Source code for exo_k.atm_evolution.convection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@author: jeremy leconte
import numpy as np
import numba
import exo_k.util.cst as cst
from .condensation import moist_adiabat, compute_condensation_parameters, Tsat_P
#from .condensation_gcm import moist_adiabat, compute_condensation_parameters, Tsat_P
# The line above allows one to select the same cthermodynamics as in the LMDZ GCM. To be changed accordingly in

[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def dry_convective_adjustment_numba(timestep, Nlay, t_lay, exner, dmass, tracer_array, Mgas, verbose = False): r"""Computes the heating rates needed to adjust unstable regions of a given atmosphere to a convectively neutral T profile on a given timestep. Parameters ---------- timestep: float Duration of the adjustment. If given in seconds, H=dT/timestep is in K/s. In the current model, timestep is in second over cp. This ensures that H=dT/timestep is in W/kg. Nlay: int Number of atmospheric layers t_lay: array, np.ndarray Temperatures of the atmospheric layers (K) exner: array, np.ndarray Exner function computed at the layer centers ((p/psurf)**rcp) .. math:: \Pi=(p / p_{s})^{R/c_p} dmass: array, np.ndarray Mass of gas in each layer (kg/m^2) Returns ------- array Heating rate in each atmospheric layer (W/kg). """ theta_lev=t_lay/exner new_theta_lev = np.copy(theta_lev) new_Mgas = np.copy(Mgas) new_tracers = tracer_array.copy() exner_dmass=dmass*exner H_conv=np.zeros(Nlay) n_iter=0 i_convective_top = Nlay-1 if verbose: print('enter convection') # if verbose: print(new_theta_lev, Mgas, theta_ov_mu) while True: theta_ov_mu = new_theta_lev/new_Mgas #conv=np.nonzero(new_theta_lev[:-1]-new_theta_lev[1:]<epsilon)[0] conv=np.nonzero(theta_ov_mu[:-1]<theta_ov_mu[1:])[0] # find convective layers if verbose: print(conv) #if verbose: # print('start at, end at:',conv[0]-4,conv[-1]+3) # print(theta_ov_mu[conv[0]-4:conv[-1]+4]) N_conv=conv.size if N_conv==0: # no more convective regions, normal exit if verbose: print(conv) return H_conv, new_tracers, i_convective_top i_conv=0 i_top=conv[i_conv] #upper unstable layer while i_conv<N_conv-1: #search from the top of the 1st unstable layer for its bottom if conv[i_conv+1]==conv[i_conv]+1: i_conv+=1 continue else: break i_bot=conv[i_conv]+1 if verbose: print('it,ib,:',i_top,i_bot,i_conv) mass_conv=0. intexner=0. theta_mean=0. Mmean=0. for ii in range(i_top,i_bot+1): # compute new mean potential temperature intexner += exner_dmass[ii] mass_conv += dmass[ii] theta_mean += exner_dmass[ii] * (new_theta_lev[ii] - theta_mean) / intexner Mmean += dmass[ii] * (new_Mgas[ii] - Mmean) / mass_conv #if verbose: print('theta_mean,Mmean,:',theta_mean,Mmean,theta_mean/Mmean) i_top_last, ibot_last = -1, -1 while (i_top != i_top_last) or (i_bot != ibot_last): i_top_last, ibot_last = i_top, i_bot while i_top>0:#look for newly unstable layers above if theta_ov_mu[i_top-1]<theta_mean/Mmean: i_top -= 1 intexner += exner_dmass[i_top] mass_conv += dmass[i_top] theta_mean += exner_dmass[i_top] * (new_theta_lev[i_top] - theta_mean) / intexner Mmean += dmass[i_top] * (new_Mgas[i_top] - Mmean) / mass_conv else: break while i_bot<Nlay-1: #look for newly unstable layers below if theta_ov_mu[i_bot+1]>theta_mean/Mmean: i_bot+=1 intexner+=exner_dmass[i_bot] mass_conv+=dmass[i_bot] theta_mean+=exner_dmass[i_bot] * (new_theta_lev[i_bot] - theta_mean) / intexner Mmean += dmass[i_bot] * (new_Mgas[i_bot] - Mmean) / mass_conv else: break #if verbose: print('it,ib, mconv1,2, M, th:', # i_top,i_bot, mass_conv, np.sum(dmass[i_top:i_bot+1]), Mmean, theta_mean, theta_mean/Mmean) # compute heating and adjust before looking for a new potential unstable layer i_convective_top = i_top H_conv[i_top:i_bot+1] += (theta_mean-new_theta_lev[i_top:i_bot+1]) \ *exner[i_top:i_bot+1]/timestep new_theta_lev[i_top:i_bot+1] = theta_mean new_Mgas[i_top:i_bot+1] = Mmean # mix tracers for q in new_tracers: q[i_top:i_bot+1]=np.sum(q[i_top:i_bot+1]*dmass[i_top:i_bot+1])/mass_conv n_iter+=1 if n_iter>Nlay+1: if verbose : print('oops, went crazy in convadj') break return H_conv, new_tracers, i_convective_top # we exit through here only when we exceed the max number of iteration
