Source code for exo_k.kdatabase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from .ktable import Ktable
from .ktable5d import Ktable5d
from .xtable import Xtable
from .gas_mix import Gas_mix
from .settings import Settings
from .util.interp import rm_molec
from .util.spectral_object import Spectral_object

[docs] class Kdatabase(Spectral_object): """This object contains mainly a dictionary of individual :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` or :class:`~exo_k.xtable.Xtable` objects for each molecule. In addition, the informations about the P, T, Wn, g grids are reloaded as attributes of the Kdatabase object. """ def __init__(self, molecules, *str_filters, search_path=None, remove_zeros=True, **kwargs): """Initializes k coeff tables and supporting data from a list of molecules Parameters ---------- molecules: list or dict * If a list of molecules is provided, the file starting with the molecule name and containing all the str_filters are searched in the global search path defined in :class:`~exo_k.settings.Settings`. * If a dictionary is provided, the keys are the molecules to load, and the values are the path to the corresponding file. If a None value is given, the str_filters will be used as above. search_path: str, optional If search_path is provided, it locally overrides the global _search_path settings and only files in search_path are returned. See also the options of :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` >>> Kdatabase(None) Loads an empty database to be filled later with :func:`~exo_k.kdatabase.Kdatabase.add_ktables`. .. important:: By default, Ktables have zeros removed when loaded to avoid log interpolation issues. You can avoid that with the `remove_zeros=False` keyword. """ super().__init__() self.ktables={} self._settings=Settings() self.consolidated_wn_grid=True self.consolidated_PT_grid=True self.consolidated_p_unit=True self.consolidated_kdata_unit=True self.N_ktable5d=0 self.molecules=None if molecules is None: return if isinstance(molecules,list): for mol in molecules: try: try: tmp_ktable=Ktable(*str_filters, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) except: tmp_ktable=Ktable5d(*str_filters, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) self.N_ktable5d += 1 except: tmp_ktable=Xtable(*str_filters, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) self.add_ktables(tmp_ktable) else: #then we assume a dict for mol,filename in molecules.items(): try: # below, we still provide *([mol+delim]+list(str_filters)) # as an input in case filename is None try: tmp_ktable=Ktable(*str_filters, filename=filename, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) except: tmp_ktable=Ktable5d(*str_filters, filename=filename, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) self.N_ktable5d += 1 except: tmp_ktable=Xtable(*str_filters, filename=filename, mol=mol, remove_zeros=remove_zeros, search_path=search_path, **kwargs) self.add_ktables(tmp_ktable) if self.N_ktable5d > 1: print(""" Warning!!! You loaded more than one Ktable5d in a single database. This is not supposed to happen. Proceed at your own risks! """)
[docs] def add_ktables(self, *ktables): """Adds as many :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` or :class:`~exo_k.xtable.Xtable` to the database as you want (inplace). Parameters ---------- ktables: :class:`Ktable` or :class:`Xtable` objects Tables to be added. """ for tmp_ktable in ktables: if self.molecules is None: self.ktables[tmp_ktable.mol]=tmp_ktable self.kdata_unit=tmp_ktable.kdata_unit self.pgrid=tmp_ktable.pgrid self.p_unit=tmp_ktable.p_unit self.logpgrid=tmp_ktable.logpgrid self.tgrid=tmp_ktable.tgrid self.wns=tmp_ktable.wns self.wnedges=tmp_ktable.wnedges self.Np=tmp_ktable.Np self.Nt=tmp_ktable.Nt self.Nw=tmp_ktable.Nw self.Ng=tmp_ktable.Ng if tmp_ktable.Ng is not None: self.Ng=tmp_ktable.Ng self.weights=tmp_ktable.weights self.ggrid=tmp_ktable.ggrid self.gedges=tmp_ktable.gedges else: if (self.Ng is None)^(tmp_ktable.Ng is None): raise RuntimeError( \ 'All elements in a database must have the same type (Ktable or Xtable).') if (self.Ng is not None) and (not np.array_equal(tmp_ktable.ggrid,self.ggrid)): raise RuntimeError('All Ktables in a database must have the same g grid.') if self.p_unit != tmp_ktable.p_unit: print("""Careful, not all tables have the same p unit. You'll need to use convert_p_unit""") self.consolidated_p_unit=False if rm_molec(self.kdata_unit) != rm_molec(tmp_ktable.kdata_unit): print("""Careful, not all tables have the same kdata unit. You'll need to use convert_kdata_unit""") self.consolidated_kdata_unit=False self.ktables[tmp_ktable.mol]=tmp_ktable if (((self.Ng is None) and not np.array_equal(tmp_ktable.wns,self.wns)) or \ ((self.Ng is not None) and not np.array_equal(tmp_ktable.wnedges,self.wnedges))): # If Xtables, compare wns. If Ktables, compare wnedges self.consolidated_wn_grid=False print("""Careful, not all tables have the same wavelength grid. You'll need to use bin_down (Ktable) or sample (Xtable)""") self.wns = None self.wnedges= None self.Nw = None if not (np.array_equal(tmp_ktable.logpgrid,self.logpgrid) \ and np.array_equal(tmp_ktable.tgrid,self.tgrid)) : self.consolidated_PT_grid=False self.pgrid = None self.logpgrid= None self.tgrid = None self.Np = None self.Nt = None print("""Careful, not all tables have the same logPT grid. You'll need to use remap_logPT""") self.molecules=list(self.ktables.keys())
[docs] def copy(self): """Creates a new instance of :class:`~exo_k.kdatabase.Kdatabase` object and (deep) copies data into it """ res=Kdatabase(None) if self.molecules is not None: for ktab in self.ktables.values(): res.add_ktables(ktab.copy()) return res
def __repr__(self): """Method to output """ output='The available molecules are: \n' for mol, ktab in self.ktables.items(): output+=mol+'->'+ktab.filename+'\n' if self.consolidated_wn_grid: output+='All tables share a common spectral grid\n' else: output+='All tables do NOT have common spectral grid\n' output+='You will need to run bin_down or sample before using the database\n' if self.consolidated_PT_grid: output+='All tables share a common logP-T grid\n' else: output+='All tables do NOT have common logP-T grid\n' output+='You will need to run remap_logPT to perform some operations\n' if self.consolidated_p_unit: output+='All tables share a common p unit\n' else: output+='All tables do NOT have common p unit\n' output+='You will need to run convert_p_unit to perform some operations\n' if self.consolidated_kdata_unit: output+='All tables share a common kdata unit\n' else: output+='All tables do NOT have common kdata unit\n' output+='You will need to run convert_kdata_unit to perform some operations\n' return output def __getitem__(self, molecule): """Overrides getitem so as to access directly a Ktable with Kdatabase['mol'] """ if molecule not in self.ktables.keys(): raise KeyError('The requested molecule is not available.') return self.ktables[molecule]
[docs] def remap_logPT(self, logp_array=None, t_array=None): """Applies the remap_logPT method to all the tables in the database (inplace). This can be used to put all the tables onthe same PT grid. See :func:`exo_k.data_table.Data_table.remap_logPT` for details. """ if not self.consolidated_p_unit: raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same p unit to proceed. You should probably use convert_p_unit().""") for mol in self.molecules: self.ktables[mol].remap_logPT(logp_array=logp_array,t_array=t_array) self.logpgrid=np.array(logp_array, dtype=float) self.pgrid =10**self.logpgrid self.tgrid =np.array(t_array) self.Np =self.logpgrid.size self.Nt =self.tgrid.size self.consolidated_PT_grid=True
[docs] def bin_down(self, wnedges=None, **kwargs): """Applies the bin_down method to all the tables in the database (inplace). This can be used to put all the tables on the same wavenumber grid. See :func:`exo_k.ktable.Ktable.bin_down` or :func:`exo_k.xtable.Xtable.bin_down` for details. """ first=True for mol in self.molecules: self.ktables[mol].bin_down(wnedges=wnedges, **kwargs) if first: self.wns=self.ktables[mol].wns self.wnedges=self.ktables[mol].wnedges self.Nw=self.ktables[mol].Nw if self.Ng is not None: self.ggrid=self.ktables[mol].ggrid self.weights=self.ktables[mol].weights self.Ng=self.ktables[mol].Ng self.consolidated_wn_grid=True
