# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
import numpy as np
import numba
from .convection import dry_convective_adjustment_numba, turbulent_diffusion_numba
from exo_k.util.molar_mass import Molar_mass
from exo_k.util.cst import PI, N_A
from exo_k.aerosol.util_aerosol import mmr_to_number_density_ratio
class Tracers(object):
def __init__(self, settings, tracers=None, tracer_values=None, Dmol=0.,
bg_vmr=None, M_bg=None, Nlay=None, **kwargs):
"""Class that deals with tracers.
Fills out the tracers.qarray and creates tracer_names, a table of correspondence
between tracer names and indices in tracers.qarray.
if tracers is None:
tracers = {'inactive_tracer':{}}
self.Ntrac = len(tracers)
if tracer_values is None:
tracer_values = {}
if Nlay is not None:
self.Nlay = Nlay
raise RuntimeError("We need to know Nlay to initialize Tracers")
self.bg_vmr = bg_vmr.copy()
self.gas_vmr = bg_vmr.copy()
self.var_gas_idx = list()
self.aerosols_idx = list()
self.var_gas_names = list()
self.aerosols_names = list()
self.gas_molar_masses = list()
self.aerosols_bulk_density = list()
self.aerosols_r_eff = list()
self.some_var_gases = False
self.some_active_aerosol = False
self.namelist = list(tracers.keys())
self.idx = dict()
self.qarray = np.empty((self.Ntrac, self.Nlay))
self.qsurf = np.zeros(self.Ntrac)
self.qdeep = - np.ones(self.Ntrac)
for ii, name in enumerate(self.namelist):
if name in tracer_values.keys():
elif 'init_value' in self.dico[name].keys():
if 'type' in self.dico[name]:
if self.dico[name]['type'] in ('gas', 'vapor'):
self.some_var_gases = True
if self.dico[name]['type'] in ('aerosol'):
self.some_active_aerosol = True
if 'q_deep' in self.dico[name]:
self.qdeep[ii] = np.copy(self.dico[name]['q_deep'])
if 'surface_reservoir' in self.dico[name]: # should be reserved to condensates
self.qsurf[ii] = np.copy(self.dico[name]['surface_reservoir'])
self.settings.set_parameters(surface_reservoir = True)
self.var_gas_idx = np.array(self.var_gas_idx)
self.var_gas_names = np.array(self.var_gas_names)
self.gas_molar_masses = np.array(self.gas_molar_masses)
self.aerosols_idx = np.array(self.aerosols_idx)
self.aerosols_names = np.array(self.aerosols_names)
self.aerosols_bulk_density = np.array(self.aerosols_bulk_density)
self.aerosols_r_eff = np.array(self.aerosols_r_eff)
self.M_bg = M_bg
self.Dmol = Dmol
def update_gas_composition(self, update_vmr=True):
"""Performs mass to volume mixing ratio conversion,
computes the new molar mass of the total gas
and transmits new composition to the radiative model.
!!!Small discrepancies with case without tracers!!!
Maybe a problem with the background gas. JL22 => is this still true ?
atm: exo_k.Atm object
If atm is provided, its composition will be
updated with the new composition.
qvar = np.zeros(self.Nlay)
ovMvar = np.zeros(self.Nlay)
for ii, idx in enumerate(self.var_gas_idx):
qvar += self.qarray[idx]
ovMvar += self.qarray[idx]/self.gas_molar_masses[ii]
self.Mgas = 1./((1.-qvar)*ovMbg + ovMvar)
if update_vmr:
var_vmr_tot = 0.
for ii, idx in enumerate(self.var_gas_idx):
vmr_tmp = np.core.umath.maximum(
self.Mgas * self.qarray[idx] / self.gas_molar_masses[ii], 0.)
#conversion to vmr
self.gas_vmr[self.var_gas_names[ii]] = vmr_tmp
var_vmr_tot += vmr_tmp
#print(vmr_tmp, var_vmr_tot, isinstance(vmr_tmp, (np.ndarray)))
var_vmr_tot = 1. - var_vmr_tot
for mol, vmr in self.bg_vmr.items():
#print(mol, vmr, var_vmr_tot, isinstance(var_vmr_tot, (np.ndarray)))
self.gas_vmr[mol] = vmr * var_vmr_tot
#JL23 careful, if we have a variable gas that is also in the background mix, they are not added.
# vmr for bg gas replaces the other.
def update_aerosol_properties(self, atm):
if self.some_active_aerosol:
aer_reffs_densities = {}
for ii, idx in enumerate(self.aerosols_idx):
mmr_rad = np.sqrt(self.qarray[idx,1:] * self.qarray[idx,:-1])
aer_reffs_densities[self.aerosols_names[ii]] = [self.aerosols_r_eff[ii],
mmr_to_number_density_ratio(mmr_rad, atm.Mgas_rad, self.aerosols_r_eff[ii], self.aerosols_bulk_density[ii])]
aer_reffs_densities = None
return aer_reffs_densities
def dry_convective_adjustment(self, timestep, Htot, atm, verbose=False):
"""Computes convective adjustement.
timestep: float
physical timestep of the current step (in s/cp).
(needs to be converted before it is sent to `turbulent diffusion)
Htot: array, np.ndarray
Total heating rate (in W/kg) of all physical processes
already computed
atm: :class:`Atm` object
The Atm object used in the radiative transfer which
contains many state variables.
new_t = atm.tlay + timestep * Htot
if self.settings['moist_inhibition']:
Mgas_tmp = self.Mgas
Mgas_tmp = np.mean(self.Mgas)
Mgas_tmp = np.full_like(self.Mgas, Mgas_tmp)
H_conv, q_array, self.index_dry_convective_top = dry_convective_adjustment_numba(timestep, self.Nlay, new_t,
atm.exner, atm.dmass, self.qarray, Mgas_tmp, verbose=verbose)
if self.settings['convective_transport']:
return H_conv
def update_surface_reservoir(self, condensing_pairs_idx = False,
surf_layer_mass = 0.):
"""Update surface reservoirs of tracers.
E.g. deals with removing excess condensates from the first layer or
putting more when everything as been evaporated.
if condensing_pairs_idx: # an empty list is False
qcond_surf_layer = self.settings['qcond_surf_layer']
for idx_vap, idx_cond in condensing_pairs_idx:
dm_surf_layer = (qcond_surf_layer - self.qarray[idx_cond, -1]) * surf_layer_mass
if dm_surf_layer > self.qsurf[idx_cond]: #empties surface reservoir
self.qarray[idx_cond, -1] += self.qsurf[idx_cond] / surf_layer_mass
self.qsurf[idx_cond] = 0.
else: # general case
self.qarray[idx_cond, -1] = qcond_surf_layer
self.qsurf[idx_cond] -= dm_surf_layer
def interpolate_tracers_profile(self, new_logplay, old_logplay):
"""Re interpolates tracers on a new pressure grid
new_logplay: array
new pressure grid
old_logplay: array
Old pressure grid
self.Nlay = new_logplay.shape[0]
new_qarray = np.empty((self.Ntrac, self.Nlay))
for ii in range(self.Ntrac):
new_qarray[ii] = np.interp(new_logplay, old_logplay, self.qarray[ii])
self.qarray = new_qarray
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.qarray[self.idx[key]]