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def convective_acceleration_numba(timestep, Nlay, H_rad, rad_layers, tau_rad, tau_rads, dmass, convective_acceleration_mode=0, convective_acceleration_factor=1., verbose = False): r"""Computes a heating rate for the whole convective region to accelerate convergence Parameters ---------- timestep: float Duration of the adjustment. If given in seconds, H=dT/timestep is in K/s. In the current model, timestep is in second over cp. This ensures that H=dT/timestep is in W/kg. Nlay: int Number of atmospheric layers H_rad: array, np.ndarray Radiative heating rate rad_layers: array, np.ndarray of bool Elements in the array are true if layer is purely radiative tau_rad: array, np.ndarray Baseline radiative timescale for the atmosphere. (e.g. the min of tau_rads) Should use the same units as timestep. tau_rads: array, np.ndarray Radiative timescale for each layer. Should use the same units as timestep. dmass: array, np.ndarray Mass of gas in each layer (kg/m^2) convective_acceleration_mode: int convective_acceleration_mode=0 is the default mode =1 emulates an old (and bad) behavior. convective_acceleration_factor: int Multiplying factor for convection acceleration Returns ------- array Heating rate in each atmospheric layer (W/kg). """ H_acc = np.zeros(Nlay) n_iter=0 # find convective layers conv=np.nonzero(np.invert(rad_layers))[0] if verbose: print('in conv acc:',conv) N_conv=conv.size i_conv=-1 while True: #if verbose: # print('start at, end at:',conv[0]-4,conv[-1]+3) # print(theta_ov_mu[conv[0]-4:conv[-1]+4]) i_conv += 1 if i_conv == N_conv: # no more convective regions, normal exit if verbose: print('normal exit') return H_acc i_top=conv[i_conv] #upper unstable layer while i_conv<N_conv-1: #search from the top of the 1st unstable layer for its bottom if conv[i_conv+1]==conv[i_conv]+1: i_conv+=1 continue else: break i_bot=conv[i_conv] if verbose: print('it,ib,:',i_top,i_bot,i_conv) mass_conv=0. H_rad_mean=0. for ii in range(i_top,i_bot+1): # computeaverage radiative heating mass_conv += dmass[ii] H_rad_mean += dmass[ii] * (H_rad[ii] - H_rad_mean) / mass_conv tau = np.amin(tau_rads[i_top:i_bot+1]) # compute heating and adjust before looking for a new potential unstable layer if convective_acceleration_mode == 0: H_acc[i_top:i_bot+1] += H_rad_mean * tau / tau_rad * convective_acceleration_factor else: H_acc[i_top:i_bot+1] += H_rad_mean * tau / timestep * convective_acceleration_factor n_iter+=1 if n_iter>Nlay+1: if verbose : print('oops, went crazy in convective_acceleration') break return H_acc # we exit through here only when we exceed the max number of iteration
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def turbulent_diffusion_numba(timestep, Nlay, p_lay, p_lev, dmass, t_lay, exner, t_lay_ov_mu, g, Kzz, tracer_array, cp, mix_potential_temp=False, verbose = False): r"""Solves turbulent diffusion equation: .. math:: \rho frac{\partial q}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial F_{diff}}{\partial z} with a diffusive flux given by .. math:: F_{diff} = - \rho K_{zz} \frac{\partial q}{\partial z} The equation is solved with an implicit scheme assuming that there is no flux at the top and bottom boundaries (evaporation must be treated separately for now). For the potential temperature mixing, the equation in not completely nrj conserving. One should mix enthalpy as in GCM. Parameters ---------- timestep: float Time step in seconds. Nlay: int Number of atmospheric layers t_lay_ov_mu: array, np.ndarray Temperatures of the atmospheric layers divided by the molar_mass in kg/mol p_lay: array, np.ndarray Pressure at the layer centers (Pa) p_lev: array, np.ndarray Presure at the Nlay+1 level boundaries (Pa) dmass: array, np.ndarray Mass of gas in each layer (kg/m^2) g: float