Source code for pytmosph3r.plot.modelplot

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
from ai import cs
from matplotlib import ticker
from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D

from .plotutils import *

from ..interface.hdf5 import HDF5Input
from ..util.util import *

    from ..model import Model

[docs] class ModelPlot(BasePlot): """Intermediary class that can be inherited from by classes from pytmosph3r, to make plots from them directly."""
[docs] def plot_rays(self, points=True, mid_points=False, rays=False, rays_bottom=False, rays_top=True, rays_terminator=True, figsize=None, mode="transmission"): """Plot rays with matplotlib. Args: rays_bottom (bool, optional): Display the bottom layer (surface) of the planet. Defaults to False. rays_top (bool, optional): Display the top layer of the planet. Defaults to False. rays_terminator (bool, optional): Display the terminator plane. Defaults to False. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') lat, lon = np.meshgrid(self.grid.mid_latitudes, self.grid.all_longitudes) if rays_bottom: points_b = cs.sp2cart(self.R, lat, lon) s = ax.plot_surface(points_b[0], points_b[1], points_b[2], label="surface", alpha=.3) s._facecolors2d = s._facecolors3d s._edgecolors2d = s._edgecolors3d if rays_top: points_t = cs.sp2cart(self.r.max(), lat, lon) s = ax.plot_wireframe(points_t[0], points_t[1], points_t[2], label="top", alpha=.4) if rays_terminator: # terminator plane scale = 1 num = 2 A = self.rays(mode).cartesian_system.direction.x B = self.rays(mode).cartesian_system.direction.y C = self.rays(mode).cartesian_system.direction.z if C != 0: x = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) y = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = -(A * X + B * Y) / C elif B != 0: x = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) z = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) X, Z = np.meshgrid(x, z) Y = -(A * X + C * Z) / B else: y = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) z = np.linspace(-self.R * scale, self.R * scale, num) Y, Z = np.meshgrid(y, z) X = -(C * Z + B * Y) / A s = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, label="terminator", alpha=.5) s._facecolors2d = s._facecolors3d s._edgecolors2d = s._edgecolors3d try: if points: self.plot_points(ax, self.rays(mode).points) if mid_points: self.plot_points(ax, self.rays(mode).mid_points) except: self.debug("No points in output file. Try running pytmosph3r with -v") if rays: raise NotImplementedError plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.legend() self.save_plot("rays")
[docs] def plot_points(self, ax, points,mode=None): if isinstance(points, (dict,)): iterator = points.items() elif isinstance(points, (list,)): iterator = enumerate(points) if isinstance(points[0], (list,)): for p_angle in points: for p_radius in p_angle: self.plot_points_ray(ax, p_radius) return elif isinstance(points, (np.ndarray,)): if mode is None: raise ValueError('`mode` should be set.') iterator = enumerate([points[radius, angle] for radius, angle in self.rays(mode).walk()]) for i, ray in iterator: self.plot_points_ray(ax, ray)
[docs] def plot_points_ray(self, ax, ray): if len(ray) < 1: # no points return if isinstance(ray, dict): points = cs.sp2cart(ray["radius"] / self.h_unit + self.R, ray["latitude"], ray["longitude"]) else: points = cs.sp2cart(ray[:, 1] / self.h_unit, ray[:, 2], ray[:, 3]) ax.plot(points[0], points[1], points[2])
[docs] def plot_2Dmap(self, ax, location, dim, x, y, z, p_levels=None, cmap="YlOrRd", log=False, vmin=None, imshow=False, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot a 2D map at a specific location and dimension (core function). Called by :func:`map_2D`. Args: location (str, int): Name ("equator", ...) or index of location to plot dim (str, int): Dimension of location (altitude/latitude/longitude) x (ndarray): Meshgrid y (ndarray): Meshgrid z (ndarray): Values to plot p_levels (list, optional): Pressure levels to plot over the map. Defaults to [1e-4, 1, 100, 10**4]. cmap (str, optional): Colormap to be used. Defaults to "YlOrRd". log (bool): Log scale for colors. Defaults to False. vmin (float): Minimum value for colorbar. vmax (float): Maximum value for colorbar. imshow (bool): If True, the map will use plt.imshow() instead of plt.contourf(). imshow() shows exactly the temperature map used, while contourf() makes it smoother. Defaults to False (i.e., contourf). """ if p_levels is None: p_levels = [1e-4, 1, 100, 10 ** 4] hz = get_2D(z, location, dim) if isinstance(hz, (float, str)): hz = np.full((len(x), len(y)), hz) if hz.ndim < 2 or 1 in hz.shape: # check which dim is 0D dim_0D = hz.shape.index(1) aspect = "1" if dim_0D: aspect = ".1" fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cs = ax.imshow(hz, aspect=aspect, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, *args, **kwargs) plt.colorbar(cs) ax.set_yticklabels(['%.2f' % i for i in y[0].tolist()]) if not dim_0D: ax.set_xticklabels(['%g' % i for i in x[0].tolist()]) if dim == "latitude": ax.set_xlabel('East Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Altitude (Mm)') elif dim == "longitude": ax.set_xlabel('Latitude') ax.set_ylabel('Altitude (Mm)') elif dim == "altitude": ax.set_xlabel('East Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') return ax if dim != "longitude": hz = np.concatenate((hz, hz[:, 0:1]), axis=1) if dim != "altitude": if p_levels is not None: zp = get_2D(self.pressure, location, dim) if dim == "latitude": zp = np.concatenate((zp, zp[:, 0:1]), axis=1) ax.contour(x, y, zp, colors="black", linewidths=.2, locator=ticker.FixedLocator(p_levels), ) locator = ticker.LinearLocator(100) formatter = None extend = 'neither' if log: locator = ticker.LogLocator(base=1.01, subs=(1.0,), numticks=100) formatter = ticker.LogFormatter(1.01, labelOnlyBase=False) if vmin: hz[np.where(hz < vmin)] = vmin extend = 'min' if imshow: cs = ax.imshow(hz, extent=[x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()], cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, *args, **kwargs) else: cs = ax.contourf(x, y, hz, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, locator=locator, extend=extend, *args, **kwargs) plt.colorbar(cs, format=formatter, pad=0.08) return None
[docs] def plot_2D(self, func, dim=None, altitudes=None, latitudes=None, longitudes=None, *args, **kwargs): """Calls :attr:`func` on all `locations` of :attr:`dim` for a 2D plot. Can also select altitudes, latitudes and longitudes separately.""" if altitudes is not None: loop = altitudes dim = "altitude" elif latitudes is not None: loop = latitudes dim = "latitude" elif longitudes is not None: loop = longitudes dim = "longitude" elif dim == "altitude": loop = self.altitudes elif dim == "latitude": loop = self.latitudes elif dim == "longitude": loop = self.longitudes else: warnings.warn( "Dimension '%s' not recognized. Should be among 'altitude', 'latitude' or 'longitude'. Not plotting 2D." % dim) loop = [] if isinstance(loop, (float, int)): loop = [loop] for location in loop: func(location=location, dim=dim, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def map_2D(self, array, location="equator", dim="latitude", ax=None, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Generic 2D map plot for a specific dimension & location. Selects the data to send to :func:`plot_2Dmap`.""" fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) vertical = self.r # by default, altitude is used as a vertical measure if dim == "altitude": ax = fig.add_subplot(111) longitudes = np.concatenate((self.grid.mid_longitudes, self.grid.mid_longitudes[0:1] + 2 * np.pi)) x, y = np.degrees(np.meshgrid(longitudes, self.grid.mid_latitudes)) ax.set_xlabel('East Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') elif dim == "latitude": if self.grid.n_longitudes > 1: # we will do a normal plot in plot_2Dmap ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') longitudes = np.concatenate((self.grid.mid_longitudes, self.grid.mid_longitudes[0:1] + 2 * np.pi)) x, y = np.meshgrid(longitudes, self.r) if self.r.ndim > 1: vertical = np.log10(self.pressure[:, 0, 0]) # in Emission mode, we don't compute the altitude so we use the pressure as a vertical measure, supposed to be 1D x, y = np.meshgrid(longitudes, vertical) ax.set_rlim(bottom=vertical.max(), top=vertical.min()) elif dim == "longitude": if self.grid.n_latitudes > 1: # we will do a normal plot in plot_2Dmap ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') x, y = np.meshgrid(self.grid.mid_latitudes, self.r) if self.r.ndim > 1: vertical = np.log10(self.pressure[:, 0, 0]) # in Emission mode, we don't compute the altitude so we use the pressure as a vertical measure, supposed to be 1D x, y = np.meshgrid(self.grid.mid_latitudes, vertical) ax.set_rlim(bottom=vertical.max(), top=vertical.min()) newax = self.plot_2Dmap(ax=ax, location=location, dim=dim, x=x, y=y, z=array, *args, **kwargs) if newax: ax = newax if dim == "longitude": if self.grid.mid_latitudes[0] != self.grid.mid_latitudes[-1]: ax.set_xlim(self.grid.mid_latitudes[0], self.grid.mid_latitudes[-1]) elif dim == "latitude": try: ax.set_theta_zero_location("W") angles = [45 * theta for theta in range(0, 8)] ax.set_xticks(np.deg2rad(angles)) ax.set_xticklabels([f'{theta}°' for theta in angles], fontsize=8) except: # in case of 1x1 maps plt.tight_layout(pad=2) else: plt.tight_layout(pad=2) if dim != "altitude" and not newax: ax.grid(linewidth=.1) if self.r.ndim == 1: ax.set_rmin(0) ax.set_yticks([self.r.min(), self.r.max()]) ax.set_yticklabels( [f'{x:,.1f} Mm' for x in [self.z_levels[0], self.z_levels[-1]]], fontsize=6) ax.set_rgrids([self.r.min(), self.r.max()]) else: p_levels = np.array([-4, 0, 2, 4.]) p_levels = np.insert(p_levels, np.searchsorted(p_levels, vertical.max()), vertical.max()) p_levels = np.insert(p_levels, np.searchsorted(p_levels, vertical.min()), vertical.min()) p_levels = p_levels[np.where((p_levels >= vertical.min()) & (p_levels <= vertical.max()))][ ::-1] ax.set_rgrids(p_levels) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:,.1g}".format(x) + ' Pa' for x in np.power(10, p_levels)], fontsize=6) ax.set_rlabel_position(80) ax.tick_params(pad=0) return ax
