Source code for pytmosph3r.plot.plotutils

import ntpath
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Literal, Optional

import exo_k as xk
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from ..log import Logger
from ..util.util import *

[docs] def time_fmt(time, units=None): """Format time in days, hours or seconds.""" if (np.ndim(time)==0 and time > 3600*24) or units in ("Days","days","d"): return time/(3600*24), "days" elif (np.ndim(time)==0 and time > 3600) or units in ("Hours","hours","h"): return time/3600, "hours" else: return time, "s"
[docs] def units_from_dim(dim="wls"): """Get units from dim (wls/wns/phases/times).""" if dim == 'phases': return 'degrees' elif dim == 'times': return 's' elif dim == 'wls': return r"$\mu m$" else: return r"$cm^{-1}$"
[docs] def label_from_dim(dim="wls", units=None): """Returns spectral label (either wavelength or wavenumber).""" if units is None: units = units_from_dim(dim) if dim == 'phases': return 'Phase angle ({units})' elif dim == 'times': return f'Time ({units})' elif dim == 'wls': return rf"$\lambda$ ({units})" else: return rf"$\nu$ ({units})"
[docs] def get_spectral(wl, wn, w_units="wls"): """Returns either wavelength or wavenumber based on `w_units` value ('wls', 'wns').""" if w_units == "wls": return wl if w_units != "wns": Logger("plot").warning(f"w_units = {w_units} not recognized (should be wls/wns). We will use wavenumbers.") return wn
[docs] def clipped_colorbar(CS, extend: Optional[Literal['neither', 'min', 'max', 'both']] = None, **kwargs): # Source: from import ScalarMappable from numpy import arange, floor, ceil if CS is None: return try: fig = except AttributeError as e: fig = CS.axes.get_figure() vmin = CS.get_clim()[0] vmax = CS.get_clim()[1] m = ScalarMappable(cmap=CS.get_cmap()) m.set_array(CS.get_array()) m.set_clim(CS.get_clim()) step = CS.levels[1] - CS.levels[0] cliplower = CS.zmin < vmin clipupper = CS.zmax > vmax noextend = extend == 'neither' # set the colorbar boundaries boundaries = arange((floor(vmin / step) - 1 + 1 * (cliplower and noextend)) * step, (ceil(vmax / step) + 1 - 1 * (clipupper and noextend)) * step, step) # if the z-values are outside the colorbar range, add extend marker(s) # This behavior can be disabled by providing extend='neither' to the function call if extend is None or extend in ['min', 'max']: extend_min = cliplower or extend == 'min' extend_max = clipupper or extend == 'max' if extend_min and extend_max: extend = 'both' elif extend_min: extend = 'min' elif extend_max: extend = 'max' return fig.colorbar(m, boundaries=boundaries,extend=extend, **kwargs)
[docs] def path_leaf(path): head, tail = ntpath.split(path) if (tail == "output_pytmosph3r.h5" or "output_pytmosph3r.h5") and head not in (".", ""): return head # they all have the same name anyway return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
[docs] def legend_out(ax, x0=1,y0=1, direction = "v", padpoints = 3,**kwargs): otrans = ax.figure.transFigure t = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(x0,y0), loc=1, bbox_transform=otrans,**kwargs) plt.tight_layout(pad=0) ax.figure.canvas.draw() plt.tight_layout(pad=0) ppar = [0,-padpoints/72.] if direction == "v" else [-padpoints/72.,0] trans2=matplotlib.transforms.ScaledTranslation(ppar[0],ppar[1],ax.get_figure().dpi_scale_trans)+\ ax.figure.transFigure.inverted() tbox = t.get_window_extent().transformed(trans2 ) bbox = ax.get_position() if direction=="v": ax.set_position([bbox.x0, bbox.y0,bbox.width, tbox.y0-bbox.y0]) else: ax.set_position([bbox.x0, bbox.y0, tbox.x0 - bbox.x0, bbox.height])