Gravity (m/s^2) Kzz: float Eddy mixing coefficient (m^2/s) tracer_array: array, np.ndarray (Ntrac, Nlay) Array containing the mass mixing ratio of all tracers at each layer before the mixing Returns ------- new_tracers: array, np.ndarray (Ntrac, Nlay) Array containing the mass mixing ratio of all tracers at each layer after the mixing """ mid_density = p_lev[1:-1]*2./(cst.RGP*(t_lay_ov_mu[1:]+t_lay_ov_mu[:-1])) mid_factor = - g * g * timestep * mid_density**2 / np.diff(p_lay) * 0.5*(Kzz[1:]+Kzz[:-1]) if verbose: print(mid_factor) print(dmass) A = np.zeros(Nlay) B = np.copy(dmass) C = np.zeros(Nlay) A[1:] = mid_factor C[:-1] = mid_factor B += - C - A D = np.zeros(Nlay) new_tracers = tracer_array.copy() for i_q, q in enumerate(new_tracers): D = dmass * q new_q = DTRIDGL(Nlay,A,B,C,D) new_tracers[i_q] = new_q #mix_rate[name] = (new_q-q)/timestep if mix_potential_temp: theta = t_lay / exner D = dmass * theta new_theta = DTRIDGL(Nlay,A,B,C,D) new_t = exner * new_theta H_turb = (new_t - t_lay) / timestep * cp # cp to convert H to W/kg else: H_turb = np.zeros_like(t_lay) return H_turb, new_tracers
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def compute_condensation_numba(timestep, Nlay, tlay, play, cp, Mgas, qarray, idx_vap, idx_cond, thermo_parameters, latent_heating = True, condensation_timestep_reducer = None, verbose = False): r"""Computes the heating rates needed to bring sursaturated regions back to saturation Parameters ---------- timestep Nlay: float Number of layers tlay: array, np.ndarray Layer temperatures cp: float Specific heat capacity Mgas: array, np.ndarray Layer molar mass qarray: array, np.ndarray Array of tracer specific concentrations idx_vap, idx_cond: int Indices for condensing species in tracer array thermo_parameters: array, np.ndarray Array of thermodynamical paramaters for condensing species. See `:class:`~exo_k.atm_evolution.condensation.Condensation_Thermodynamical_Parameters` latent_heating: bool Whether latent heating should be taken into account Returns ------- H_cond: array, np.ndarray Heating rate in W/kg """ itermax = 1000 if condensation_timestep_reducer is None: alpha = 1. else: alpha = condensation_timestep_reducer H_cond = np.zeros(Nlay) if latent_heating: for ii in range(Nlay): i_iter = 0 T_tmp = tlay[ii] qvap = qarray[idx_vap,ii] qcond = qarray[idx_cond,ii] if qvap == 0.: continue while i_iter < itermax: Lvap, qsat, dqsat_dt = compute_condensation_parameters(T_tmp, play[ii], Mgas[ii], thermo_parameters[1], thermo_parameters[2], thermo_parameters[3], thermo_parameters[4], thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[6], thermo_parameters[7], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) dqvap = alpha * (qsat - qvap) / (1. + Lvap * dqsat_dt / cp) #if dqvap > qcond: # dqvap = qcond # JL23 This change is needed to enable moist convection in non saturated regions # but it problably breaks the surface ocean setup !!! To be tested and eventually corrected. if dqvap > 0.: dqvap=0. qcond -= dqvap qvap += dqvap T_tmp -= Lvap * dqvap / cp if np.abs(dqvap/(qvap*alpha)) <= 1.e-9: break i_iter += 1 H_cond[ii] = (T_tmp - tlay[ii]) / timestep qarray[idx_vap,ii] = qvap qarray[idx_cond,ii] = qcond if verbose: print('in cond, i, iter:', ii, i_iter+1, dqvap/qvap) if verbose: print('in cond, RH, T:', qvap/qsat, T_tmp, tlay[ii], dqsat_dt) else: # here we treat whole arrays at once. Lvap, qsat, dqsat_dt = compute_condensation_parameters(tlay, play, Mgas, thermo_parameters[1], thermo_parameters[2], thermo_parameters[3], thermo_parameters[4], thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[6], thermo_parameters[7], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) qvap = qarray[idx_vap] dqvap= np.where(qsat <= qvap, qsat-qvap, 0.) qarray[idx_vap] += dqvap qarray[idx_cond] -= dqvap if verbose: print('in cond, RH, T:', qarray[idx_vap]/qsat, tlay, dqsat_dt) return H_cond