[docs] def bin_down_cp(self, wnedges=None, **kwargs): """Creates a copy of the database and bins it down. Parameters ---------- See `bin_down` for details on parameters Returns ------- :class:`Kdatabase` object The binned down database """ res=self.copy() res.bin_down(wnedges=wnedges, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def sample(self, wngrid, **kwargs): """Applies the sample method to all the tables in the database (inplace). This can be used to put all the tables onthe same wavenumber grid. See Ktable.bin_down() or Xtable.bin_down() for details. """ first=True if self.Ng is not None: raise RuntimeError('sample is only available for Xtable objects.') for mol in self.molecules: self.ktables[mol].sample(wngrid,**kwargs) if first: self.wns=self.ktables[mol].wns self.wnedges=self.ktables[mol].wnedges self.Nw=self.ktables[mol].Nw self.consolidated_wn_grid=True
[docs] def sample_cp(self, wngrid, **kwargs): """Creates a copy of the database and re-samples it. Parameters ---------- See `sample` for details on parameters Returns ------- :class:`Kdatabase` object The re-sampled database """ if self.Ng is not None: raise RuntimeError('sample is only available for Xtable objects.') res=self.copy() res.sample(wngrid, **kwargs) return res
[docs] def clip_spectral_range(self, wn_range=None, wl_range=None): """Limits the data to the provided spectral range (inplace): * Wavenumber in cm^-1 if using wn_range argument * Wavelength in micron if using wl_range """ first=True for mol in self.molecules: self.ktables[mol].clip_spectral_range(wn_range=wn_range, wl_range=wl_range) if first: self.wns=self.ktables[mol].wns self.wnedges=self.ktables[mol].wnedges self.Nw=self.ktables[mol].Nw
[docs] def convert_p_unit(self, p_unit='unspecified'): """Converts pressure unit of all Data_tables (inplace). See Data_table.convert_p_unit() for details. """ first=True for mol in self.molecules: self[mol].convert_p_unit(p_unit=p_unit) if first: self.p_unit=self[mol].p_unit self.consolidated_p_unit=True
[docs] def convert_kdata_unit(self, kdata_unit='unspecified'): """Converts kdata unit of all Data_tables (inplace). See Data_table.convert_kdata_unit() for details. """ first=True for mol in self.molecules: self[mol].convert_kdata_unit(kdata_unit=kdata_unit) if first: self.kdata_unit=self[mol].kdata_unit self.consolidated_kdata_unit=True
[docs] def convert_to_mks(self): """Converts units of all `Data_table`s to MKS (inplace) """ first=True for mol in self.molecules: self[mol].convert_to_mks() if first: self.p_unit=self[mol].p_unit self.kdata_unit=self[mol].kdata_unit self.consolidated_p_unit=True self.consolidated_kdata_unit=True
[docs] def create_mix_ktable(self, composition, inactive_species=None, cia_database=None, verbose=False, mol=None, random_overlap=True): """Creates a :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` or :class:`~exo_k.xtable.Xtable` for a mix of molecules. The table is computed over the P,T grid of the `Kdatabase` instance. Parameters ---------- composition: dict Keys are the molecule names (they must match the names in the database). Values are either numbers or arrays of volume mixing ratios with shape (pgrid.size,tgrid.size). This composition will instantiate a :class:`Gas_mix` object. In particular, if a value is 'background', this gas will be used to fill up to sum(vmr)=1 (See :class:`~exo_k.gas_mix.Gas_mix` for details). For each (P,T) point, the sum of all the mixing ratios should be lower or equal to 1. If it is lower, it is assumed that the rest of the gas is transparent. inactive_species: list, optional List the gases that are in composition but for which we do not want the opacity to be accounted for. cia_database: :class:`~exo_k.ciadatabase.CIAdatabase` If a `CIAdatabase` is provided, cia opacity is added to the resulting table. verbose: bool Enables verbose mode. Returns ------- :class:`~exo_k.ktable.Ktable` or :class:`~exo_k.xtable.Xtable` object A new `Ktable`or `Xtable` for the mix. """ if inactive_species is None: inactive_species = [] if not self.consolidated_wn_grid: raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same wavenumber grid to proceed. You should probably use bin_down().""") if not self.consolidated_PT_grid: raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same PT grid to proceed. You should probably use remap_logPT().""") if not self.consolidated_p_unit: raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same p unit to proceed. You should probably