[docs] class BasePlot(Logger, xk.util.spectral_object.Spectral_object): x_colors = {'H2O': 'red', 'CO': '#BFFF00','H2': 'black', 'He': 'blue', 'TiO': 'green', 'VO': 'purple', 'H': '#ff69b4', 'K': 'cyan', 'CH4': 'cyan', 'NH3': 'magenta', 'N2': '#faebd7', 'PH3': '#2e8b57', 'H2S': '#eeefff', 'Fe': '#da70d6', 'FeH': '#ff7f50', 'CrH': '#cd853f', 'Na': '#bc8f8f', 'CO2': '#5f9ea0', 'HCN': '#daa520'} modes = ["transmission", "emission", "lightcurve", "phasecurve"] interactive = True def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """Default values for plots.""" self.altitudes = ["surface", "middle", "top"] """Altitudes to plot. Possible values are indices or :attr:`surface`, :attr:`top` or :attr:`middle`.""" self.latitudes = ["north", "equator", "south"] """Latitudes to plot. Possible values are indices or :attr:`north`, :attr:`south` or :attr:`equator`. :attr:`north` is latitude :attr:`0`.""" self.latitude = "north" self.longitudes = ["day", "terminator", "night"] """Longitudes to plot. Possible values are indices or :attr:`day`, :attr:`night` or :attr:`terminator`. :attr:`night` is longitude :attr:`0`.""" self.longitude = "day" self.w_index = None super().__init__(name or self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def figure(ax=None, figsize=None): """Simply create a figure. Returns a boolean 'save' on top of fig and ax, to know if we should save the figure or not.""" save = False fig = None if ax is None: save = True fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) return fig, ax, save
[docs] def plot_columns(self, func, latitudes=None, longitudes=None, name="plot", legend=None, figsize=None, nrows=None, ncols=None, title=None, *args, **kwargs): """Iterate over vertical columns (lat,lon).""" if latitudes is None: latitudes=self.latitudes else: self.latitudes=latitudes if longitudes is None: longitudes=self.longitudes elif longitudes == "all": longitudes = np.arange(self.model.n_longitudes) else: self.longitudes=longitudes longitudes = np.atleast_1d(longitudes)[:self.model.n_longitudes] latitudes = np.atleast_1d(latitudes)[:self.model.n_latitudes] if nrows is None: nrows = len(latitudes) if ncols is None: ncols = len(longitudes) if figsize is None: figsize = (3.2 * (ncols+1), 3.2 * nrows) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=figsize) ax = axes if nrows > 1 and ncols > 1: axes = np.reshape(axes, (nrows, ncols)) for i, lat_idx in enumerate(latitudes): for j, lon_idx in enumerate(longitudes): self.latitude = lat_idx self.longitude = lon_idx if nrows > 1: ax = axes[i] if ncols > 1: ax = axes[i,j] elif ncols > 1: ax = axes[j] label = None if nrows == 1 and ncols == 1: lat_value = np.degrees(self.model.grid.mid_latitudes[get_latitude_index(lat_idx, self.n_latitudes)]) lon_value = np.degrees(self.model.grid.mid_longitudes[get_longitude_index(lon_idx, self.n_longitudes)]) label = (lat_value, lon_value) if len(latitudes) < 2: label = lon_value if len(longitudes) < 2: label = lat_value results = func(ax=ax, latitude=lat_idx, longitude=lon_idx, label=label, *args, **kwargs) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, frame_on=False) plt.tick_params(labelcolor="none", bottom=False, left=False) if legend is not None: legend(ax=axes, fig=fig, title=title) self.save_plot(name)
[docs] def plot_column(self, ax, x, y, latitude=None, longitude=None, *args, **kwargs): """Plot something at column (lat,lon).""" if latitude is None: latitude = self.latitude if longitude is None: longitude = self.longitude hx = get_column(x, latitude, longitude) hy = get_column(y, latitude, longitude) if isinstance(hx, (float, str)): hx = np.full(hy.shape, hx) elif isinstance(hy, (float, str)): hy = np.full(hx.shape, hy) ax.plot(hx, hy, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def save_column(self, label): return label + "_" + self.latitude + "_" + self.longitude