[docs] def t_map(self, location="equator", dim="latitude", ax=None, cmap="gnuplot2", *args, **kwargs): """Temperature 2D map for a specific dimension & location (calls :func:`map_2D` with identical parameters).""" ax = self.map_2D(self.temperature, location=location, dim=dim, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, *args, **kwargs) index = get_index(self.grid, location, dim) dim_display = dim if self.vertical_in_pressure: dim_display = "pressure" ax.set_title("Temperature (K) at %s %s" % (dim_display, self.get_value_dim(index, dim))) self.save_plot("t_map_%s_%s" % (dim, index))
[docs] def t_maps(self, dim="latitude", *args, **kwargs): """Temperature 2D maps over multiple locations. See :func:`plot_2Dmap` for further parameters. You can select altitudes, latitudes and longitudes using arguments (see :func:`plot_2D`) or by setting them beforehand: - :attr:`self.altitudes <altitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "altitude"`, - :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "latitude"` (default), - :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "longitude"` """ self.plot_2D(self.t_map, dim, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def x_map(self, gas=None, location="equator", dim="latitude", cmap="PuBuGn", ax=None, *args, **kwargs): """VMR 2D map for a specific dimension & location (calls :func:`map_2D` with identical parameters).""" if gas not in self.gas_mix_ratio: self.error(f"Gas {gas} not in mix ratio.") return if isinstance(self.gas_mix_ratio[gas], str): total_vmr = sum([x for x in self.gas_mix_ratio.values() if not isinstance(x, str)]) vmr = 1 - total_vmr * np.ones(self.shape) else: vmr = self.gas_mix_ratio[gas] * np.ones(self.shape) vmin = max(np.min(vmr), 1e-16) if vmin > 1e-16: vmin = None ax = self.map_2D(vmr, location=location, dim=dim, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, log=True, vmin=vmin, *args, **kwargs) index = get_index(self.grid, location, dim) dim_display = dim if self.vertical_in_pressure: dim_display = "pressure" ax.set_title("[%s] at %s %s" % (gas, dim_display, self.get_value_dim(index, dim))) # self.zp_legend(ax, fig) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.out_folder, gas), exist_ok=True) self.save_plot(os.path.join(gas, f"{gas}_map_{dim}_{index}"))
[docs] def x_maps(self, gases=None, dim="latitude", *args, **kwargs): """Gas Volume Mixing ratio 2D maps over multiple locations. See :func:`plot_2Dmap` for further parameters. You should set beforehand: - :attr:`self.altitudes <altitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "altitude"` (default), - :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "latitude"`, - :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "longitude"` """ if gases is None: gases = self.gas_mix_ratio if isinstance(gases, str): gases = [gases] for gas in gases: self.plot_2D(self.x_map, gas=gas, dim=dim, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def a_map(self, aerosol=None, location="equator", dim="latitude", cmap="BuPu", ax=None, *args, **kwargs): """Aerosols MMRs 2D map for a specific dimension & location (calls :func:`map_2D` with identical parameters).""" mmr = self.aerosols[aerosol]["mmr"] * np.ones(self.shape) vmin = max(np.min(mmr), 1e-16) if vmin > 1e-16: vmin = None ax = self.map_2D(mmr, location=location, dim=dim, ax=ax, cmap=cmap, log=True, vmin=vmin, *args, **kwargs) index = get_index(self.grid, location, dim) dim_display = dim if self.vertical_in_pressure: dim_display = "pressure" ax.set_title("Aerosol MMR: log(%s) at %s %s" % (aerosol, dim_display, self.get_value_dim(index, dim))) # self.zp_legend(ax, fig) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.out_folder, aerosol), exist_ok=True) self.save_plot(os.path.join(aerosol, "a_map"), "%s_%s" % (dim, index))
[docs] def a_maps(self, aerosols=None, dim="latitude", *args, **kwargs): """Aerosols Mass Mixing ratio 2D maps over multiple locations. See :func:`plot_2Dmap` for further parameters. You should set beforehand: - :attr:`self.altitudes <altitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "altitude"` (default), - :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "latitude"`, - :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` when :attr:`dim = "longitude"` """ if aerosols is None: aerosols = self.aerosols if isinstance(aerosols, str): aerosols = [aerosols] for aerosol in aerosols: self.plot_2D(self.a_map, aerosol=aerosol, dim=dim, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_xprofile(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.plot_x(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_x(self, latitude=None, longitude=None, ax=None, title=None, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot VMRs (gas mix profiles) of one vertical column.""" fig, ax, save = self.figure(ax, figsize) if 'label' in kwargs: del kwargs['label'] # will be molecule names gas_legends = {} mol_idx = 0 min_mix = 1 max_mix = 0 for mol_name, mix in self.gas_mix_ratio.items(): if mix == 'background': others = list(self.gas_mix_ratio.values()) others.remove('background') mix = 1 - np.sum(others) if isinstance(mix, (np.ndarray)): max_mix = max(max_mix, mix.max()) min_mix = min(min_mix, mix.min()) elif not isinstance(mix, (str)): max_mix = max(max_mix, mix) min_mix = min(min_mix, mix) color = self.x_colors[mol_name] self.plot_column(ax, mix, self.pressure, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, color=color, label=mol_name, *args, **kwargs) gas_legends[mol_name] = mpl.lines.Line2D([0], [0], color=color, label=mol_name) mol_idx += 1 plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') min_mix = max(min_mix, 1e-12) plt.xlim(min_mix, 1) if save: self.x_legend(ax=ax, fig=fig, title=title) self.save_plot(self.save_column('mixratio')) return gas_legends, min_mix, max_mix
[docs] def x_legend(self, ax, fig, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(ax, (np.ndarray)): self.legend2D(ax) ax0 = ax.flatten()[0] ax1 = ax.flatten()[-1] else: ax0 = ax ax1 = ax ax0.invert_yaxis() self.set_title(ax0, *args, **kwargs) plt.xlabel('Mixing ratio') plt.ylabel('Pressure (Pa)') plt.tight_layout() h, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.2, right=0.82, wspace=0.25, hspace=0.35) fig.legend(h, labels, loc='center right', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), ncol=1, prop={'size': 11}, frameon=False)
[docs] def plot_xprofiles(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot VMRs (gas mix profiles) of multiple columns. Set :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` and :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` for this beforehand.""" return self.plot_columns(self.plot_xprofile, name="mixratio", legend=self.x_legend, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_tp(self, latitude=None, longitude=None, ax=None, title=None, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot TP profile of one vertical column.""" fig, ax, save = self.figure(ax, figsize) self.plot_column(ax, self.temperature, self.pressure, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, *args, **kwargs) plt.yscale('log') if save: self.tp_legend(ax=ax, title=title) self.save_plot(self.save_column("tp"))
[docs] def tp_legend(self, ax, fig=None, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(ax, (np.ndarray)): self.legend2D(ax) ax = ax.flatten()[0] ax.invert_yaxis() self.set_title(ax, *args, **kwargs) plt.xlabel('Temperature (K)') plt.ylabel('Pressure (Pa)') plt.tight_layout() self.legend(ax)
[docs] def plot_tps(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot TP profiles of multiple columns. Set :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` and :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` for this beforehand.""" self.plot_columns(self.plot_tp, name="tp", legend=self.tp_legend, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_zp(self, latitude=None, longitude=None, ax=None, title=None, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot ZP profile of one vertical column.""" fig, ax, save = self.figure(ax, figsize) self.plot_column(ax, self.pressure, self.z, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_xscale('log') if save: self.zp_legend(ax=ax, title=title) self.save_plot(self.save_column("zp"))
[docs] def zp_legend(self, ax, fig=None, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(ax, (np.ndarray)): self.legend2D(ax) ax = ax.flatten()[0] ax.invert_xaxis() self.set_title(ax, *args, **kwargs) plt.ylabel('Altitude ($10^6$m)') plt.xlabel('Pressure (Pa)') plt.tight_layout() self.legend(ax)
[docs] def plot_zps(self, *args, **kwargs): """Plot ZP profiles of multiple columns. Set :attr:`self.latitudes <latitudes>` and :attr:`self.longitudes <longitudes>` for this beforehand.""" self.plot_columns(self.plot_zp, name="zp", legend=self.zp_legend, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self, mode=None, noise=True, ax=None, save=False, time=None, phase=None, resolution=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, dashes=[], linewidth=.5, x_axis="wls", figsize=(5.3, 3.5), legend=True, xlog=True, ylog=False, color=None, label=None, title=None, time_units = None, *args, **kwargs): """Plot a spectrum. Args: mode (str) : transmission/emission/lightcurve/phasecurve/None. None takes the value of the spectrum in the main model (transmission by default), which can be noised. Defaults to None. noise (bool) : Plot noised spectrum. If it is set to a value, it overwrites the current noise using a normal distribution. t (ndarray, optional): List of times to plot (in curve modes only) in seconds (or astropy). resolution (int, optional): Number of points to bin to. Defaults to None. """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) save = True suffix = None phase, time, label_prefix, time_units = self.init_time(phase, time, time_units) times = None phases = None try: if phase is not None or time is not None: phases = np.degrees(self.getattr(mode, "phases")) try: if time is not None: times = self.getattr(mode, "times") except Exception as e: self.error(f"Did not compute times from phases. Maybe set self.model.orbit.period? Full error:\n{e}") except AttributeError: self.error(f"Mode {mode} has no 'phases' attribute. Maybe another mode?") return 1 if phase is True and phases is not None: phase = phases elif phase is None: phase = [None] # INFO: Dirty fix to plot spectrum self.ph_index = 0 phases = [np.NaN] if isinstance(phase, (float,int,str)): phase = [float(phase)] for ph in phase: try: spectrum = self.flux(mode, phase=ph, resolution=resolution, noise=noise, ax=ax, color=color) # computes also self.ph_index assert spectrum is not None assert not isinstance(spectrum, np.ndarray) # can be used for 2D plots, not spectrum except: self.error(f"plot_spectrum(): Mode '{mode}' has no 'spectrum' to plot (phase = {ph}). Maybe try another mode (lightcurve,emission,...).") # TODO: iterate over mode to try to find a good one if mode is None return 1 # 'ph_index' is set in self.flux() if times is not None: time, units = time_fmt(times[self.ph_index], time_units) suffix = f"{time:.2f} {units}" else: suffix = f"{phases[self.ph_index]:.1f}°" if len(phase) > 1: p_label = f"{label} @ {suffix}" if label is None: p_label = f"{label_prefix} = {suffix}" else: p_label = label if label is None: p_label = self.label ax.plot(getattr(spectrum, x_axis), spectrum.value, label=p_label, color=color, dashes=dashes, linewidth=linewidth, *args, **kwargs) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) # ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) if ylog: ax.set_yscale("log") if xlabel is None: xlabel=label_from_dim(x_axis) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is None: ylabel = self.spectrum_label(mode) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if title is None: title = self.title if len(phase) < 2: p_title = title if title and suffix: p_title = f"{title} @ {suffix}" ax.set_title(p_title) if save: if legend: ax.legend() plt.tight_layout() output_name = "spectrum" if mode: output_name += "_" + mode self.save_plot(output_name)
[docs] def transmission_spectrum(self, *args, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`plot_spectrum` with :attr:`mode` = 'transmission'.""" return self.plot_spectrum(mode="transmission", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def emission_spectrum(self, *args, **kwargs): """Calls :func:`plot_spectrum` with :attr:`mode` = 'transmission'.""" return self.plot_spectrum(mode="emission", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def transmittance_map(self, wl=None, wn=None, phase=None, mode="transmission", zmax=None, r_factor=None, ax=None, title="Transmittance at ", cmap="gnuplot", overlay=True, star_out=True, figsize=None, save_name="transmittances/transmittance", pcolormesh=False, core_color="black", *args, **kwargs): """Plot a map of the transmittance, as seen by the observer. Args: wl (float, optional): Select wavelength (or inferior). Defaults to None. wn (float, optional): Select wavenumber. Defaults to None. phase (float, optional): Select phase (in lightcurve mode). Defaults to None. mode (str, optional): transmission/lightcurve. Defaults to "transmission". zmax (float, optional): Truncate plot at altitude :attr:`zmax`, scaled using :attr:`h_unit`. Defaults to max altitude. r_factor (float, optional): Scale planet core radius (Rp). Can be used to enlarge (artificially) the atmosphere. Defaults to 1. cmap (str, optional): Colormap. Defaults to "gnuplot". overlay (bool, optional): Activates ticks and grid. Defaults to True. star_out (bool, optional): Hide part of the transmittance that is out of the star. Defaults to True. save_name (str, optional): Change name base of output file. Defaults to "transmittance". pcolormesh (bool, optional): Activates use of pcolormesh. Otherwise use contourf. Defaults to False. """ if phase is True: try: mode="lightcurve" phase = np.degrees(self.mode(mode).phases) except: phase = 0 if isinstance(phase, (np.ndarray, list)): for ph in np.float_(phase): self.transmittance_map(wl=wl, wn=wn, phase=ph, mode=mode, zmax=zmax, r_factor=r_factor, ax=ax, title=title, cmap=cmap, overlay=overlay, star_out=star_out, figsize=figsize, save_name=f"{save_name}_{ph:.3f}", pcolormesh=pcolormesh, *args, **kwargs) return if phase is not None: phase = np.radians(float(phase)) mode = "lightcurve" # force lightcurve mode ws, wl, wn, w_units = self.init_spectral(wl, wn, default_wl=1, mode=mode) if zmax is None: zmax = self.zmax if r_factor is not None: self.r_factor = r_factor if hasattr(wl, '__len__'): if len(wl) > 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # iterate over wavelengths ncols = int((len(wl)+1)/2) nrows = int((len(wl)+1)/ncols) axes = [] for i, wavelength in enumerate(wl): ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i+1, polar=True) axes.append(ax) cs = self.transmittance_map(wl=float(wavelength), phase=phase, mode=mode, zmax=zmax, r_factor=r_factor, ax=ax, title="", cmap=cmap, overlay=overlay, star_out=star_out, figsize=figsize, save_name=save_name, pcolormesh=pcolormesh, *args, **kwargs) fig.subplots_adjust(right=1) clipped_colorbar(cs, format='%.3f', ax=axes) self.save_plot(save_name) return