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def moist_convective_adjustment_numba(timestep, Nlay, tlay, play, dmass, cp, Mgas, q_array, i_vap, i_cond, thermo_parameters, moist_inhibition = True, verbose = False): r"""Computes the heating rates needed to adjust unstable regions of a given atmosphere to a moist adiabat. Based on *Description algorithmique d'un ensemble de paramétrisation physique - phylmd* Zhaoxin Laurent LI Parameters ---------- timestep Nlay: float Number of layers tlay: array, np.ndarray Layer temperatures play:array Pressure at layer centers dmass: array, np.ndarray mass of layers in kg/m^2 cp: float specific heat capacity at constant pressure q_array: array, np.ndarray mass mixing ratio of tracers i_vap: int index of vapor tracer in qarray i_cond: int index of condensate tracer in qarray qsat: array, np.ndarray Saturation mmr for each layer dqsat_dt: array, np.ndarray d qsat / dT in each layer Lvap: array, np.ndarray Latent heat of vaporization (can have different values in each layer if Lvap=f(T)) dlnt_dlnp_moist: array, np.ndarray threshold thermal gradient (d ln T / d ln P) for a moist atmosphere computed at the layer centers. q_crit: array, np.ndarray Critical mass mixing ratio for the inhibition of moist convection (Eq. 17 of Leconte et al. 2017) Returns ------- H_madj: array, np.ndarray Heating rate in each atmospheric layer (W/kg). new_q: array, np.ndarray tracer mmr array after adjustment. new_t: array, np.ndarray Temperature of layers after adjustment. """ if verbose: print('enter moist adj') cloud_frac_tot = 1. H_madj = np.zeros(Nlay) new_q = q_array.copy() qvap = new_q[i_vap] new_t = tlay.copy() dp = np.diff(play) n_iter = 0 while n_iter < Nlay + 2: dlnt_dlnp_moist, Lvap, psat, qsat, dqsat_dt, q_crit = \ moist_adiabat(new_t, play, cp, Mgas, thermo_parameters[0], thermo_parameters[1], thermo_parameters[2], thermo_parameters[3], thermo_parameters[4], thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[6], thermo_parameters[7], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) nabla_interlayer = new_t * dlnt_dlnp_moist /play nabla_interlayer = 0.5*(nabla_interlayer[:-1]+nabla_interlayer[1:]) dTmoist_array = nabla_interlayer * dp dT_inter_lay = np.diff(new_t) mvap_sursat_array = (qvap-qsat) * dmass if moist_inhibition: q_crit_criterion = qvap/q_crit < 1. # convection possible if True. qcri can be negative. else: q_crit_criterion = qvap<2. #should always be true conv = np.nonzero((dT_inter_lay>dTmoist_array)*(mvap_sursat_array[:-1]>0.) \ *q_crit_criterion[:-1])[0]# find convective layers if verbose: print('n_iter in madj:',n_iter) print(conv) print(np.nonzero(dT_inter_lay>dTmoist_array)[0]) print(np.nonzero(mvap_sursat_array[:-1]>0.)[0]) print(np.nonzero(q_crit_criterion)[0]) N_conv=conv.size if N_conv==0: # no more convective regions, can exit return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot i_top=conv[0] #upper unstable layer T_top = new_t[i_top] mvap_sursat = mvap_sursat_array[i_top] dqsdm = dqsat_dt[i_top]*dmass[i_top] int_dqsdm = dqsdm C = cp*dmass[i_top] + Lvap[i_top]*dqsdm B = C * new_t[i_top] + Lvap[i_top] * mvap_sursat_array[i_top] dT_moist = 0. int_m_cond = mvap_sursat_array[i_top] + dqsdm*(new_t[i_top] - dT_moist) i_bot=i_top+1 while i_bot<Nlay: #search for the bottom of the 1st unstable layer from its top tmp_sursat = mvap_sursat + mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] tmp_dT_moist = dT_moist + dTmoist_array[i_bot-1] dqsdm = dqsat_dt[i_bot] * dmass[i_bot] tmp_int_dqsdm = int_dqsdm + dqsdm tmp_int_m_cond = int_m_cond + mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] + dqsdm * (new_t[i_bot] - tmp_dT_moist) tmp = cp *dmass[i_bot] + Lvap[i_bot]* dqsdm tmp_C = C + tmp tmp_B = B + tmp * (new_t[i_bot]-tmp_dT_moist) + Lvap[i_bot] * mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] tmp_new_Ttop = tmp_B / tmp_C tmp_m_cond = tmp_int_m_cond - tmp_int_dqsdm * tmp_new_Ttop if tmp_sursat>0. and tmp_dT_moist<new_t[i_bot]-T_top and q_crit_criterion[i_bot] and tmp_m_cond>0.: dT_moist = tmp_dT_moist mvap_sursat = tmp_sursat int_dqsdm = tmp_int_dqsdm int_m_cond = tmp_int_m_cond C = tmp_C B = tmp_B