Source code for pytmosph3r.util.geometry

import math as m
from typing import Optional, Tuple

import numba
import numpy as np
from ai import cs
from .math import roots, nround

[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def cos_central_angle(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1): """Returns cosine of central angle between two points (lat0, lon0) and (lat1, lon1).""" return (np.sin(lat0)*np.sin(lat1) + np.cos(lat1) * np.cos(lat0) * np.cos(lon0 - lon1))
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def intersection_circles(d, r1, r2): """Computes the intersection area of two circles or radii :attr:`r1` and :attr:`r2`, of which the centers are separated by a distance :attr:`d`.""" if (d < r1 + r2): a = r1**2 b = r2**2 if (d <= np.abs(r2 - r1)): return np.pi * min(a, b) x = (a - b + d**2) / (2 * d) x2 = d-x return a * np.arccos(x / r1) + b * np.arccos(x2 / r2) - x * np.sqrt(a-x**2) - x2*np.sqrt(b-x2**2) return 0
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def integrate_circles_intersections(d, r1, r2, func, coeffs): """Integrate `func(x)` for x Extracted from batman (Kreidberg 2015) Args: func (numba function): Function to calculate over x d (float): distance between two circle centers. r1 (float): radius of 1st circle r2 (float): radius of 2nd circle """ step_factor = 1 # TODO what value? d = d/r1; r2 = r2/r1 x0 = max(d - r2, 0.) x1 = min(d + r2, 1.0) if x0 >= 1.: return 0 #flux = 0 if the planet is not transiting elif x1 - x0 < 1.e-7: return 0 # pathological case x = x0 dx = step_factor*np.arccos(x) A_p = 0 # previous Area size delta = 0 # integral while x < x1: A_x = intersection_circles(d, x, r2) func_value = func(x - dx/2., coeffs) # limb darkening coeff delta += (A_x - A_p)*func_value dx = step_factor*np.arccos(x) x = x + dx A_p = A_x dx = x1 - x + dx x = x1 A_x = intersection_circles(d, x, r2) func_value = func(x - dx/2., coeffs) delta += (A_x - A_p)*func_value return delta
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def dist(r1, a1, r2, a2): """Distance between two points.""" return np.sqrt(r1**2 + r2**2 -2*r1*r2*np.cos(a1-a2))
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def angle_from_sides(r1, r2, r3): """Angle between r1 and r2 in a triangle. r3 is the opposite side.""" a = nround((r3**2 - r1**2 - r2**2) / (-2*r1*r2), 6) return np.arccos(a)
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r1, a1, r2, a2): """Computes the intersection area of a line (r1, a1) - (r2, a2), with a circle of radius Rs of which the center is (rS, aS).""" if rS == 0: a = a2-a1 else: a1S = angle_from_sides(Rs, rS, r1) a2S = angle_from_sides(Rs, rS, r2) a0 = aS%(2*np.pi) a00 = (aS+np.pi)%(2*np.pi) if a1 < 0: a0 = (aS-a1)%(2*np.pi)+a1 # a = angle between (r1, a1) - (rS, aS) - (r2, a2) if (a1 < a0 and a0 < a2) or (a1 < a00 and a00 < a2): a = a1S + a2S # aS between a1 and a2 else: # a1 and a2 on the same side a = a1S - a2S a = min(a%(2*np.pi), 2*np.pi-a%(2*np.pi)) return np.abs(Rs**2 * (a - np.sin(a)) / 2)
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def triangle_surface(r1, a1, r2, a2, r3, a3): """"Surface of a triangle using the coordinates of each vertex.""" a = dist(r3, a3, r1, a1) b = dist(r3, a3, r2, a2) c = dist(r2, a2, r1, a1) s = (a+b+c)/2 return np.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def compute_surface_sector(r, a, a_r, r_a, rS, aS, Rs, n_angular): """Surface area of a sector delimited by (r, a) with the intersections points of with the radius r (angles a_r), and the intersections points with the angles a of the sector (radii r_a). There are two solutions (max) for each. Args: r (float): Radius of sector a (float, float): Delimiting angles of sector a_r (tuple): Intersections with r (2 solutions max) r_a (tuple): Intersections with a (2 angles, and 2 solutions max for each) rS (float): projected distance to star center aS (float): projected angle to star center Rs (float): star radius n_angular (float): Number of angles (simpler calculations if equal to 1) """ if rS > r+Rs: return 0. # too far or no intersections