[docs] def set_title(self, ax=None, title=None, *args, **kwargs): if title is None: try: title = self.title except: return # No title to plot try: ax.set_title(title, *args, **kwargs) except: plt.title(title, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def legend(self, ax=None, fig=None, ncol=1, prop={'size':11}, frameon=False, *args, **kwargs): if ax is not None: legend = ax.legend(ncol=ncol, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, *args, **kwargs) else: legend = plt.legend(ncol=ncol, prop=prop, frameon=frameon, *args, **kwargs) legend.get_frame().set_facecolor('white') legend.get_frame().set_edgecolor('white') legend.get_frame().set_alpha(0.8)
[docs] def save_plot(self, name="plot", suffix=None, out_folder=None, interactive=None, *args, **kwargs): if suffix is None: try: suffix = self.suffix except: suffix = "pytmosph3r" if out_folder is None: try: out_folder = self.out_folder except: out_folder = "." if interactive is None: try: interactive = self.interactive except: interactive = True filename = os.path.join(out_folder, f'{name}_{suffix}.pdf') dir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight', *args, **kwargs) print(f"Saved to `{filename}`") if interactive: else: plt.close('all')
[docs] def legend2D(self, axes): if not hasattr(axes, "__len__") or len(axes.flatten()) == 1: return axes_latitudes = axes if np.ndim(axes) > 1: axes_latitudes = axes[:,0] if len(axes_latitudes) == len(self.latitudes): for ax, lat in zip(axes_latitudes, self.latitudes): ax.annotate("Latitude:\n %s"% get_latitude_index(lat, self.n_latitudes), xy=(0, 0.5), xytext=(-ax.yaxis.labelpad - 10, 0), xycoords=ax.yaxis.label, textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='right', va='center') axes_longitudes = axes if np.ndim(axes) > 1: axes_longitudes = axes[0] if len(axes_longitudes) == len(self.longitudes): for ax, lon in zip(axes_longitudes, self.longitudes): ax.annotate("Longitude:\n %s"% get_longitude_index(lon, self.n_longitudes), xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0, 5), xycoords='axes fraction', textcoords='offset points', size='large', ha='center', va='baseline')
[docs] def spectrum_label(self, mode): """Label for 'spectra' plots. Args: mode (str): Among transmission/emission/lightcurve/phasecurve. Defaults to transmission. """ if mode in ("emission", "phasecurve"): if self.mode(mode).planet_to_star_flux_ratio: return r"$F_P/F_S$" return r"Flux $(W/m^2/cm^{-1})$" return r"$(R_p/R_s)^2$" # by default plot transmission spectra
[docs] def get_value_dim(self, index, dim): """Returns the value at :attr:`index` in the dimension :attr:`dim`. Args: index (int): Index of the value we're looking for. dim (str): Dimension of the value we're looking for. Among "altitude", "latitude" or "longitude". """ if isinstance(index, (str,)): return index # return text as is unit = "°" if dim == "altitude": if self.vertical_in_pressure: unit = 'Pa' array = self.pressure_levels else: unit = 'm' if self.h_unit == 1e6: unit = 'Mm' elif self.h_unit == 1e3: unit = 'Km' array = self.z elif dim == "latitude": array = np.degrees(self.grid.mid_latitudes) elif dim == "longitude": array = np.degrees(self.grid.mid_longitudes) else: self.error(f"I don't know dimension {dim}") return -1 return f"{array[index]:.1f} {unit}"
[docs] def bin_down(self, resolution=200, spectrum=None, copy=True): if spectrum is None: if self.spectrum: spectrum = self.spectrum else: return bingrid = xk.wavenumber_grid_R(spectrum.wnedges.min(), spectrum.wnedges.max(), resolution) if copy: return spectrum.bin_down_cp(bingrid) self.old_spectrum = deepcopy(spectrum) # save just in case spectrum.bin_down(bingrid)