cs wl = wl[0] save = False if ax is None: save = True try: tr = self.transmittance(phase, wl) assert tr is not None except Exception as e: self.warning(f"No transmittance to plot ('{mode}' mode). If you need it, set store_transmittance(s) to True (see parameters for each module). The exact error is:\n{e}") return try: if mode == "lightcurve" and phase is not None and star_out: # we need to re-calculate intersection of transmittance and star since we did NOT store it for every phase (too costly) self.mode(mode).transmittance_surfaces = False # for plots, cells are either ENTIRELY in front the star, or are not tr, dist = np.subtract(1, self.mode(mode).star_rays_opacity(phase, np.subtract(1, tr))) except Exception as e: self.warning("Failed to compute star 'shadow' over transmittance. Skipping and plotting transmittance as is.") r = self.rays(mode).r[::-1]/self.h_unit z = r - self.Rp r = z + self.R # scaling: R = Rp * r_factor z_idx = np.where(z < zmax) z = z[z_idx] r = r[z_idx] tr = tr[::-1][z_idx] try: assert self.rays(mode).angles_limits[0] except: # rays were not properly written in h5 so we compute them again self.rays(mode).n_radial = tr.shape[0] self.rays(mode).n_angular = tr.shape[1] self.rays(mode).build(self.model) th = self.rays(mode).angles if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,3.5)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='polar') repeats = int(np.ceil(180/len(th))) tr = np.repeat(tr, repeats, axis=1) # smoothing things th_0 = self.rays(mode).angles_limits[0] th = np.linspace(th_0, th_0+2*np.pi, tr.shape[1]) x, y = np.meshgrid(th, r) if pcolormesh: cs = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, tr, cmap=cmap, vmin=0, vmax=1, *args, **kwargs) else: cs = ax.contourf(x, y, tr, cmap=cmap, levels=20, vmin=0, vmax=1, *args, **kwargs) if mode == "lightcurve" and phase is not None and star_out: try: Rs = rS, aS = self.mode("lightcurve").star_projected_coordinates(phase) rS /= self.h_unit circle = pl.Circle((rS*np.sin(-aS), rS*np.cos(aS)), Rs, transform=(Affine2D().rotate(ax._theta_offset.get_matrix()[0, 2]) + ax.transProjectionAffine + ax.transAxes), color="black", alpha=0.3) ax.add_artist(circle) except: pass ax.set_theta_zero_location("N") ax.set_rmin(0) if np.isfinite(zmax): ax.set_rmax(self.R + zmax) ticks = [0, -1] if self.r_factor <1: ticks = [0, int(len(z)/2),-1] ax.set_rgrids(r[ticks]) ax.set_yticklabels(["{:,.1f}".format(x) + ' Mm' for x in z[ticks[:-1]]]+["0"], fontsize=8) ax.grid(linewidth=1) if overlay: ax.set_xticklabels(["0°","45°","90°","135","180°","225°","270°","315°"], fontsize=9) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_rlabel_position(0) core = pl.Circle((0, 0), self.R, transform=(Affine2D().rotate(ax._theta_offset.get_matrix()[0, 2]) + ax.transProjectionAffine + ax.transAxes), color=core_color, alpha=1) ax.add_artist(core) if overlay: ax.set_title(f"{title}{ws[self.w_index]:.2f} {units_from_dim(w_units)}", pad=15) plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if save: if overlay: fig.colorbar(cs, ticks=ticker.LinearLocator(11), format='%.1f', pad=.1) self.save_plot(save_name) return cs
[docs] def transmittance_maps(self, wl=None, wn=None, save_name="transmittances/transmittance", *args, **kwargs): """Same parameters as :func:`transmittance_map` but create new files for each wl/wn.""" if wl is not None: if isinstance(wl, (float, int) ): wl = [wl] for w in wl: self.transmittance_map(wl=w, save_name=f"{save_name}_{w:.3f}", *args, **kwargs) elif wn is not None: for w in wn: self.transmittance_map(wn=w, save_name=f"{save_name}_{w:.3f}", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def transmittance_animation(self, wl=None, wn=None, phase=None, filename=None, prefix="transmittances/transmittance", *args, **kwargs): """Transforms maps generated by :func:`transmittance_map` to a GIF animation. """ try: from wand.exceptions import WandError from wand.image import Image except ImportError as e: self.error(f"Wand or MagickWand not installed. Cannot GIFify. Full error:\n{e}") return if phase is None or phase is True: try: phase = np.degrees(self.mode("lightcurve").phases) except AttributeError: self.debug("transmittance_animation: 'lightcurve' mode has not been computed.") return if isinstance(phase, (float, int, str)): phase = [phase] suffix=self.suffix if wl is not None: prefix=f"{prefix}_{wl:.3f}" suffix=f"{suffix}_{wl:.3f}" if wn is not None: prefix=f"{prefix}_{wn:.3f}" suffix=f"{suffix}_{wn:.3f}" gif_output = Image() for i in phase: try: frame = Image(filename=f"{self.out_folder}/{prefix}_{i:.3f}_{self.suffix}.pdf") gif_output.sequence.append(frame) except: pass for i, frame in enumerate(gif_output.sequence): frame.delay = 20 try: gif_output.type = 'optimize' except WandError as e: self.critical("No transmittance images found. Cannot generate GIF.") return if filename is None: filename = "%s/transmittances_%s.gif" % (self.out_folder, suffix) print("Saved %s" % filename)
