam + source[1:] * (1. - inv_dtaugam)) # *cst
return c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def _c_star_denominator(l: np.ndarray, mu_star: float, eps_frac: float = 1.e-12) -> np.ndarray:
Compute the denominator for equations (23) and (24).
We use the following reference: https://github.com/NCAR/iCESM1.2/blob/355f7b2c77f1b49004145f6b975617c0917d18ce/models/atm/cam/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_ps2str.F90#L236C1-L238C47
This allow to properly implement "In practice, if the equality happens to occur, this problem can be eliminated
by simply choosing a slightly different value of mu0" (Toon & al 1989)
l :
lambda_toon value
mu_star :
# Naively compute the denominator
frac: np.ndarray = l * l - 1. / (mu_star * mu_star)
temp = np.maximum(eps_frac * np.ones_like(frac), np.abs(frac))
# Return the proper denominator
return np.copysign(temp, frac)
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def c_star(flux_collimated_top_down: float, taucum: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray, gamma_3: np.ndarray, gamma_4: np.ndarray,
omega_0: np.ndarray, mu_star: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the values of $C^{+}(0), C^{-}(0),C^{+}(\tau)$ and $C^{-}(\tau)$ for the solar radiation part.
Follow the equations (23) and (24).
flux_collimated_top_down :
taucum :
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_3 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_4 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
omega_0 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
mu_star :
$C^{+}(0)$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{-}(0)$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{+}(\tau)$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{-}(\tau)$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
r"""From `Table 1` of Toon et al., `\lambda_4 = 1 - \lambda_3`"""
If $\lambda=\frac{1}{\mu_*}, we get a divide by zero.
naive implementation
.. code:
frac: float = lambda_toon2(gamma_1, gamma_2) - 1. / mu_star ** 2
l: np.ndarray = lambda_toon(gamma_1, gamma_2)
frac = _c_star_denominator(l, mu_star)
# Replace `source` with `flux_collimated_top_down / mu_star` to get the stellar flux along the ray.
common_part = omega_0 * flux_collimated_top_down / mu_star
inv_mu_star = 1. / mu_star
fac_up = (gamma_1 - inv_mu_star) * gamma_3 + gamma_4 * gamma_2
fac_dw = (gamma_1 + inv_mu_star) * gamma_4 + gamma_2 * gamma_3
# For the level n, \dtau = 0
c_up_top: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- taucum[:-1] / mu_star) * fac_up / frac
c_dw_top: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- taucum[:-1] / mu_star) * fac_dw / frac
# For the level n, \dtau = \dtau_n
c_up_bot: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- taucum[1:] / mu_star) * fac_up / frac
c_dw_bot: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- taucum[1:] / mu_star) * fac_dw / frac
return c_up_top, c_dw_top, c_up_bot, c_dw_bot
##-- C^{+}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ and $C^{-}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def c_planck_mid(source: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute $C^\pm$ at the middle of the layer, i.e. at tau=dtau/2, ie $C^\pm(\frac{\tau}{2})$.
c_up/dw is for c+/- without direct beam scattering.
source :
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{+}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{-}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
inv_dtaugam = 1. / (dtau * (gamma_1 + gamma_2))
c_up_mid = (source[:-1] * (.5 - inv_dtaugam) + source[1:] * (0.5 + inv_dtaugam))
c_dw_mid = (source[:-1] * (.5 + inv_dtaugam) + source[1:] * (0.5 - inv_dtaugam))
return c_up_mid, c_dw_mid
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def c_star_mid(flux_collimated_top_down: float, taucum: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray, gamma_3: np.ndarray, gamma_4: np.ndarray,
omega_0: np.ndarray, mu_star: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute $C^\pm$ at the middle of the layer, i.e. at tau=dtau/2, ie $C^\pm(\frac{\tau}{2})$.
flux_collimated_top_down :
taucum :
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_3 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_4 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
omega_0 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
mu_star :
$C^{+}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$C^{-}(\frac{\tau}{2})$ :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
l: np.ndarray = lambda_toon(gamma_1, gamma_2)
frac: np.ndarray = _c_star_denominator(l, mu_star)
# Replace `source` with ` source / mu_star` to get the stellar flux along the ray.
common_part = omega_0 * flux_collimated_top_down / mu_star
inv_mu_star = 1. / mu_star
fac_up = (gamma_1 - inv_mu_star) * gamma_3 + gamma_4 * gamma_2
fac_dw = (gamma_1 + inv_mu_star) * gamma_4 + gamma_2 * gamma_3
c_up_mid: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- (taucum[:-1] + .5 * dtau) / mu_star) * fac_up / frac
c_dw_mid: np.ndarray = common_part * np.exp(- (taucum[:-1] + .5 * dtau) / mu_star) * fac_dw / frac
return c_up_mid, c_dw_mid
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def mid_factor_toon(dtau: np.ndarray, gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Factors to recover the flux at mid layer.