m_cond = tmp_m_cond i_bot += 1 continue else: break i_bot -= 1 if verbose: print('it,ib=', i_top, i_bot) if i_top == i_bot: # need at least 2 layers to convect, so exit #if conv.size>1: # print('madj exited, but some convective layers remained:',i_top,i_bot, conv) return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot new_Ttop = B / C if verbose: print(new_Ttop, m_cond, dT_moist) dT = new_Ttop - new_t[i_top] qvap[i_top] = qsat[i_top] + dqsat_dt[i_top] * dT #JL23 this also changes new_q new_t[i_top] = new_Ttop H_madj[i_top] += dT / timestep for ii in range(i_top+1, i_bot+1): dT = new_t[ii-1] + dTmoist_array[ii-1] - new_t[ii] #print(ii, new_t[ii-1], dTmoist_array[ii-1], new_t[ii], new_t[ii-1] + dTmoist_array[ii-1] - new_t[ii]) qvap[ii] = qsat[ii] + dqsat_dt[ii] * dT #JL23 this also changes new_q new_t[ii] += dT # compute heating and adjust before looking for a new potential unstable layer H_madj[ii] += dT / timestep #if verbose: print('i, dT, qv, qs, dqs, qf', ii, dT, q_array[i_vap, ii], qsat[ii], dqsat_dt[ii], qvap[ii]) # put ice m_cond_2 = np.sum((q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]-qvap[i_top:i_bot+1])*dmass[i_top:i_bot+1]) if m_cond<0.: print('Negative condensates in moist adj, i:', i_top, i_bot) print(q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1], qvap[i_top:i_bot+1], q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]-qvap[i_top:i_bot+1]) m_conv = np.sum(dmass[i_top:i_bot+1]) new_q[i_cond, i_top:i_bot+1] += m_cond / m_conv if verbose: print('m_cond, m_conv, m_cond2', m_cond, m_conv, m_cond_2) if np.any(new_q[i_cond]<0.) or np.any(new_q[i_cond]>1.): print('bad qcond in moist', q_array[i_cond], new_q[i_cond], i_top, i_bot+1, conv, H_madj) n_iter+=1 if n_iter>Nlay+1: if verbose : print('oops, went crazy in madj') break return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def moist_convective_adjustment_cloud_fraction_numba(timestep, Nlay, tlay, play, dmass, cp, Mgas, q_array, i_vap, i_cond, thermo_parameters, moist_inhibition = True, verbose = False, humidity_distribution_width=0.2): r"""Computes the heating rates needed to adjust unstable regions of a given atmosphere to a moist adiabat. This approach with a cloud fraction is experimental and should be used with extreme caution. It does not seem to give good results when re-evaporation is very efficient because there is constant re-evaporation and condensation in the convective region. Parameters ---------- timestep Nlay: float Number of layers tlay: array Layer temperatures play:array Pressure at layer centers dmass: array mass of layers in kg/m^2 cp: float specific heat capacity at constant pressure q_array: array mass mixing ratio of tracers i_vap: int index of vapor tracer in qarray i_cond: int index of condensate tracer in qarray qsat: array Saturation mmr for each layer dqsat_dt: array d qsat / dT in each layer Lvap: array Latent heat of vaporization (can have different values in each layer if Lvap=f(T)) dlnt_dlnp_moist: array threshold thermal gradient (d ln T / d ln P) for a moist atmosphere computed at the layer centers. q_crit: array Critical mass mixing ratio for the inhibition of moist convection (Eq. 17 of Leconte et al. 2017) Returns ------- H_madj: array Heating rate in each atmospheric layer (W/kg). new_q: array tracer mmr array after adjustment. new_t: array Temperature of layers after adjustment. """ cloud_frac_tot = 1. if verbose: print('enter moist adj') H_madj=np.zeros(Nlay) new_q = q_array.copy() new_t = tlay.copy() dp = np.diff(play) dlnt_dlnp_moist, Lvap, psat, qsat, dqsat_dt, q_crit = \ moist_adiabat(new_t, play, cp, Mgas, thermo_parameters[0], thermo_parameters[1], thermo_parameters[2], thermo_parameters[3], thermo_parameters[4], thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[6], thermo_parameters[7], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) nabla_interlayer = tlay * dlnt_dlnp_moist /play nabla_interlayer = 0.5*(nabla_interlayer[:-1]+nabla_interlayer[1:]) dTmoist_array = nabla_interlayer * dp dT_inter_lay = np.diff(tlay) qvap = new_q[i_vap] cloud_frac = (qvap * (1. + humidity_distribution_width) - qsat) / (2. * humidity_distribution_width * qvap) cloud_frac = np.core.umath.maximum(cloud_frac, 0.) cloud_frac = np.core.umath.minimum(cloud_frac, 1.) qcloudy = qvap * (1.