
Module Contents

class StandardRatioHeH2(gases=None, ratio_HeH2=None)[source]

Bases: pytmosph3r.chemistry.chemistry.Chemistry

Complete the atmosphere in He and H2 using a ratio_HeH2.

  • gases (dict) – List of gases which are consider in the simulation.

  • ratio_HeH2 (float) – Ratio between the mixing ratio of He and H2. Exemple: ratio_HeH2 = 0.2577 (solar abundance)

compute_vmr(gas, mix_ratio)[source]

This function can be overridden to compute the volume mixing ratio of a gas gas using mix_ratio, initialized to an array with the shape of the atmosphere.

  • gas (str) – Name of the gas

  • mix_ratio (array, np.ndarray) – Array full of ones of shape shape. The array is filled with the values in the atmosphere is the gas was already present, or else ones.


General function that will be called to compute the chemistry after atmosphere has been initialized. It iterates over gases by calling compute_vmr() on each gas.

  • atmosphere (AltitudeAtmosphere) – Altitude-based atmosphere in which to compute the volume mixing ratios of gases.

  • input_atmosphere (InputAtmosphere, optional) – Input atmosphere if you need it (with input mix_ratios for example).