[docs] def emission_map(self, wl=None, wn=None, mode="emission", ax=None, title="Emission at ", cmap="gnuplot", overlay=True, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot emission at a specific wavelength :attr:`wl` (or closest inferior wavelength, in micrometer) or wavenumber. """ ws, wl, wn, w_units = self.init_spectral(wl, wn, default_wl=1, mode=mode) if hasattr(wn, '__len__'): if len(wn) > 1: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) # iterate over wavelengths nrows = int((len(wn) + 1) / 2) ncols = int((len(wn) + 1) / nrows) axes = [] try: i = self.find_spectral(wl, wn) # i = nmin(self.wns.searchsorted(wn), len(self.wns) - 1) vmin = self.mode(mode).raw_flux[..., i].min() vmax = self.mode(mode).raw_flux[..., i].max() except: self.warning( "No raw emission flux to plot. If you need it, set 'store_raw_flux' to True.") return for i, w in enumerate(wn): ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1) axes.append(ax) cs = self.emission_map(wn=float(w), ax=ax, title="", cmap=cmap, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, *args, **kwargs) fig.subplots_adjust(right=1) cbar = clipped_colorbar(cs, format='%.3f', ax=axes) self.save_plot("emission") return wn = wn[0] save = False if ax is None: save = True fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_xlabel('East Longitude') ax.set_ylabel('Latitude') try: w_index = self.find_spectral(wl, wn) flux = self.mode(mode).raw_flux[..., w_index] flux = np.concatenate([flux, flux[:, 0:1]], axis=1) except: self.warning("No raw emission flux to plot. If you need it, set 'store_raw_flux' to True.") return longitudes = np.concatenate((self.grid.mid_longitudes, self.grid.mid_longitudes[0:1] + 2 * np.pi)) x, y = np.degrees(np.meshgrid(longitudes, self.grid.mid_latitudes)) locator = ticker.LogLocator(base=1.01, subs=(1.0,), numticks=100) locator = ticker.LinearLocator(100) cs = ax.contourf(x, y, flux, locator=locator, *args, **kwargs) if overlay: ax.set_title(f"{title}{ws[w_index]:.3f} {units_from_dim(w_units)}", pad=15) plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if save: fig.colorbar(cs, format=ticker.LogFormatter(1.01, labelOnlyBase=False), pad=.1) self.save_plot("emission") return cs
[docs] def plot_emission(self, *args, **kwargs): print("This function will not be supported in future releases. Please use emission_map() instead.")
[docs] class CurvePlot(BasePlot): """Plots for (light/phase)curves."""
[docs] def plot_curve(self, mode="phasecurve", wl=None, wn=None, ax=None, label=None, title="Phasecurve", x_axis: Literal["times","phases"]="times", xlabel=None, x_units=None, ylabel='Normalized flux', legend=True, figsize=(5, 3.5), *args, **kwargs): """Plot a curve from a `mode` (phasecurve/lightcurve). Use either `wl` or `wn`, not both. Args: mode (str, optional): phasecurve of lightcurve. Defaults to "phasecurve". wl (float, optional): Wavelength of the curve (can be a list). Defaults to 15. wn (float, optional): Wavenumber of the curve (can be a list). """ fig, ax, save = self.figure(ax, figsize) ws, wl, wn, w_units = self.init_spectral(wl, wn, mode=mode) x = self.get_spectral(w_units=w_units, mode=mode)[0] # wls or wns suffix = "" if isinstance(wn, (float, int)): wn = [wn] try: x, xlabel_ = self.x_axis_curve(x_axis=x_axis, x_units=x_units, mode=mode) if xlabel is None: xlabel = xlabel_ except Exception as e:"plot_curve(): no {mode} mode to plot. Full error:\n{e}") return 1 for w in wn: curve = self.curve(mode, wn=w) if self.substellar_longitude is not None: curve = curve[::-1] # why? # self.w_index comes from curve(), which calls find_spectral() suffix = f"{ws[self.w_index]:.1f} {units_from_dim(w_units)}" p_label = label if len(wn) > 1: p_label = f"{suffix}" if label: p_label = f"{label} @ {suffix}" ax.plot(x, curve, label=p_label, *args, **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if legend and label is not None: ax.legend() if len(wn) < 2: p_title = f"{suffix}" if title and suffix: p_title = f"{title} @ {suffix}" ax.set_title(f"{p_title}") plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if save: self.save_plot(mode)
[docs] def plot_phasecurve(self, *args, **kwargs): """See parameters of :func:`plot_curve`.""" return self.plot_curve(mode="phasecurve", title="Phasecurve", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_lightcurve(self, wl=1, *args, **kwargs): """See parameters of :func:`plot_curve`.""" return self.plot_curve(mode="lightcurve", title="Lightcurve", wl=wl, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_2d_flux(self, mode="phasecurve", ax=None, title='Normalized flux', figsize=(5, 3.5), x=None, y=None, flux=None, x_axis="wls", xlog=True, xlabel=None, ylabel='Phase angle (degrees)', cmap='viridis', colorbar_kwargs=dict(format='%.3f'), savename=None, *args, **kwargs): """2D phase curves (imshow), with the X axis the spectral dimension and the Y axis phases. Args: x_axis (str) : Choose X axis as "wls" or "wns", for wavelengths or wavenumbers, respectively. figsize (tuple, optional): Size of the figure. Defaults to (5,3.5). cmap (str, optional): Colormap to use in the imshow(). Defaults to "gnuplot". """ fig, ax, save = self.figure(ax, figsize) if flux is None: try: flux = self.curve(mode) except:"plot_curves(): no %s to plot." % mode) return 1 if x is None: x = self.get_spectral(w_units=x_axis, mode=mode)[0] # wls or wns if y is None: y = np.degrees(self.mode(mode).phases) if flux.max()==1: # plot a normalized flux levels=np.linspace(flux.min(), flux.max(), 8) else: # plot a difference l = [-200,-100,-50,-20,-5,0,5,20,50,100,200,700] # in ppm if flux.max()<1: l = np.array(l)/1e6 # not in ppm levels=np.array([flux.min(),*l,flux.max()]) levels = levels[np.where((levels>=flux.min()) & (levels<=flux.max()))] colors = [ for i in range(len(levels))] cmap = norm = mpl.colors.BoundaryNorm(levels, ncolors=cmap.N, clip=True) cs = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, flux, cmap=None, norm=norm, zorder=-9) ax.set_rasterization_zorder(-1) if xlabel is None: xlabel = label_from_dim(x_axis) if xlog: ax.set_xscale('log') else: ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.2f')) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_title(title) plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if save: fig.colorbar(cs, ticks=levels, spacing="uniform", **colorbar_kwargs) plt.tight_layout(pad=1) if savename is None: savename = mode + "s" self.save_plot(savename) return cs
[docs] def plot_2d_phasecurve(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.plot_2d_flux(mode="phasecurve", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_2d_lightcurve(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.plot_2d_flux(mode="lightcurve", *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Plot(LoadPlot, ModelPlot, CurvePlot): """Plot class. Can plot a Model() or a HDF5 file generated by Pytmosph3R.""" def __init__(self, model: Union[Model, str] = None, title: Optional[str] = None, label: Optional[str] = None, suffix=None, out_folder: str = '.', cmap: str = 'Paired', r_factor=1., h_unit=1e6, zmax=np.inf, pmin=None, substellar_longitude=None, vertical_in_pressure=None, interactive=None, *args, **kwargs): """Parameters for the Plots: Args: model (string or :class:`~pytmosph3r.model.model.Model`) : HDF5 filename from which to read the model (if string), or Model after its computation. label (str) : Most useful when comparing multiple plots. suffix (str) : Suffix to append to plot filenames. out_folder (str) : Directory where we will generate the plots. r_factor (float) : Factor with which the planet radius will be scaled. (Below 1, the radius is smaller, so the atmosphere looks larger). Defaults to 1. zmax (float) : Maximum height to plot (can be used to crop the atmosphere), scaled via :attr:`h_units`. Defaults to infinity. h_unit (float) : Units of the heightscale. Defaults to 1E6 (= Mm). interactive (bool) : Activate/deactivate showing plots. Plot.interactive can also be changed for all Plot objects. """ super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, *args, **kwargs) self.h_unit = h_unit """Height unit scaling. By default 1e6, i.e., Mm.""" self.zmax = zmax """Max altitude (in Mm) to plot.""" self.r_factor = r_factor """Radius factor (for visual purposes). By default 1.""" self._p_min = pmin """Min (top) pressure to plot.""" self.vertical_in_pressure = vertical_in_pressure """Use pressure as vertical axis .""" self.substellar_longitude = substellar_longitude """Longitude of the substellar point (in degrees).""" if substellar_longitude is not None: self.substellar_longitude = float(substellar_longitude) self.f = None if isinstance(model, str): if os.path.splitext(model)[-1] != ".h5": try: new_path = os.path.join(model, "output_pytmosph3r.h5") if os.path.isfile(new_path): model = new_path else: raise NameError except: self.warning("Input file (%s) extension unrecognized. Not .h5?" % model) # self.f = h5py.File(model,'r') self.f = HDF5Input(model) self.filename = model else: self._model = model if interactive in (False, True): # user can set Plot.interactive to change all plots behavior, hence the 'None' by default. self.interactive = interactive if not self.interactive: mpl.use('Agg') self.title = title self.cmap = self.suffix = suffix if self.suffix is None: self.suffix = "pytmosph3r" self.out_folder = out_folder self.ph_index = None if not os.path.exists(self.out_folder): os.makedirs(self.out_folder) if label is None: if isinstance(model, str): label = path_leaf(model) elif model is not None and 'filename' in model.__dict__ and model.filename: label = path_leaf(model.filename) else: label = "Pytmosph3R" self.label = label self.p_id = label
[docs] def inputs(self): return ["pytmosph3r_h5", "title", "label", "suffix", "out_folder" "cmap", "r_factor", "h_unit", "zmax", "pmin", "substellar_longitude", "interactive", "model"]
@property def idx_latitude(self): return get_latitude_index(self.latitude, self.n_latitudes) @property def idx_longitude(self): return get_longitude_index(self.longitude, self.n_longitudes)