+(1.-cloud_frac)*humidity_distribution_width) if verbose: print('cloud_frac =', cloud_frac) print('qvap, qcloudy =', qvap, qcloudy) mvap_sursat_array = (qcloudy-qsat) * dmass #no cloud_frac here because we look only into the cloudy column if moist_inhibition: q_crit_criterion = qcloudy/q_crit < 1. # convection possible if True. qcri can be negative. else: q_crit_criterion = np.full(tlay.shape, True) #print('dT:', dT_inter_lay) #print('dTmoist:', dTmoist_array) #dT_unstab = np.nonzero(dT_inter_lay>dTmoist_array)[0] #saturated = np.nonzero(mvap_sursat_array>0.)[0] conv = np.nonzero((dT_inter_lay>dTmoist_array)*(mvap_sursat_array[:-1]>0.) \ *q_crit_criterion[:-1])[0]# find convective layers if verbose: print(conv) print(np.nonzero(dT_inter_lay>dTmoist_array)[0]) print(np.nonzero(mvap_sursat_array[:-1]>0.)[0]) print(np.nonzero(q_crit_criterion)[0]) print('q_crit=',q_crit) N_conv=conv.size if N_conv==0: # no more convective regions, can exit return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot i_top=conv[0] #upper unstable layer T_top = new_t[i_top] cloud_frac_tot = cloud_frac[i_top] # recompute the cloudy values for the effective column cloud fraction qcloudy = qvap * (1.+(1.-cloud_frac_tot)*humidity_distribution_width) if verbose: print('cloud_frac_tot =', cloud_frac_tot) print('qvap, qcloudy =', qvap, qcloudy) mvap_sursat_array = (qcloudy-qsat) * dmass #no cloud_frac here because we look only into the cloudy column mvap_sursat = mvap_sursat_array[i_top] dqsdm = dqsat_dt[i_top]*dmass[i_top] int_dqsdm = dqsdm C = cp*dmass[i_top] + Lvap[i_top]*dqsdm B = C * new_t[i_top] + Lvap[i_top] * mvap_sursat_array[i_top] dT_moist = 0. int_m_cond = mvap_sursat_array[i_top] + dqsdm*(new_t[i_top] - dT_moist) i_bot=i_top+1 while i_bot<Nlay: #search for the bottom of the 1st unstable layer from its top tmp_sursat = mvap_sursat + mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] tmp_dT_moist = dT_moist + dTmoist_array[i_bot-1] dqsdm = dqsat_dt[i_bot] * dmass[i_bot] tmp_int_dqsdm = int_dqsdm + dqsdm tmp_int_m_cond = int_m_cond + mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] + dqsdm * (new_t[i_bot] - tmp_dT_moist) tmp = cp *dmass[i_bot] + Lvap[i_bot]* dqsdm tmp_C = C + tmp tmp_B = B + tmp * (new_t[i_bot]-tmp_dT_moist) + Lvap[i_bot] * mvap_sursat_array[i_bot] tmp_new_Ttop = tmp_B / tmp_C tmp_m_cond = tmp_int_m_cond - tmp_int_dqsdm * tmp_new_Ttop if tmp_sursat>0. and tmp_dT_moist<new_t[i_bot]-T_top and q_crit_criterion[i_bot] and tmp_m_cond>0.: dT_moist = tmp_dT_moist mvap_sursat = tmp_sursat int_dqsdm = tmp_int_dqsdm int_m_cond = tmp_int_m_cond C = tmp_C B = tmp_B m_cond = tmp_m_cond i_bot += 1 continue else: break i_bot -= 1 if verbose: print('it,ib=', i_top, i_bot) if i_top == i_bot: # need at least 2 layers to convect, so exit return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot new_Ttop = B / C if verbose: print(new_Ttop, m_cond, dT_moist) dT = new_Ttop - new_t[i_top] qcloudy[i_top] = qsat[i_top] + dqsat_dt[i_top] * dT new_t[i_top] = new_Ttop H_madj[i_top] = dT / timestep * cloud_frac_tot for ii in range(i_top+1, i_bot+1): dT = new_t[ii-1] + dTmoist_array[ii-1] - new_t[ii] qcloudy[ii] = qsat[ii] + dqsat_dt[ii] * dT new_t[ii] += dT # compute heating and adjust before looking for a new potential unstable layer H_madj[ii] = dT / timestep * cloud_frac_tot m_cond_2 = np.sum((q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]-qcloudy[i_top:i_bot+1])*dmass[i_top:i_bot+1]) dTmoist_array[i_top-1]=0. if m_cond<0.: print('Negative condensates in moist adj, i:', i_top, i_bot) print(q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1], qcloudy[i_top:i_bot+1], q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]-qcloudy[i_top:i_bot+1]) m_conv = np.sum(dmass[i_top:i_bot+1]) # renormalize to total column area new_q[i_cond, i_top:i_bot+1] += m_cond / m_conv * cloud_frac_tot new_q[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1] = cloud_frac_tot * qcloudy[ i_top:i_bot+1] + new_q[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1] * (1.