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$\text{factor}_{1,\frac{1}{2}}$ : np.ndarray
$\text{factor}_{2,\frac{1}{2}}$ : np.ndarray
lamb, GAMMA = lambda_GAMMA(gamma_1, gamma_2)
expdtaumid = np.exp(-lamb * dtau * 0.5)
mid_fac1 = 2. * (1. + GAMMA) * expdtaumid
mid_fac2 = 2. * (1. - GAMMA) * expdtaumid
return mid_fac1, mid_fac2
##-- $S^\pm$ --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def s_planck(omega0: np.ndarray, bb_source: np.ndarray, planck_correction_factor: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Implement equation (15).
omega0 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
bb_source :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$S^+$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$S^-$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
s = 2. * (1. - omega0) * bb_source[:-1] / planck_correction_factor
return s, s
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def s_star(omega0: np.ndarray, gamma_3: np.ndarray, gamma_4: np.ndarray, taucum: np.ndarray,
flux_collimated_top_down: float, mu_star: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Implement equations (13) and (14).
omega0 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_3 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_4 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
taucum :
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)**.
flux_collimated_top_down :
mu_star :
$S^+$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$S^-$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
sp = gamma_3 * flux_collimated_top_down / mu_star * omega0 * np.exp(-taucum[:-1] / mu_star)
sm = gamma_4 * flux_collimated_top_down / mu_star * omega0 * np.exp(-taucum[:-1] / mu_star)
return sp, sm
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def _gamma_planck(omega0: np.ndarray, g_asym: np.ndarray,
mu0: float, planck_correction_factor: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the value for $\gamma_1$ and $\gamma_2$ using Table 1.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\gamma_1$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\gamma_2$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_1 = (2. - omega0 * (1. + g_asym)) / planck_correction_factor
gamma_2 = omega0 * (1. - g_asym) / planck_correction_factor
return gamma_1, gamma_2
##-- $\gamma_i, e_i$, \lambda. \Gamma$ --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def _gamma_star(g_asym: np.ndarray, mu0: float, mu_star: float) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the value of $\gamma_{3,4}$, following Toon et al.
At this moment, we made the choice to use the value for the quadrature method
and identifying the factor $\sqrt{3}$ to $\frac{1}{mu0}$ in our code.
Moreover, these factor are not subject to the `planck_correction_factor`.
For this function, $\mu_0$ should have the same meaning as $\mu_1$ in the article.
g_asym :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
mu0 :
mu_star :
$\gamma_3$: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$\gamma_4$: np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_3 = (1 - g_asym * mu_star/mu0)/2
gamma_4 = 1. - gamma_3
return gamma_3, gamma_4
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def _gammas_toon(omega0: np.ndarray, g_asym: np.ndarray,
mu0: float, mu_star: float, planck_correction_factor: float,
stellar_mode: Literal['diffusive', 'collimated']) -> Tuple[
np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the value for $\gamma_1$, $\gamma_2$, $\gamma_3$ and $\gamma_4$.
omega0 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
g_asym :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
mu0 :
mu_star :
$\gamma_1$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\gamma_2$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\gamma_3$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\gamma_4$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_1, gamma_2 = _gamma_planck(omega0, g_asym, mu0, planck_correction_factor)
gamma_3, gamma_4 = np.empty_like(gamma_1), np.empty_like(gamma_1)
if stellar_mode == 'collimated':
gamma_3, gamma_4 = _gamma_star(g_asym, mu0, mu_star)
return gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3, gamma_4
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def lambda_toon2(gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Compute $\lambda^2$ from eq 21 of Toon et al.
gamma_1 :
$\gamma_1$, Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
$\gamma_2$, Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$\left( \gamma_1^2 - \gamma_2^2 \right)$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
return gamma_1 * gamma_1 - gamma_2 * gamma_2
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def lambda_toon(gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
Compute $\lambda$ from eq 21 of Toon et al.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$\left( \gamma_1^2 - \gamma_2^2 \right)^\frac{1}{2}$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
return np.sqrt(lambda_toon2(gamma_1, gamma_2))
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def lambda_GAMMA(gamma_1, gamma_2) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute $\lambda$ and $\Gamma$ from eq 21 and 22 of Toon et al.
Toon and al. provide two formulas for $\Gamma$ at equation (22):
- $\frac{\gamma_2}{\gamma_1 + \lambda}$
- $\frac{\gamma_1 - \lambda}{\gamma_2}$
We choose two use the first one.