if n_angular == 1: return intersection_circles(rS, r, Rs) # TODO check n_angular == 2 Aa0_rr0 = 0 # triangle a_r[0], a_r[1], r_a[0][1] Aa0_rr1 = 0 # triangle a_r[1], r_a[0][1], r_a[0][0] Aa01_rr1 = 0 # triangle a_r[1], r_a[0][1], r_a[1][0] Ar1_r1 = 0 # triangle a_r[1], r_a[0][1], r_a[1][0] Ar = 0 # circular segment (r, a_r[0,1]) Aa0 = 0 # circular segment (Rs, a_r[0], r_a[0]) Aa1 = 0 # circular segment (Rs, a_r[1], r_a[1]) Aa01 = 0 # circular segment (Rs, r_a[0], r_a[1]) # Check where we are intersecting the sector i_r = np.where(((a_r <= a[1]) & (a_r >= a[0]) | (a_r-2*np.pi <= a[1]) & (a_r-2*np.pi >= a[0]) )) i_a = np.where((r_a < r) & (r_a >= 0)) i_a_above = np.where((r_a > r)) if len(i_r[0]) == 0: # no intersect with r if len(i_a[0]) == 0: if (r_a[:,0]<0).all() and (r_a[:,1]>r).all(): # the whole sector is covering the star assert r**2 * ((a[1]-a[0])/2) < intersection_circles(rS, Rs, r) return r**2 * ((a[1]-a[0])/2) # if ((r_a[0]<0)|(r_a[0]>r)|np.isnan(r_a[0])).all() and ((r_a[1]<0)|(r_a[1]>r)|np.isnan(r_a[1])).all(): return 0 # whole sector out of star # assert (r_a > r).any(), "Report as a bug" elif i_a[0][0] == i_a[0][1]: # intersect with only one angle a_i r_i = r_a[i_a[0][0]] a_i = a[i_a[0][0]] assert (r_i < r).all(), "Report as a bug" # assert circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r_i[0], a_i, r_i[1], a_i) < intersection_circles(rS, Rs, r) res = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r_i[0], a_i, r_i[1], a_i) return res elif i_a[0][0] != i_a[0][1]: # intersect with both angles a_i from "below" r_i = [r_a[i_a[0][0], i_a[1][0]], r_a[i_a[0][1], i_a[1][1]]] r_a[i_a[0][0]] a_i = a[i_a[0]] Aa01 = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r_i[0], a_i[0], r_i[1], a_i[1]) if (r_a < 0).any(): A0 = triangle_surface(0, 0, r_i[0], a_i[0], r_i[1], a_i[1]) # we assume the star is bigger than the planet, hence 0,0 return A0 + Aa01 else: # intersect with both angles a_i from "above" Ar = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, a[0], r, a[1]) Aa0_r = triangle_surface(r, a[1], r, a[0], r_a[0][0], a[0]) Aa1_r = triangle_surface(r, a[1], r_a[1][0], a[1], r_a[0][0], a[0]) return Ar + Aa0_r + Aa1_r + Aa01 elif len(np.unique(i_a[0])) == 1 and (r_a[i_a[0][0]] > 0).all(): # intersect one angle a_i and r, from the "outside" A0 = triangle_surface(r, a[i_a[0][0]], r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r_a[i_a[0][0], i_a[1][0]], a[i_a[0][0]]) Ar = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r, a[i_a[0][0]]) Aa0r = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r_a[i_a[0][0], i_a[1][0]], a[i_a[0][0]]) return A0 + Ar + Aa0r elif len(i_r[0]) == 2 and len(i_a[0]) == 0: if (r_a>r).all(): # intersect r from above return intersection_circles(rS, Rs, r) # intersect r from below Ar = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r, a_r[0], r, a_r[1]) Aa0 = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, min(a_r), r, min(a)) Aa1 = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, max(a_r), r, max(a)) Ar0 = triangle_surface(0, 0, r, a_r[0], r, a_r[1]) Aa0r = triangle_surface(0, 0, r, min(a_r), r, min(a)) Aa1r = triangle_surface(0, 0, r, max(a_r), r, max(a)) return Ar + Aa0+ Aa1+ Ar0+ Aa0r+ Aa1r elif len(i_r)==1 and len(np.unique(i_a[0])) == 1: # intersect one angle a_i and r, from the "inside" A0 = triangle_surface(0, 0, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r_a[i_a[0][0], i_a[1][0]], a[i_a[0][0]]) Ar1 = triangle_surface(0, 0, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r, a[1-i_a[0][0]]) Ar = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r, a[1-i_a[0][0]]) Aa0r = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r, a_r[i_r[0][0]], r_a[i_a[0][0], i_a[1][0]], a[i_a[0][0]]) return A0 + Ar1 + Ar + Aa0r else: # TODO track if there are some bugs left a_r=[a_r[0],a_r[1]] if len(i_r) == 1 and len(i_a_above[0]): # restrict angle to sector a_r[1-i_r[0][0]] = a[i_a_above[0][0]] if i_a_above[0][0] != 1-i_r[0][0]: # restricted angle set to side with radius outside sector # (there should be only one) a_r = [a_r[1],a_r[0]] # restrict radii to sector r_a=[[r_a[0][0],r_a[0][1]], [r_a[1][0],r_a[1][1]]] r_a[0][0] = max(r_a[0][0], 0) r_a[1][0] = max(r_a[1][0], 0) r_a[0][1] = min(r_a[0][1], r) r_a[1][1] = min(r_a[1][1], r) Aa0_rr0 = triangle_surface(r, a_r[1], r, a_r[0], r_a[0][1], a[0]) Aa0_rr1 = triangle_surface(r, a_r[1], r_a[0][0], a[0], r_a[0][1], a[0]) Aa01_rr1 = triangle_surface(r, a_r[1], r_a[0][0], a[0], r_a[1][1], a[1]) Ar1_r1 = triangle_surface(r_a[1][0], a[1], r_a[0][0], a[0], r_a[1][1], a[1]) A0 = Aa0_rr0 + Aa0_rr1 + Aa01_rr1 + Ar1_r1 # central area Ar = circular_segment(0, 0, r, r, a_r[0], r, a_r[1]) Aa0 = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r, a_r[0], r_a[0][1], a[0]) Aa1 = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r, a_r[1], r_a[1][1], a[1]) Aa01 = circular_segment(rS, aS, Rs, r_a[0][0], a[0], r_a[1][0], a[1]) return A0 + Ar + Aa0 + Aa1 + Aa01
[docs] class PointCircle: """2D polar coordinates.""" def __init__(self, radius: float, angle: float): self.radius: float = radius """Radius in meters.""" self.angle: float = angle """Angle in radians.""" @property def coords(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self.radius, self.angle
[docs] class PointSpherical: """3D spherical coordinates.""" def __init__(self, radius: float, latitude: float, longitude: float): self.radius: float = radius """Radius, in meters.""" self.latitude: float = latitude """Latitude in radian :math:`[ -\pi/2, +\pi/2]`""" self.longitude: float = longitude % (2 * np.pi) """Longitude in radian :math:`[0,2\pi[`""" @property def coords(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: return self.radius, self.latitude, self.longitude
[docs] class PointCartesian: """3D Cartesian coordinates.""" def __init__(self, x: float, y: float, z: float): self.x: float = x self.y: float = y self.z: float = z @property def coords(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: return self.x, self.y, self.z @property def norm2(self)->float: return self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2 + self.z ** 2 @property def norm(self)->float: return m.sqrt(self.norm2) def __sub__(self, other): return PointCartesian(self.x - other.x, self.y - other.y, self.z - other.z) def __rmul__(self, other: float): return PointCartesian(other*self.x, other*self.y, other*self.z)
[docs] @numba.njit(cache=True) def fast_solve_latitude(x, latitudes, z_ray, norm_ray, dir_latitude): for i in range(len(latitudes)): a = m.sin(latitudes[i])**2 - m.sin(dir_latitude)**2 b = - 2 * m.sin(dir_latitude) * z_ray c = ((norm_ray * m.sin(latitudes[i]))**2 - z_ray**2) sol = roots(a,b,c) if len(sol) > 0: x[i] = sol[0] if len(sol) > 1: x[len(latitudes)+i] = sol[1]
[docs] class CoordinateSystem: """Computes the intersection of a ray going through :py:attr:`ray_origin` following the direction :py:attr:`direction`. Args: direction (:class:`PointCartesian`): Direction (x,y,z) of the ray. ray_origin (:class:`PointCartesian`): Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) of the ray intersection point with the terminator. """ def __init__(self, direction: PointCartesian, ray_origin: Optional[PointCartesian] = None): self.direction: PointCartesian = direction self.ray_origin: Optional[PointCartesian] = ray_origin
[docs] def radius(self, x): return np.sqrt(self.ray_origin.norm2 + x**2 )
[docs] def latitude(self, x): with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return -np.arcsin((self.ray_origin.z + x * self.direction.z) / self.radius(x))
[docs] def longitude(self, x): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): longitude = np.arctan((self.ray_origin.y + x * self.direction.y) / (self.ray_origin.x + x * self.direction.x) ) # tan(x) is defined only between -pi/2 and pi/2, so here is a fix for our definition longitude[self.ray_origin.x + x * self.direction.x < 0] += np.pi numerator_sign = np.sign(self.ray_origin.y + x * self.direction.y)[self.ray_origin.x + x * self.direction.x == 0] longitude[self.ray_origin.x + x * self.direction.x == 0] = numerator_sign * np.pi/2 return longitude