-cloud_frac_tot)* (1.-cloud_frac_tot*humidity_distribution_width) if verbose: print('del_t cloudy = ',new_t[i_top:i_bot+1]-tlay[i_top:i_bot+1]) del_t_diag = new_t[i_top:i_bot+1] * cloud_frac_tot - cloud_frac_tot*tlay[i_top:i_bot+1] print('del_t tot = ',del_t_diag) print('dm ice=',m_cond*cloud_frac_tot) print('dm vap=',np.sum((new_q[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]-q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1])*dmass[i_top:i_bot+1])) print('dm vap2=',np.sum((qcloudy[i_top:i_bot+1]-q_array[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1])*dmass[i_top:i_bot+1])) print('approx final sat=',new_q[i_vap, i_top:i_bot+1]/(qsat[i_top:i_bot+1] + dqsat_dt[i_top:i_bot+1] * del_t_diag)) new_t[i_top:i_bot+1] = new_t[i_top:i_bot+1] * cloud_frac_tot + (1.-cloud_frac_tot)*tlay[i_top:i_bot+1] if verbose: print('m_cond, m_conv, m_cond2', m_cond, m_conv, m_cond_2) if np.any(new_q[i_cond]<0.) or np.any(new_q[i_cond]>1.): print('bad qcond in moist', q_array[i_cond], new_q[i_cond], i_top, i_bot+1, conv, H_madj) return H_madj, new_q, new_t, cloud_frac_tot
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def compute_rainout_numba(timestep, Nlay, tlay, play, dmass, cp, Mgas, qarray, idx_vap, idx_cond, thermo_parameters, evap_coeff, qvap_deep, q_cloud=0., latent_heating=False, total_cloud_fraction=1., humidity_distribution_width=0.2, verbose = False): r"""Computes the heating rates needed to adjust unstable regions of a given atmosphere to a moist adiabat. Parameters ---------- timestep Nlay: float Number of layers tlay: array, np.ndarray Layer temperatures """ H_rain=np.zeros(Nlay) Lvap, qsat, dqsat_dt = compute_condensation_parameters(tlay, play, Mgas, thermo_parameters[1], thermo_parameters[2], thermo_parameters[3], thermo_parameters[4], thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[6], thermo_parameters[7], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) if not latent_heating: Lvap = Lvap * 0. Tsat_p = Tsat_P(play, thermo_parameters[5], thermo_parameters[8], thermo_parameters[9]) if verbose: print('in rainout, RH, T, qice:', qarray[idx_vap]/qsat, tlay, qarray[idx_cond]) mass_cond = 0. cloud_fraction = total_cloud_fraction for i_lay in range(Nlay): # if evap_coeff =1, rain vaporisation in an undersaturated layer can fill the layer up to the (estimated) saturation # if 0 < evap_coeff < 1, rain vaporisation in one layer is limited to a fraction of the amount that would saturate the layer # This allows not to exceed saturation, to spread rain vaporization in more and denser layers qvap = qarray[idx_vap,i_lay] if (tlay[i_lay] >= Tsat_p[i_lay]): # above boiling temperature, try to evaporate everything cloud_fraction = 1. qcloudy = qvap dqvap = (qsat[i_lay] - qvap) / (1. + Lvap[i_lay]*dqsat_dt[i_lay]/cp) else: qcloudy = qvap * (1.+(1.-cloud_fraction)*humidity_distribution_width) if i_lay == Nlay-1: dqvap = (qsat[i_lay] - qcloudy) / (1. + Lvap[i_lay]*dqsat_dt[i_lay]/cp) else: dqvap = evap_coeff * (qsat[i_lay] - qcloudy) / (1. + Lvap[i_lay]*dqsat_dt[i_lay]/cp) dqvap = np.core.umath.minimum(dqvap, 1.- qcloudy) if qarray[idx_cond,i_lay]>=q_cloud: mass_cond += (qarray[idx_cond,i_lay] - q_cloud) * dmass[i_lay] qarray[idx_cond,i_lay] = q_cloud # dqvap is the change in vapor content to reach saturation and accounting for the temperature change. # dqvap < 0 implies condensation, meaning that there is a remaining excess of vapor after the previous # condensation step. In such case we apply this new change in vapor content and temperature and # increase the amount of falling condensed species (mass_cond). # dqvap > 0 implies evaporation. Here there are two possibilities: # - the amount of condensates is lower than dqvap. All condensates are