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\lambda$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$\Gamma$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
lamb = lambda_toon(gamma_1, gamma_2)
GAMMA = gamma_2 / (lamb + gamma_1)
# GAMMA=(gamma_1-lamb)/(gamma_2)
return lamb, GAMMA
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def e_i_toon(dtau: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
$e_i$ factors defined in eq 44.
dtau :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_1 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
gamma_2 :
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$e_{1}$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$e_{2}$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$e_{3}$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
$e_{4}$ : np.ndarray
Shape: **(Nlev,)**
lamb, GAMMA = lambda_GAMMA(gamma_1, gamma_2)
expdtau = np.exp(-lamb * dtau)
e_1 = 1. + GAMMA * expdtau
e_2 = 1. - GAMMA * expdtau
e_3 = GAMMA + expdtau
e_4 = GAMMA - expdtau
return e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4
##-- Solver --##
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def matrix_toon_tridiag(Nlev: int,
taucum: np.ndarray, dtau: np.ndarray, omega_0: np.ndarray,
gamma_1: np.ndarray, gamma_2: np.ndarray, gamma_3: np.ndarray, gamma_4: np.ndarray,
source: np.ndarray,
mu0: float, mu_star: float,
flux_diffuse_top_dw: float, flux_collimated_top_dw: Optional[float],
alb_surf: float, flux_at_level: bool) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
Compute the up/dw/net fluxes and J4pi.
Number of levels.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)=(Nlay,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Required in `collimated` mode.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
Required in `collimated` mode.
Top downward flux to be treated as a diffusive flux (ie, boundary condition).
Top downward flux to be treated as a collimated flux. Can be seen as $\mu_0\pi Fs$ in toon.
Shape: **(Nlev,)**.
$F_{up}$: np.ndarray
Upper flux at the bottom of the Nlay layers.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)=(Nlay,)**.
$F_{dw}$: np.ndarray
Down flux at the bottom of the Nlay layers.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)=(Nlay,)**.
$F_{net}$: np.ndarray
Net flux at the bottom of the Nlay layers.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)=(Nlay,)**.
$4\pi J_n$: np.ndarray
J4pi at the bottom of the Nlay layers.
Take into account the contribution from the incident flux.
Shape: **(Nlev+1,)=(Nlay,)**.
e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4 = e_i_toon(dtau, gamma_1, gamma_2)
c_up_top = np.zeros_like(dtau)
c_dw_top = np.zeros_like(dtau)
c_up_bot = np.zeros_like(dtau)
c_dw_bot = np.zeros_like(dtau)
c_up_top_planck, c_dw_top_planck, c_up_bot_planck, c_dw_bot_planck = c_planck(source, dtau, gamma_1, gamma_2)
# Take into account the bb source term
c_up_top += c_up_top_planck
c_dw_top += c_dw_top_planck
c_up_bot += c_up_bot_planck
c_dw_bot += c_dw_bot_planck
source_surface = (1. - alb_surf) * source[-1]
$S_{sfc}$, where $S_{sfc}$ is `alb_surf` and $\varepsilon$ is `1 - alb_surf`.
# We now add the contribution from the stellar source.
if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None:
c_up_top_star, c_dw_top_star, c_up_bot_star, c_dw_bot_star = c_star(flux_collimated_top_dw, taucum, dtau,
gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3, gamma_4, omega_0,
# Take into account the stellar flux as a source term
c_up_top += c_up_top_star
c_dw_top += c_dw_top_star
c_up_bot += c_up_bot_star
c_dw_bot += c_dw_bot_star
# Update source_surface to take into account the stellar flux
source_surface += alb_surf * flux_collimated_top_dw * np.exp(- taucum[-1] / mu_star)
A = np.zeros((2 * Nlev))
B = np.zeros((2 * Nlev))
D = np.zeros((2 * Nlev))
E = np.zeros((2 * Nlev))
# upper boundary
A[0] = 0.
B[0] = e_1[0]
D[0] = -e_2[0]
E[0] = flux_diffuse_top_dw - c_dw_top[0]
