Source code for pytmosph3r.opacity

from typing import Optional, List, Tuple

import astropy.units as u
import exo_k as xk
from exo_k.util.cst import C_LUM
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from exo_k.util.spectral_object import Spectral_object

from pytmosph3r.log import Logger

# DopplerParam = TypedDict('DopplerParam', {'Kp': float, 'phi': float, 'wind': bool, 'omega': float})

[docs] class Opacity(Logger, Spectral_object): """This module is the (main) link between pytmosph3r and exo_k. It will load the gas databases (:func:`load_gas_database`), and compute the opacities (:func:`compute`) of a list of cells of the atmosphere (using their physical properties: P, T, etc). """ _remove_zeros = True # for exo_k def __init__(self, rayleigh: bool = False, cia: Optional[List[str]] = None, wn_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, k_data=None, doppler=None): """The parameters of the Opacity module are: Args: rayleigh (bool, optional): Activates Rayleigh. Defaults to None. cia (list, optional): List of molecules for which to compute Collision Induced Absorption. Defaults to None. Example: :code:`['H2','He']`. wn_range (tuple, optional): Range (wn_min, wn_max) of wave numbers to select for the computations. Defaults to None. k_data (exo_k.Kdatabase, optional): Exo_k object containing the gas database (especially useful if you will run multiple models, with the same data). Defaults to None. cia_data (exo_k.Kdatabase, optional): Exo_k object containing the CIA database (especially useful if you will run multiple models, with the same data). Defaults to None. """ super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__) self.rayleigh = rayleigh """Activate Rayleigh (by default, it is deactivated).""" self.doppler = doppler """Activate Doppler (by default, it is deactivated). Dictionary containing 'Kp' and 'phi' values. TODO """ self.wn_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = wn_range if hasattr(wn_range, "__len__") and not len(wn_range) and len(wn_range) != 2: self.wn_range = None # empty range """Range (wn_min, wn_max) of wave numbers to select for the computations.""" self.cia = cia """List of molecules to look for when computing CIA pairs.""" self.k_data: Optional[xk.Kdatabase] = k_data
[docs] @classmethod @u.quantity_input(w_range='wavenumber', equivalencies=u.spectral()) def fromQuantity(cls, rayleigh: bool = False, cia: Optional[List] = None, w_range: Optional[List] = None): """ Create an `Opacity` object using astropy quantity for wn_range. Args: rayleigh (bool): cia (List[str]): w_range (List[Quantity]): Range of quantity to determine (wn_min, wn_max) ie wn_range Returns: Opacity """ wn_range: Optional[List] = None if w_range is not None: wn_range = np.sort(w_range.to_value(u.Unit('cm-1'), equivalencies=u.spectral())).tolist() # noqa return cls(rayleigh=rayleigh, cia=cia, wn_range=wn_range)
[docs] def load_gas_database(self, model): """Loading :class:`exo_k` gas/CIA/aerosols databases, and potentially clip the spectral range. """ self.model = model atm = self.model.input_atmosphere if not (model.transmission or model.lightcurve): atm = self.model.emission_atmosphere self.aerosols = atm.aerosols # check if there is a background gas background = False for gas, value in atm.gas_mix_ratio.items(): if isinstance(value, str) and value == 'background': background = True if not background: self.warning("No background gas given.") # Remove gases treated as transparent from the ones treated as visible. self.visible_gases = list(atm.gas_mix_ratio.keys()) transparent_gases = atm.transparent_gases if isinstance(transparent_gases, str): self.visible_gases.remove(transparent_gases) # only one gas else: if atm.transparent_gases is not None: for gas in atm.transparent_gases: try: self.visible_gases.remove(gas) except: pass # Load k_data for the visible gases if self.k_data is not None and 'total' in self.k_data.molecules: self.warning(f"Database already loaded. Using a single molecule named `total` in place of " f"`self.visible_gases`") elif self.k_data is not None and self.k_data.molecules is not None and self.visible_gases is not None and set(self.visible_gases).issubset(set(self.k_data.molecules)): self.warning("Database already loaded. If you want to load another, set opacity.k_data to None.") else:"Exo_k: Loading gas database for %s... (%s considered transparent)"%(self.visible_gases, transparent_gases)) self.k_data = xk.Kdatabase(self.visible_gases, remove_zeros=self._remove_zeros) # Load CIA data self.cia_data = None if len(self.visible_gases): self.k_data.clip_spectral_range(self.wn_range) if self.cia is not None and not False and hasattr(self.cia, "__len__") and len(self.cia):"Exo_k: Loading CIA database for %s..."