vaporised in the layer # and the tempertaure change is -Ldqv/cp where dqv is the actual change in vapor. # - the amount of condensates is larger than dqvap. We then apply dqvap and the corresponding # change in temperature and transfer the remaining condensate in the falling rain reservoir. if dqvap < 0: # more condensation in the layer dqvap = 0. # not allowing recondensation for now qcloudy += dqvap qarray[idx_vap][i_lay] += dqvap * cloud_fraction H_rain[i_lay] = -Lvap[i_lay] * dqvap * cloud_fraction / (cp * timestep) mass_cond -= dqvap * dmass[i_lay] * cloud_fraction if verbose: print('dqvap < 0:',i_lay, dqvap, qvap, mass_cond, mass_cond/dmass[i_lay]) else: # evaporation of rain mass_dvap = dqvap * dmass[i_lay] * cloud_fraction if mass_dvap > mass_cond: # evaporate everything if verbose: print('mass_dvap > mass_cond:', i_lay, dqvap, qvap, mass_cond, mass_cond/dmass[i_lay], mass_dvap, dmass[i_lay],(mass_dvap > mass_cond), (tlay[i_lay] >= Tsat_p[i_lay])) qarray[idx_vap,i_lay] += mass_cond/dmass[i_lay] H_rain[i_lay] = - Lvap[i_lay] * mass_cond / (dmass[i_lay]*cp*timestep) mass_cond = 0. else: if verbose: print('mass_dvap < mass_cond:', i_lay, dqvap, qvap, mass_cond, mass_cond/dmass[i_lay]) qarray[idx_vap,i_lay] += dqvap * cloud_fraction H_rain[i_lay] = -Lvap[i_lay] * dqvap * cloud_fraction / (cp * timestep) mass_cond -= dqvap*dmass[i_lay] * cloud_fraction if mass_cond != 0.: if verbose: print('mass_cond=',mass_cond) qarray[idx_cond,-1]+= mass_cond/dmass[-1] # Issue : qarray[idx_cond,-1] sometimes can become large (when starting with a hot atmosphere dominated with H2O that cools to saturation) if qvap_deep>=0.: qarray[idx_vap,-1] = qvap_deep return H_rain
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def molecular_diffusion_numba(timestep, Nlay, p_lay, p_lev, dmass, tlay, mu, g, Dmol, verbose = False): r"""Solves turbulent diffusion equation: .. math:: \rho frac{\partialT}{\partial t} = \frac{\partial F_{diff}}{\partial z} with a diffusive flux given by .. math:: F_{diff} = - \rho D_{mol} \frac{\partial T}{\partial z} The equation is solved with an implicit scheme assuming that there is no flux at the top and bottom boundaries (evaporation must be treated separately for now). Parameters ---------- timestep: float Time step in seconds. Nlay: int Number of atmospheric layers t_lay_ov_mu: array, np.ndarray Temperatures of the atmospheric layers divided by the molar_mass in kg/mol p_lay: array, np.ndarray Pressure at the layer centers (Pa) p_lev: array, np.ndarray Presure at the Nlay+1 level boundaries (Pa) dmass: array, np.ndarray Mass of gas in each layer (kg/m^2) g: float Gravity (m/s^2) Dmol: float molecular diffusion coefficient (m^2/s) Returns ------- new_tlay: array, np.ndarray (Nlay) Array containing the temperature at each layer after the mixing """ mid_density = p_lev[1:-1]*2.*(mu[1:]+mu[:-1])/(cst.RGP*(tlay[1:]+tlay[:-1])) mid_factor = - g * g * timestep * mid_density**2 / np.diff(p_lay) * Dmol if verbose: print(mid_factor) print(dmass) A = np.zeros(Nlay) B = np.copy(dmass) C = np.zeros(Nlay) A[1:] = mid_factor C[:-1] = mid_factor B += - C - A D = dmass * tlay new_tlay = DTRIDGL(Nlay,A,B,C,D) H_diff = (new_tlay-tlay)/timestep return H_diff
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True, fastmath=True, cache=True) def DTRIDGL(L,AF,BF,CF,DF): """ ! GCM2.0 Feb 2003 ! DOUBLE PRECISION VERSION OF TRIDGL DIMENSION AF(L),BF(L),CF(L),DF(L),XK(L) DIMENSION AS(2*L),DS(2*L) !* THIS SUBROUTINE SOLVES A SYSTEM OF TRIDIAGIONAL MATRIX !* EQUATIONS. THE FORM OF THE EQUATIONS ARE: !* A(I)*X(I-1) + B(I)*X(I) + C(I)*X(I+1) = D(I) !======================================================================! """ AS=np.empty_like(AF) DS=np.empty_like(AF) XK=np.empty_like(AF) AS[-1] = AF[-1]/BF[-1] DS[-1] = DF[-1]/BF[-1] for I in range(1,L): X = 1./(BF[L+1-I-2] - CF[L+1-I-2]*AS[L+2-I-2]) AS[L+1-I-2] = AF[L+1-I-2]*X DS[L+1-I-2] = (DF[L+1-I-2]-CF[L+1-I-2]*DS[L+2-I-2])*X XK[0]=DS[0] for I in range(1,L): XKB = XK[I-1] XK[I] = DS[I]-AS[I]*XKB return XK