# even in Toon indexing. (remember python arrays start at 0.)
A[1:-1:2] = e_1[:-1] * e_2[1:] - e_3[:-1] * e_4[1:]
B[1:-1:2] = e_2[:-1] * e_2[1:] - e_4[:-1] * e_4[1:]
D[1:-1:2] = e_1[1:] * e_4[1:] - e_2[1:] * e_3[1:]
E[1:-1:2] = (c_up_top[1:] - c_up_bot[:-1]) * e_2[1:] - (c_dw_top[1:] - c_dw_bot[:-1]) * e_4[1:]
# the middle sign above is different in my calculations and toon (+ in Toon)
# odd
A[2:-1:2] = e_2[:-1] * e_3[:-1] - e_4[:-1] * e_1[:-1]
B[2:-1:2] = e_1[:-1] * e_1[1:] - e_3[:-1] * e_3[1:]
D[2:-1:2] = e_3[:-1] * e_4[1:] - e_1[:-1] * e_2[1:]
E[2:-1:2] = (c_up_top[1:] - c_up_bot[:-1]) * e_3[:-1] - (c_dw_top[1:] - c_dw_bot[:-1]) * e_1[:-1]
# surface
A[-1] = e_1[-1] - alb_surf * e_3[-1]
B[-1] = e_2[-1] - alb_surf * e_4[-1]
D[-1] = 0
E[-1] = source_surface - c_up_bot[-1] + alb_surf * c_dw_bot[-1]
Y = DTRIDGL(2 * Nlev, A, B, D, E)
flux_net = np.zeros((Nlev + 1))
J4pimu = np.zeros((Nlev + 1))
if flux_at_level is True:
c_up_mid, c_dw_mid = c_planck_mid(source, dtau, gamma_1, gamma_2)
# Recompute the stellar source term at mid layer
if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None:
c_up_mid_star, c_dw_mid_star = c_star_mid(flux_collimated_top_dw, taucum, dtau, gamma_1, gamma_2, gamma_3,
gamma_4, omega_0, mu_star)
c_up_mid += c_up_mid_star
c_dw_mid += c_dw_mid_star
mid_factor1, mid_factor2 = mid_factor_toon(dtau, gamma_1, gamma_2)
flux_net[1:] = Y[1::2] * mid_factor2 + c_up_mid - c_dw_mid
J4pimu[1:] = Y[::2] * mid_factor1 + c_up_mid + c_dw_mid
# flux_net[-1] = Y[-2]*(e_1[-1]-e_3[-1])+Y[-1]*(e_2[-1]-e_4[-1])+c_up_bot[-1]-c_dw_bot[-1]
# J4pimu[-1] = Y[-2]*(e_1[-1]+e_3[-1])+Y[-1]*(e_2[-1]+e_4[-1])+c_up_bot[-1]+c_dw_bot[-1]
flux_net[1:] = Y[::2] * (e_1 - e_3) + Y[1::2] * (e_2 - e_4) + c_up_bot - c_dw_bot
J4pimu[1:] = Y[::2] * (e_1 + e_3) + Y[1::2] * (e_2 + e_4) + c_up_bot + c_dw_bot
# ?
flux_net_top = Y[0] * e_3[0] - Y[1] * e_4[0] + c_up_top[0]
J4pimu[0] = flux_net_top + flux_diffuse_top_dw
flux_net[0] = flux_net_top - flux_diffuse_top_dw
# We compute the `stellar_source` contribution.
direct = np.zeros_like(taucum)
if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None:
if flux_at_level is True:
direct[0] = flux_collimated_top_dw
direct[1:-1] = flux_collimated_top_dw * np.exp(- (taucum[0:-2] + .5 * dtau[:-1]) / mu_star)
direct[-1] = flux_collimated_top_dw * np.exp(- (taucum[-1]) / mu_star)
direct: np.ndarray = flux_collimated_top_dw * np.exp(- taucum / mu_star)
# Compute the up/down fluxes without taking account the `stellar_source` contribution.
# This match the default behavior.
flux_up = .5 * (J4pimu + flux_net)
flux_dw = .5 * (J4pimu - flux_net)
J4pi = J4pimu / mu0
if flux_collimated_top_dw is not None:
J4pi += direct / mu_star
flux_net -= direct
flux_dw += direct
return flux_up, flux_dw, flux_net, J4pi
@numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True)
def DTRIDGL(L: int, AF: np.ndarray, BF: np.ndarray, CF: np.ndarray, DF: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
!* A(I)*X(I-1) + B(I)*X(I) + C(I)*X(I+1) = D(I)
L :
AF :
Shape: **(L,)**.
BF :
Shape: **(L,)**.
CF :
Shape: **(L,)**.
DF :
Shape: **(L,)**.
Y: np.ndarray
AS = np.zeros_like(AF)
DS = np.zeros_like(AF)
XK = np.zeros_like(AF)
AS[-1] = AF[-1] / BF[-1]
DS[-1] = DF[-1] / BF[-1]
for I in range(1, L):
X = 1. / (BF[L + 1 - I - 2] - CF[L + 1 - I - 2] * AS[L + 2 - I - 2])
AS[L + 1 - I - 2] = AF[L + 1 - I - 2] * X
DS[L + 1 - I - 2] = (DF[L + 1 - I - 2] - CF[L + 1 - I - 2] * DS[L + 2 - I - 2]) * X
XK[0] = DS[0]
for I in range(1, L):
XKB = XK[I - 1]
XK[I] = DS[I] - AS[I] * XKB
return XK