[docs] def solve_radius(self, radii): with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): x = np.sqrt(radii**2 - self.ray_origin.norm2 ) x = np.concatenate([-x, x]) # doubled because of symmetry before and after the ray origin point return x, self.latitude(x), self.longitude(x)
[docs] def solve_longitude(self, longitudes): x = ((self.ray_origin.y - self.ray_origin.x * np.tan(longitudes)) / (self.direction.x * np.tan(longitudes) - self.direction.y)) if m.isclose(self.ray_origin.y, 0, abs_tol=1e-12) and m.isclose(self.direction.y, 0, abs_tol=1e-12): # special case when formula above is independent from longitudes x = np.full(longitudes.shape, np.nan) return x, self.radius(x), self.latitude(x), self.longitude(x)
[docs] class CartesianCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem): """Same as :class:`CoordinateSystem`, but initialize the system with a direction and an ray origin given in spherical and polar coordinates, respectively. """ def __init__(self, latitude:float, longitude:float): self.spherical_direction = PointSpherical(1, latitude, longitude) x, y, z = cs.sp2cart(1, latitude, longitude) system_direction = PointCartesian(float(x),float(y),float(z)) super().__init__(system_direction)
[docs] def solve_latitude(self, latitudes): x = np.full(2*len(latitudes), np.nan) fast_solve_latitude(x, latitudes, self.ray_origin.z, self.ray_origin.norm, self.spherical_direction.latitude) # numba call return x, self.radius(x), self.latitude(x), self.longitude(x)
@property def y_coeff(self): # y**2 + b * y + c dir_lat = self.spherical_direction.latitude dir_lon = self.spherical_direction.longitude b = 2 * m.sin(dir_lat) * m.tan(dir_lon) * m.cos(self._point.angle) c = m.cos(self._point.angle)**2 * ((m.sin(dir_lat)**2 / m.cos(dir_lon)**2) + m.cos(dir_lat)**2) -1 return [1, b, c]
[docs] def coordinates(self, radius, angle): """Returns coordinates in Cartesian coordinate `system` of point at (`radius`, `angle`) """ self._point = PointCircle(radius, angle) z = radius * m.cos(self.spherical_direction.latitude) * m.cos(angle) if m.isclose(self.spherical_direction.longitude, np.pi/2) or m.isclose(self.spherical_direction.longitude, 3*np.pi/2): y = -self.direction.z*z/self.direction.y else: y_sol = roots(*self.y_coeff) # two solutions y_r = y_sol[0] if angle > np.pi: # cos(angle)**2 == cos(-angle)**2 y_r = y_sol[1] y = y_r * self._point.radius * m.cos(self.spherical_direction.longitude) if m.isclose(self.direction.x, 0, abs_tol=1e-12): with np.errstate(all='ignore'): x = np.sqrt(radius**2 - y**2 - z**2) if (angle < np.pi and self.direction.y > 0) or (angle > np.pi and self.direction.y < 0): x = -x if np.isnan(x): x = 0 # handle rounding error that makes sqrt negative else: x = (- (y * self.direction.y) - ( z * self.direction.z )) / self.direction.x return PointCartesian(x, y, z) #, PointCartesian(x, y[1], z)
[docs] def add_ray_origin(self, radius, angle): self.ray_origin = self.coordinates(radius, angle) try: assert m.isclose(self.ray_origin.norm, radius) except: raise ArithmeticError("Radius (%s) doesn't match norm of ray origin point (%s). Check the formulas or report as a bug!"%(radius, self.ray_origin.norm))
[docs] class CircleIntersection: """Class to compute the intersection of the cells of the transmittance grid with the star disk. Args: star (:class:``) : Star (including coordinates and size) sma (float) : Distance (in :math:`m`) between the star and the planet. inclination (float) : Orbit inclination (in degrees). rays (:class:`~pytmosph3r.rays.Rays`) : Transmittance grid (including the number of radial and angular rays). """ def __init__(self, star, orbit=None, rays=None): self.model = None = star self._sma = None self._inclination = None self._orbit = None self.orbit = orbit self.rays = rays """Transmittance grid.""" self.radial_inter = np.zeros((self.rays.n_radial, 2)) """Intersections with each radius (2 solutions each, max).""" self.angular_inter = np.zeros((self.rays.n_angular, 2)) """Intersections with each angle (2 solutions each, max).""" @property def orbit(self): if self._orbit is None and