%(self.cia)) self.cia_data = xk.CIAdatabase(molecules=self.cia) self.cia_data.sample(wngrid=self.k_data.wns) # Load aerosols data self.aerosol_data: Optional[xk.Adatabase] = None if self.aerosols is None or self.aerosols == []:"Exo_k: No aerosols to load.") else:"Exo_k: Loading aerosols database for {list(self.aerosols.keys())}...") aerosol_files: List[str] = [] for aerosol_name,aerosol_val in self.aerosols.items(): if isinstance(aerosol_val, dict) and 'optical_properties' in aerosol_val: aerosol_files.append(aerosol_val['optical_properties']) else: try: aerosol_files.append(model.aerosol(aerosol_name)) except: raise KeyError( f"Please provide 'optical_properties' for aerosol '{aerosol_name}', i.e., the name of the " f"file in 'aerosol_path' ({xk.Settings().search_path['aerosol']}) which contains the data " f"associated with '{aerosol_name}'.") if len(aerosol_files) != 0: self.debug(f'Aerosols files to send to Adatabase: {aerosol_files}') self.aerosol_data = xk.Adatabase(filenames=aerosol_files) self.aerosol_data.sample(wngrid=self.k_data.wns) self.gas_mix = xk.Gas_mix(k_database=self.k_data, cia_database=self.cia_data)"Exo_k: loading databases - DONE")
[docs] def compute(self, log_p, temperature, gas_vmr, aer_reff_densities, winds, coords, wn_range): """Compute the opacities for a list of cells of the atmosphere. Args: log_p (ndarray): Log10(pressure) of each cell temperature (ndarray): Temperature of each cell gas_vmr (ndarray): gas dictionary (:code:`{gas_name: VMR}`) of each cell aer_reff_densities (ndarray): Aerosol data of each cell (see :class:`~pytmosph3r.aerosols.PrepareAerosols`) winds (ndarray): Winds (u,v,w) of each cell coords (ndarray): Coordinates (z,lat,lon) of each cell wn_range (ndarray): Wavenumber range to consider """ self.cross_section = self.gas_mix.cross_section(composition=gas_vmr, logp_array=log_p, t_array=temperature, rayleigh=self.rayleigh, wn_range=wn_range) if self.aerosols: self.mie_abs_coeff = self.aerosol_data.absorption_coefficient(aer_reff_densities) if self.k_data.Ng: # homogenize the shapes of mie coeff and cross sections self.mie_abs_coeff = self.mie_abs_coeff[..., None] * np.ones(self.k_data.Ng) else: self.mie_abs_coeff = None if self.doppler: #theta_v = # if Wardenier2021 # warning: phi_v depends on the GCM longitude definition. # could be read from phi_v = 0. #np.pi R0 = self.model.planet.radius c = np.asarray(list(coords.keys())) altitudes = self.model.atmosphere.altitude[c[:,0]] latitudes = self.model.atmosphere.latitudes[c[:,1]] #-np.pi/2 # if Wardenier2021 longitudes = self.model.atmosphere.longitudes[c[:,2]] if self.doppler['wind'] == True: for i, (u,v,w) in enumerate(winds): theta = latitudes[i] phi = longitudes[i] z = altitudes[i] # Wardenier2021 #v_los = u*np.sin(theta_v)*np.sin(phi-phi_v)\ # + (v*np.cos(theta)-w*np.sin(theta))*np.sin(theta_v)*np.cos(phi-phi_v)\ # - (v*np.sin(theta)+w*np.cos(theta))*np.cos(theta_v)\ # + self.doppler['omega']*(R0+z)*np.sin(theta)*np.sin(theta_v)*np.sin(phi-phi_v) # Harada2021 v_los = - u*np.sin(phi+phi_v)\ - v*np.cos(phi+phi_v)*np.sin(theta)\ + w*np.cos(phi+phi_v)*np.cos(theta)\ - self.doppler['omega']*(R0+z)*np.sin(phi+phi_v)*np.cos(theta) shifted_wns = self.gas_mix.wns.copy()/(1 - v_los / C_LUM ) # To do doppler shift if self.cross_section[i].ndim>1: doppler_cross_section = sp.interpolate.interp2d(self.k_data.ggrid, self.gas_mix.wns, self.cross_section[i][...])(self.k_data.ggrid, shifted_wns) # TODO: could this be faster? else: doppler_cross_section = np.interp(shifted_wns, self.gas_mix.wns, fp=self.cross_section[i]) self.cross_section[i] = doppler_cross_section else: for i in range(len(altitudes)): theta = latitudes[i] phi = longitudes[i] z = altitudes[i] v_los = -self.doppler['omega']*(R0+z)*np.sin(phi+phi_v)*np.cos(theta) shifted_wns = self.gas_mix.wns.copy()/(1 - v_los / C_LUM ) # To do doppler shift doppler_cross_section = np.interp(shifted_wns, self.gas_mix.wns, fp=self.cross_section[i]) self.cross_section[i] = doppler_cross_section return self.cross_section, self.mie_abs_coeff
@property def wns(self): return self.k_data.wns @property def wnedges(self): return self.k_data.wnedges
[docs] def outputs(self): return ['wns', 'wnedges'] # Opacity is usually called multiple times so an output would be useless here