use convert_p_unit().""") if not self.consolidated_kdata_unit: raise RuntimeError( \ """All tables in the database should have the same p unit to proceed. You should probably use convert_kdata_unit().""") mol_to_be_done=set(composition.keys()) mol_to_be_done=mol_to_be_done-set(inactive_species) if all(elem in self.molecules for elem in mol_to_be_done): if verbose: print('I have all the requested molecules in my database') print(mol_to_be_done) else: mol_to_be_done=mol_to_be_done.intersection(set(self.molecules)) if verbose: print('Do not have all the molecules in my database') print('Molecules to be treated: ', mol_to_be_done) if not mol_to_be_done: if verbose: print("""You are creating a mix without any active gas: This will be awfully transparent""") res=self[self.molecules[0]].copy(cp_kdata=False) res.kdata=np.zeros(res.shape) return res gas_mixture=Gas_mix(composition) first_mol=True for molec in mol_to_be_done: if first_mol: res=self.ktables[molec].copy(cp_kdata=True) try: res.kdata=res.vmr_normalize(gas_mixture[molec]) except TypeError: print('gave bad mixing ratio format to vmr_normalize') raise TypeError('bad mixing ratio type') first_mol=False else: if verbose: print('treating molecule ',molec) if (not random_overlap) or (self.Ng is None): res.kdata+=self.ktables[molec].vmr_normalize(gas_mixture[molec]) else: res.kdata=res.RandOverlap(self.ktables[molec], None, gas_mixture[molec]) # no need to re normalize with respect to # the abundances of the molecules already done. if cia_database is not None: cia=cia_database.cia_cross_section_grid(self.logpgrid, self.tgrid, gas_mixture) if self.Ng is None: res.kdata+=cia else: res.kdata+=cia[:,:,:,None] if mol is not None: res.change_molecule_name(mol) return res
[docs] def create_mix_ktable5d(self, bg_comp:Optional[dict] = None, vgas_comp: Optional[dict] = None, x_array=None, bg_inac_species: Optional[list] = None, vgas_inac_species: Optional[list] = None, mol=None, **kwargs): """Creates a Ktable5d for a mix of molecules with a variable gas. In essence, the regular create_mix_ktable is called to create two mixes: * The background mix specified by composition=bg_comp, inactive_species=bg_inac_species * The variable gas specified by composition=vgas_comp, inactive_species=vgas_inac_species See :func:`create_mix_ktable` for details. These two gases are then mixed together for an array of vmr x_array where var_gas has a vmr of x_array and the background gas has a vmr of 1.-x_array Returns ------- :class:`~exo_k.ktable5d.Ktable5d` object A new ktable for the mix with a dimension for the vmr of the variable gas. """ if vgas_inac_species is None: vgas_inac_species = [] if bg_inac_species is None: bg_inac_species = [] if vgas_comp is None: vgas_comp = {} if bg_comp is None: bg_comp = {} if x_array is None: raise RuntimeError('x_array is None: pas bien!!!') background_mix=self.create_mix_ktable(bg_comp, inactive_species=bg_inac_species) var_gas_mix=self.create_mix_ktable(vgas_comp, inactive_species=vgas_inac_species) ktab5d=var_gas_mix.copy(ktab5d=True) ktab5d.xgrid=np.array(x_array) ktab5d.Nx=ktab5d.xgrid.size print('shape of the output Ktable5d (p,t,x,wn,g):', ktab5d.shape) new_kdata=np.zeros(ktab5d.shape) for iX, vmr in enumerate(ktab5d.xgrid): new_kdata[:,:,iX,:,:]=var_gas_mix.RandOverlap(background_mix, vmr, 1.-vmr, **kwargs) ktab5d.set_kdata(new_kdata) if mol is not None: ktab5d.change_molecule_name(mol) return ktab5d
[docs] def blackbody(self, temperature, integral=True): """Computes the surface black body flux (in W/m^2/cm^-1) at temperature. Parameters ---------- temperature: float Blackbody temperature integral: boolean, optional * If true, the black body is integrated within each wavenumber bin. * If not, only the central value is used. False is faster and should be ok for small bins, but True is the correct version. Returns ------- Spectrum object Spectral flux in W/m^2/cm^-1 """ if self.molecules: if self.consolidated_wn_grid: return self.ktables[self.molecules[0]].blackbody(temperature, integral=integral) else: raise RuntimeError( """All tables in the database should have the same wavenumber grid to proceed. You should probably use bin_down().""") else: raise RuntimeError( """There should be at least one K/Xtable in the Kdatabase to proceed.""")