[docs] def flux(self, mode=None, phase=None, wl=None, wn=None, resolution=None, noise=True, ax=None, color=None): """Get flux (spectrum or curve) of a mode, with a resolution of N points, noised or not. Equal to :math:`(Rp/Rs)^2` (if normalized). Args: mode (str, optional): transmission/emission/lightcurve/phasecurve. Defaults to None. phase (array | float, optional): Phase(s) to select. Incompatible with `wl` or `wn`. Defaults to None. wl (array | float, optional): Wavelength to select. Incompatible with `phase` or `wn`. Defaults to None. wl (array | float, optional): Wavenumber to select. Incompatible with `phase` or `wl`. Defaults to None. resolution (int, optional): Number of points to bin to. Not used with `wl` or `wn`. Defaults to None. noise (bool, optional): Noise the spectrum? Defaults to True. Returns: flux (`exo_k.Spectrum`) of which the X axis is either wavelengths, or phases. """ phase = to_SI(phase) # just in case if (phase is not None or wl is not None or wn is not None) and mode not in ("lightcurve", "phasecurve"): self.warning(f"Mode {mode} does not have phases, so we will use light/phase-curve mode. If you want to select a specific mode, please use the 'mode' parameter.") if mode == "emission": mode = "phasecurve" elif mode == "transmission": mode = "lightcurve" else: try: # try to guess automatically which mode has been computed return self.flux(mode="lightcurve", phase=phase, wl=wl, wn=wn, resolution=resolution, ax=ax, color=color) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return self.flux(mode="phasecurve", phase=phase, wl=wl, wn=wn, resolution=resolution, ax=ax, color=color) if phase is not None: phases = np.asarray(self.getattr(mode, "phases")) ph_index = np.clip(phases.searchsorted(np.float_(phase)), 0, len(phases)-1) wns = self.getattr(mode, "wns") wnedges = self.getattr(mode, "wnedges") flux = xk.Spectrum(self.getattr(mode, "flux")[ph_index], wns, wnedges) self.ph_index = ph_index elif wl is not None or wn is not None and self.getattr(mode, "phases") is not None: # added `and self.getattr(mode, "phases") is not None` to patch bug # BUG: TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type NoneType which has no callable degrees method phases = np.degrees(self.getattr(mode, "phases")) phases_edges = phases[1:]+np.diff(phases)/2 phases_edges = np.concatenate([phases[:2]-np.diff(phases[:3])/2, phases_edges]) i = self.find_spectral(wl, wn, mode=mode) flux = xk.Spectrum(self.getattr(mode, "flux")[..., i], phases, phases_edges) flux.phases = self.mode(mode).phases # flux.times = self.mode(mode).times # BUG: times disabled due to issue if not existing # NOTE: X axis is phases here! not wns (a bit of a trick) elif mode: try: if mode in ("lightcurve", "phasecurve"): flux = self.mode(mode).flux.copy() else: flux = self.mode(mode).spectrum.copy() flux = xk.Spectrum(flux["value"], flux["wns"], flux["wnedges"]) except Exception as e:"Failed to get 'flux' from '%s' mode from %s."%(mode, self.f.filename)) return None else: flux = self.spectrum if flux is None: for mode in self.modes: try: # try other modes, maybe it has been computed flux = self.flux(mode=mode, phase=phase, wl=wl, wn=wn, resolution=resolution, ax=ax, color=color) assert flux is not None"Will try to plot spectrum from '{mode}' mode ('None' given).") break except: continue # mode doesn't have flux if noise: if not isinstance(noise, (bool)): if isinstance(noise, (float, int)): noise = np.random.normal(0, noise, len(flux.wns)) noise_spectrum = xk.Spectrum(noise, wns=flux.wns, wnedges=flux.wnedges) flux = flux + noise_spectrum elif self.noise: noise = self.noise if isinstance(self.noise, (float, int)): noise = np.random.normal(0, noise, len(flux.wns)) noise_spectrum = xk.Spectrum(noise, wns=flux.wns, wnedges=flux.wnedges) flux = flux + noise_spectrum elif self.noised_spectrum is not None and mode is None: # this should probably not happen, since self.noise will be used first noise = xk.Spectrum(np.full_like(self.noised_spectrum.wns, self.noise), self.noised_spectrum.wns, self.noised_spectrum.wnedges) flux = self.noised_spectrum try: below = flux.value-noise.value above = flux.value+noise.value ax.fill_between(flux.wls, below, above, alpha=0.4, zorder=-2, edgecolor='none', color=color) except: pass if resolution: flux = self.bin_down(resolution, flux) return flux