self.model is not None: self._orbit = self.model.orbit return self._orbit @orbit.setter def orbit(self, value): self._orbit = value @property def sma(self): """Distance between planet and star.""" if self._sma is None and self.orbit is not None: self._sma = self.orbit.r() return self._sma @sma.setter def sma(self, value): self._sma = value @property def inclination(self): """Inclination of the orbit.""" if self._inclination is None and self.orbit is not None: self._inclination = self.orbit.inclination return self._inclination @inclination.setter def inclination(self, value): self._inclination = value @property def rays(self): """Automatize fetching of rays from transmission / building if necessary.""" if (self._rays is None and self.model and self.model.transmission and self.model.transmission.rays): self._rays = self.model.transmission.rays try: assert self._rays.r is not None except: try: except: pass # we'll try later on, don't you worry return self._rays @rays.setter def rays(self, value): self._rays = value
[docs] def dist(self, phase=None): """Computes distance of each cell of the transmittance to the star center. Does not recompute if phase is not provided (save computation time). Args: phase (float, optional): Phase in radians. Defaults to None. Returns: array: Distance of transmittance cells to star center """ if phase is not None: rS, aS = self.orbit.star_coordinates_projected(phase) self._dist = dist(self.rays.r[:, None], self.rays.angles, rS, aS) return self._dist
[docs] def intersections(self, phase, star=None, sma=None, rays=None): """Computes intersection surfaces between star and the grid of rays.""" if star is not None: = star if sma is not None: self.sma = sma if rays is not None: self.rays = rays """Returns surface intersection of each transmittance cell with the star disk.""", orbit=self.orbit) self.rS, self.aS = self.orbit.star_coordinates_projected(phase) self.compute_intersections_points() return self.compute_intersections_surfaces()
[docs] def compute_intersections_points(self): """Compute intersection points of the star with all radii and angles of the transmittance grid. """ # Get intersections with radii r = self.rays.r_limits Rs = a_r = angle_from_sides(r, self.rS, Rs) self.radial_inter = np.stack([self.aS+a_r, self.aS-a_r]).T % (2*np.pi) # Get intersections with angles b = -2*self.rS*np.cos(self.rays.angles_limits - self.aS) c = self.rS**2 - Rs**2 angular_inter = [] for b_i in b: sol = roots(1, b_i, c) if len(sol) < 1: sol = [np.nan] if len(sol) < 2: sol[1] = sol[0] angular_inter += [sol] self.angular_inter = np.asarray(angular_inter) assert (np.isclose(dist(self.rays.r_limits[:,None], self.radial_inter, self.rS, self.aS), Rs)|np.isnan(self.radial_inter)).all(), f"Bug: Rs = {Rs}." return
[docs] def compute_intersections_surfaces(self): Rs = dist_bounds = dist(self.rays.r_limits[:,None], self.rays.angles_limits, self.rS, self.aS) # coords = np.where(dist_bounds < Rs) # for now, calculate everything (we can try to be smart later) coords = np.where(dist_bounds >= 0) self.surfaces_sector = np.zeros((self.rays.n_radial+1, self.rays.n_angular)) self.surfaces = np.zeros(self.rays.shape) for c in np.array(coords).T: # compute for all neighbors to that point if ((c[0] > self.rays.n_radial) or (c[1] > self.rays.n_angular-1) or (c[0] < 0) or (c[1] < 0) or self.surfaces_sector[tuple(c)]) : continue # outside of bounds or already computed (not zero) self.surfaces_sector[tuple(c)] = \ compute_surface_sector(r = self.rays.r_limits[c[0]], a = self.rays.angles_limits[c[1] : c[1]+2], a_r = self.radial_inter[c[0]], # TODO check order r_a = np.asarray(self.angular_inter[c[1] : c[1]+2]), rS=self.rS, aS=self.aS, Rs =, n_angular=self.rays.n_angular) assert not np.isnan(self.surfaces_sector[tuple(c)]) self.surfaces = np.diff(self.surfaces_sector, axis=0) # np.array([intersection_circles(self.rS, r, Rs) for r in self.rays.r_limits]) # from ..plot.plotutils import plot_sector_star # plot_sector_star(self.rS, self.aS, Rs, self.rays.r_limits[-1], self.rays.angles_limits) return self.surfaces