[docs] def curve(self, mode=None, **kwargs): """Returns light/phasecurve (as an array). Lightcurve is :math:`1-(Rp/Rs)^2`.""" if mode in ("transmission", "lightcurve"): flux = self.flux(mode="lightcurve", **kwargs) if isinstance(flux, xk.Spectrum): return 1-flux.value return 1-flux flux = self.flux(mode="phasecurve", **kwargs) if isinstance(flux, xk.Spectrum): return flux.value return flux
[docs] def x_axis_curve(self, x_axis="phases", x_units=None, mode="lightcurve"): x = np.degrees(self.mode(mode).phases) if x_axis == "times": try: times = self.mode(mode).times assert times is not None x = times except Exception as e:"Could not use time as x-axis. Maybe missing period in Orbit()? Full error:\n{e}") x_axis = "phases" xlabel = 'Phase angle (degrees)' if x_axis == "times": if x_units is None: x_units = time_fmt(x[-1])[-1] # use last value as scale for units x = time_fmt(x, x_units)[0] xlabel = f'Time ({x_units})' return x, xlabel
[docs] def init_time(self, phase=None, time=None, time_units=None): phase = to_SI(phase, u.rad) if isinstance(time, u.Quantity): time_units = time.unit time = to_SI(time, u.s) label_prefix = r"$\phi$" if time: # time has priority try: phase = self.model.orbit.phase(time) label_prefix = "t" except Exception as e: self.error(f"time was provided ({time}), but self.model.orbit.period is missing. Please set it if you want plots in time. Will use phases meanwhile...") time = None return phase, time, label_prefix, time_units
[docs] def init_spectral(self, wl=None, wn=None, default_wl=15, mode=None): """Init both wavelengths and wavenumbers to equivalent values. Returns: tuple: (ws, wl, wn, w_units) where ws is the spectral array corresponding to w_units (either wls or wns). """ obj = self if mode is not None: try: self.mode(mode).wls obj = self.mode(mode) except: obj = self # ws = obj.wns w_units = "wns" if wl is None and wn is None or wn is True: wl = default_wl wn = 10000./default_wl elif wn is None: wn = 10000./np.float_(wl) w_units = "wls" ws = obj.wls else: wl = 10000./np.float_(wn) wn = np.float_(np.float_(wn)) # don't ask wl = np.float_(np.float_(wl)) return ws, wl, wn, w_units
[docs] def get_spectral(self, wl=None, wn=None, w_units=None, default_wl=15, mode=None): """Choose which spectral units to plot (wavelengths or wavenumbers).""" obj = self if mode is not None: try: # curve modes could have subsets of wns (faster calculations) assert (self.mode(mode).wls is not None) obj = self.mode(mode) except: obj = self # if w_units: return getattr(obj, w_units), get_spectral(wl, wn, w_units), w_units if wl is None and wn is None: return obj.wns, 10000./np.float_(default_wl), "wns" elif wn is None: return obj.wls, np.float_(np.float_(wl)), "wls" # don't ask else: return obj.wns, np.float_(np.float_(wn)), "wns"
[docs] def find_spectral(self, wl=None, wn=None, **kwargs): """Find the index of spectral point equal to either wavelength `wl` or wavenumber `wn`. Defines :attr:`w_index`. """ ws, w, w_units = self.get_spectral(wl, wn, **kwargs) # assume array is sorted sorter = None; a = 0; b = 1 # check if array is reverse sorted if w_units != "wns": if np.size(ws)>1 and ws[1] < ws[0]: sorter = np.arange(ws.size)[::-1] a = len(ws) b = -1 self.w_index = np.clip(a+b*ws.searchsorted(np.float_(w), sorter=sorter), 0, len(ws)-1) return self.w_index #, ws[self.w_index]
[docs] def mode(self, mode): """Returns 'mode' object (transmission/lightcurve/emission/phasecurve). Returns self if None.""" if mode is None: return self return getattr(self.__class__,mode).__get__(self, self.__class__)
[docs] def getattr(self, mode, attr): """Get attribute :attr:`attr` from mode :attr:`mode`.""" if mode is None: try: value = getattr(self.mode("lightcurve"), attr) except: value = getattr(self.mode("phasecurve"), attr) else: try: # get attr from mode value = getattr(self.mode(mode), attr) except: try: # if failed, try to get it from main class value = getattr(self, attr) except: return None return value
[docs] class LoadPlot: """Class to load HDF5 file or :attr:`model` attribute. Inherited by :class:`~pytmosph3r.plot.plot.Plot`. """ @property def model(self): if not hasattr(self, "_model") or self._model is None: if self.f: self._model ='Model') self._model.output_file = None # don't write it again! # self._model.atmosphere = self._model.input_atmosphere self._model.atmosphere.__dict__.update(self.atmosphere.__dict__) try: self._model.wns ='Output/wns') self._model.wnedges ='Output/wns') except: pass return self._model @model.setter def model(self, value): self._model = value @property def atmosphere(self): """Dict.""" if not hasattr(self, "_atmosphere") or self._atmosphere is None: if self.f: self._atmosphere ='Model/input_atmosphere') atmosphere ='Output/atmosphere', dict) try: self._atmosphere.__dict__.update(atmosphere.__dict__) except AttributeError as e: try: self._atmosphere.__dict__.update(atmosphere) except TypeError as e: return self._atmosphere else: self._atmosphere = self.model.atmosphere if self._atmosphere.altitude is None: return self._atmosphere
[docs] def set_mode_attr(self, mode): """Set attributes for modes (emission/phasecurve/transmission/lightcurve), which have parameters both in Model and in Output. """ if not hasattr(self, "_"+mode) or self.__dict__["_"+mode] is None: if self.f: self.__dict__["_"+mode] ='Model/'+mode) if self.__dict__["_"+mode] is None: return try: output_mode ='Output/'+mode, class_obj=dict) self.__dict__["_"+mode] = merge_attrs(self.__dict__["_"+mode], output_mode) self.__dict__["_"+mode].model = self.model except: self.__dict__["_"+mode].build(self.model) # pass else: self.__dict__["_"+mode] = self.model.__dict__[mode] if hasattr(self.__dict__["_"+mode], "kwargs") and self.__dict__["_"+mode].kwargs is not None: self.__dict__["_"+mode].__dict__.update(self.__dict__["_"+mode].kwargs) return self.__dict__["_"+mode]
[docs] def transmission(self): return self.set_mode_attr("transmission")
[docs] def emission(self): return self.set_mode_attr("emission")
[docs] def lightcurve(self): return self.set_mode_attr("lightcurve")
[docs] def phasecurve(self): return self.set_mode_attr("phasecurve")
[docs] def mode(self, mode): """Returns 'mode' object (transmission/lightcurve/emission/phasecurve). Returns self if None.""" if mode is None: return self return getattr(self.__class__,mode).__get__(self, self.__class__)()
@property def wns(self): if not hasattr(self, "_wns") or self._wns is None: if self.f: self._wns ='Output/wns') else: self._wns = self.model.wns return self._wns @property def wnedges(self): if not hasattr(self, "_wnedges") or self._wnedges is None: if self.f: self._wnedges ='Output/wnedges') else: self._wnedges = self.model.wnedges return self._wnedges @property def spectrum(self): if not hasattr(self, "_spectrum") or self._spectrum is None: if self.f: value ='Output/spectrum_value') wns ='Output/wns') wnedges ='Output/wnedges') if value is None: return None self._spectrum = xk.Spectrum(value, wns, wnedges) else: try: self._spectrum = self.model.spectrum.copy() except AttributeError: return None return self._spectrum @spectrum.setter def spectrum(self, value): self._spectrum = value self._wns = value.wns self._wnedges = value.wnedges self._noised_spectrum = value.copy() @property def noised_spectrum(self): try: if not hasattr(self, "_noised_spectrum") or self._noised_spectrum is None: if self.f: self._noised_spectrum = self.spectrum.copy() self._noised_spectrum.value ='Output/spectrum_noised') else: self._noised_spectrum = self.model.noised_spectrum return self._noised_spectrum except: return None @noised_spectrum.setter def noised_spectrum(self, value): self._noised_spectrum = value self._wns = value.wns self._wnedges = value.wnedges @property def noise(self): """Planet radius.""" if self.f: return'Model/noise') else: return self.model.noise
[docs] def transmittance(self, phase=None, wl=None, wn=None): if phase is not None: try: ph_min = self.mode("lightcurve").transmittance_phases.min() if phase < ph_min: phase = ph_min ph_max = self.mode("lightcurve").transmittance_phases.max() if phase > ph_max: phase = ph_max if not hasattr(self.mode("lightcurve"), "rays_opacities"): pass # we will try transmission transmittance, below else: return self.interp_transmittances(phase, wl, wn) except ValueError: pass # we will try transmission transmittance, below if not hasattr(self, "_transmittance") or self._transmittance is None: try: i = self.find_spectral(wl, wn) self._transmittance = self.mode("transmission").transmittance[..., i] except: return None return self._transmittance
[docs] def interp_transmittances(self, phase, wl=None, wn=None): if not hasattr(self, "_interp_transmittances") or self._interp_transmittances is None: lc = self.mode("lightcurve") i = self.find_spectral(wl, wn, mode="lightcurve") rays_opacities = lc.rays_opacities[..., i] # no need to load every wn if lc.n_transmittances > 1: self._interp_transmittances = sp.interpolate.interp1d(lc.transmittance_phases, 1-rays_opacities, axis=(0)) else: self._interp_transmittances = lambda x: 1-rays_opacities[0] return self._interp_transmittances(phase)
@property def grid(self): if not hasattr(self, "_grid") or self._grid is None: self._grid = self.atmosphere.grid return self._grid @property def n_layers(self): return self.grid.n_vertical @property def n_levels(self): return self.n_layers+1 @property def n_longitudes(self): return self.grid.n_longitudes @property def n_latitudes(self): return self.grid.n_latitudes @property def Rp(self): """Planet radius.""" if self.f: return'Model/planet/radius')/self.h_unit else: return self.model.planet.radius/self.h_unit @property def Rs(self): """Star radius.""" if self.f: return'Model/star/radius')/self.h_unit else: return @property def R(self): """Planet radius scaled using :attr:`r_factor`.""" return self.Rp * self.r_factor @property def z_idx(self): if not hasattr(self, "_z_idx") or self._z_idx is None: try: if self.vertical_in_pressure: self._z_idx = np.where(self.pressure_levels >= self.p_min) else: self._z_idx = np.where(self.input_z < self.z_levels.max()) self.grid.n_vertical = len(self._z_idx[0]) except: self._z_idx = slice(0,self.n_layers) return self._z_idx @property def input_z(self): return self.atmosphere.altitude/self.h_unit @property def input_z_levels(self): try: return self.atmosphere.altitude_levels/self.h_unit except: return self.input_z @property def z_levels(self): if not hasattr(self, "_z_levels") or self._z_levels is None: self._z_levels = self.input_z_levels[np.where(self.input_z_levels < self.zmax)] return self._z_levels @property def z(self): if not hasattr(self, "_z") or self._z is None: self._z = self.input_z[self.z_idx] return self._z @property def altitude(self): return self.z @property def r(self): return self.R + self.z
[docs] def rays(self, mode="transmission"): if not hasattr(self, "_rays") or self._rays is None: if self.f: try: self._rays ='Model/{mode}/rays') output_rays ='Output/{mode}/rays', class_obj=dict) self._rays.__dict__.update(output_rays) except Exception as e: pass if self._model is not None: try: self._rays = self.model.__dict__[mode].rays except Exception as ex: return None try: except Exception as e: self.error("Could not build rays: %s"%e) return self._rays
@property def pressure(self): if not hasattr(self, "_pressure") or self._pressure is None: self._pressure = self.atmosphere.pressure return self._pressure[self.z_idx] @property def pressure_levels(self): if not hasattr(self, "_pressure_levels") or self._pressure_levels is None: if self.f: self._pressure_levels ='Model/input_atmosphere/pressure') else: self._pressure_levels = self.model.input_atmosphere.pressure if self._pressure_levels.ndim > 1: self._pressure_levels = self._pressure_levels[:,0,0] return self._pressure_levels @property def p_min(self): if not hasattr(self, "_p_min") or self._p_min is None: try: if self.f: self._p_min ='Model/input_atmosphere/min_pressure') else: self._p_min = self.model.input_atmosphere.min_pressure except: self._p_min = 0 return self._p_min @property def temperature(self): if not hasattr(self, "_temperature") or self._temperature is None: self._temperature = self.atmosphere.temperature return self._temperature[self.z_idx] @property def gas_mix_ratio(self): if not hasattr(self, "_gas_mix_ratio") or self._gas_mix_ratio is None: self._gas_mix_ratio = self.atmosphere.gas_mix_ratio for gas, value in self._gas_mix_ratio.items(): if not isinstance(self._gas_mix_ratio[gas], (float, str)): self._gas_mix_ratio[gas] = self._gas_mix_ratio[gas][self.z_idx] return self._gas_mix_ratio @property def aerosols(self): if not hasattr(self, "_aerosols") or self._aerosols is None: self._aerosols = self.atmosphere.aerosols for a, a_dict in self._aerosols.items(): for key, value in a_dict.items(): if hasattr(self._aerosols[a][key], "__len__") and not isinstance(self._aerosols[a][key], str): self._aerosols[a][key] = self._aerosols[a][key][self.z_idx] return self._aerosols
[docs] def close(self): if self.f: self.f.close() self.f = None
@property def shape(self): return self.grid.shape
[docs] def plot_sector_star(rS, aS, Rs, r, a, r_i=None, a_i=None, ax=None): """Plot star at position (rS, aS), radius Rs over sector(s) with bounds r and a. r_i and a_i are (optional) intersection points with a and r, respectively.""" from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D import pylab as pl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt show = False if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,3.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') show = True if np.ndim(r) == 0: r = [0, r] st = pl.Circle((rS, aS), Rs, transform=(Affine2D().rotate(ax._theta_offset.get_matrix()[0, 2]) + ax.transProjectionAffine + ax.transAxes), color="yellow", alpha=0.4) core = pl.Circle((0, 0), r[0], transform=(Affine2D().rotate(ax._theta_offset.get_matrix()[0, 2]) + ax.transProjectionAffine + ax.transAxes), color="black", alpha=0.4) atmo = pl.Circle((0, 0), r[-1], transform=(Affine2D().rotate(ax._theta_offset.get_matrix()[0, 2]) + ax.transProjectionAffine + ax.transAxes), color="black", alpha=0.2) ax.add_artist(atmo) ax.add_artist(core) ax.add_artist(st) ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") if a_i is not None: a_i = np.asarray(a_i).T r_i = np.asarray(r_i).T for a_j in a_i: ax.scatter(a_j, r, marker='.', color="blue") for r_j in r_i: idx = np.where(r_j > 0) ax.scatter(a[idx], r_j[idx], marker='.', color="red") r = np.insert(r,0,0) for a_j in a: ax.plot(np.full_like(r, a_j), r) ax.set_rmax(1.2*r[-1]) if show: