from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Union
import numpy as np
from pytmosph3r.log.logger import Logger
class Grid(Logger):
def __init__(self):
def shape(self) -> Tuple:
raise NotImplementedError
def ndim(self):
return len(self.shape)
def walk(self, dims=None):
"""Return iterator over multiple dimensions.
Args: dims (:obj:`array`): List of dimensions to iterate over. By default, iterates over all
dimensions (defined in the attribute `shape` of the current object.)
from itertools import product
if dims is None:
dims = range(len(self.shape))
return product(*[range(self.shape[i]) for i in dims])
class Grid3D(Grid):
""" Simple 3D grid based on a 2D longitude/latitude grid and an (abstract) vertical axis. You can
overwrite the latitudes and longitudes of your grid points with the :attr:`mid_latitudes` and
:attr:`mid_longitudes` parameters. Note that :attr:`latitudes` and :attr:`longitudes` are derived from
these and return the boundaries of each cell of the grid.
n_vertical (int) : Number of vertical points in the grid.
n_latitudes (int) : Number of latitudinal points in the grid.
n_longitudes (int) : Number of longitudinal points in the grid.
def __init__(self, n_vertical: Optional[int] = None, n_latitudes: Optional[int] = None,
n_longitudes: Optional[int] = None,
mid_latitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, mid_longitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
self.n_vertical: Optional[int] = int(n_vertical) if n_vertical else None
self.n_latitudes: Optional[int] = int(n_latitudes) if n_latitudes else None
self.n_longitudes: Optional[int] = int(n_longitudes) if n_longitudes else None
self._to_east: Optional[bool] = None # going towards the east by default
self._to_north: Optional[bool] = None # going towards the south by default
self._mid_latitudes = mid_latitudes
self._mid_longitudes = mid_longitudes
self._regular_latitudes = True
"""Assume latitudes are regularly spaced (poles are half-long)."""
self._latitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._longitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._positive_latitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._latitude_angle: Optional[float] = None # BUG: Should be an array
self._longitude_angle: Optional[float] = None # BUG: Should be an array
self._half_longitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
self._all_longitudes: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
def regular_latitudes(self):
return self._regular_latitudes
return True # assume regularly spaced by default, for speed
def regular_latitudes(self, value):
self._regular_latitudes = value
def to_east(self) -> bool:
"""True if longitude is in increasing order."""
if self._to_east is None:
self._to_east = (np.diff(self.mid_longitudes) > 0).all()
return self._to_east
def to_north(self) -> bool:
"""True if latitude is in increasing order."""
if self._to_north is None:
self._to_north = (np.diff(self.mid_latitudes) > 0).all()
return self._to_north
def shape(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
"""Shape of arrays in this grid."""
return self.n_vertical, self.n_latitudes, self.n_longitudes
def index_colatitude(self, colatitude) -> int:
"""Returns index corresponding to an angle with the pole 0 (by convention, north)."""
if colatitude < 0:
return self.index_colatitude(-colatitude)
elif colatitude < self.lat_angle / 2:
return 0
elif colatitude > self.lat_angle * (self.n_latitudes - 3 / 2):
return self.n_latitudes - 1
return int(colatitude / self.lat_angle + 1 / 2)
def index_latitude(self, latitude) -> int:
"""Gives the index of the latitude interval containing a `latitude` (given in `radians`)."""
if not self.regular_latitudes:
# slower search but necessary for irregular grids
return max(self.latitudes.searchsorted(latitude, "right")-1, 0)
return self.index_colatitude(latitude + np.pi / 2)
def latitude(self, i):
"""Boundary angles in `rad` of latitude box with index `i`."""
if i == self.n_latitudes:
return [self.latitudes[i], None]
return [self.latitudes[i], self.latitudes[i + 1]]
def latitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Latitudinal boundaries (deduced from :attr:`mid_latitudes`)."""
if self._latitudes is None:
self._latitudes = self.mid_latitudes[:-1] + np.diff(self.mid_latitudes) / 2
if self.to_north: # going up
self._latitudes = np.insert(self._latitudes, 0, -np.pi / 2)
self._latitudes = np.append(self._latitudes, np.pi / 2)
else: # going down
self._latitudes = np.insert(self._latitudes, 0, np.pi / 2)
self._latitudes = np.append(self._latitudes, -np.pi / 2)
return self._latitudes
def latitudes(self, value: np.ndarray):
self._latitudes = value
# let's check if latitudes are regularly spaced (for faster search)
diff = np.diff(self._latitudes[1:-1]) # ignore poles
self.regular_latitudes = np.all(np.isclose(diff, diff[0]))
def positive_latitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Positive latitudinal boundaries (deduced from :attr:`mid_latitudes`)."""
if self._positive_latitudes is None:
self._positive_latitudes = self.latitudes[np.where(self.latitudes >= 0)]
return self._positive_latitudes
def mid_latitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Latitudes in the \"middle\" of each latitude box."""
if self._mid_latitudes is None:
if self.n_latitudes > 1:
self._mid_latitudes = np.asarray(
[i * self.lat_angle - np.pi / 2 for i in range(0, self.n_latitudes)])
self._mid_latitudes = np.asarray([0]) # equator if only one latitude
return self._mid_latitudes
def mid_latitudes(self, value):
"""Overwrite latitudes in the middle of each box."""
self._mid_latitudes = np.asarray(value)
# force recomputations of other variables that depend on mid_latitudes
self._to_north = None
self._positive_latitudes = None
self._latitudes = None
def lat_angle(self):
"""Angle between two latitudes."""
if self.n_latitudes > 1:
self._latitude_angle = np.pi / (self.n_latitudes - 1) # poles cover only half an angle
self._latitude_angle = np.pi
return self._latitude_angle
def index_longitude(self, longitude) -> int:
"""Gives the index of the longitude interval containing a `longitude` (given in `radians`)."""
if self.to_east:
if longitude < self.all_longitudes[0]:
return self.index_longitude(longitude + 2 * np.pi)
elif longitude > self.all_longitudes[-1]:
return self.index_longitude(longitude - 2 * np.pi)
return int((longitude - self.all_longitudes[0]) / self.lon_angle) % self.n_longitudes
if longitude < self.all_longitudes[-1]:
return self.index_longitude(longitude + 2 * np.pi)
elif longitude > self.all_longitudes[0]:
return self.index_longitude(longitude - 2 * np.pi)
return (self.n_longitudes - int((longitude - self.all_longitudes[0]) / self.lon_angle)) \
% self.n_longitudes
def longitude(self, i):
"""Boundary angles in `rad` of longitude box with index `i`."""
return [self.all_longitudes[i], self.all_longitudes[i + 1]]
def longitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Longitudinal boundaries (unique). Deduced from :attr:`mid_longitudes`."""
if self._longitudes is None:
if self.to_east: # going up
last = self.mid_longitudes[0] + 2 * np.pi
else: # going down
last = self.mid_longitudes[0] - 2 * np.pi
self._longitudes = self.mid_longitudes - np.diff(
np.concatenate([self.mid_longitudes, [last]])) / 2
return self._longitudes
def longitudes(self, value: np.ndarray):
self._longitudes = value
def half_longitudes(self):
"""Half-list of longitudinal boundaries to avoid duplication. Deduced from :attr:`all_longitudes`."""
if self._half_longitudes is None:
self._half_longitudes = self.all_longitudes[:int(self.n_longitudes / 2)]
return self._half_longitudes
def all_longitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Longitudinal boundaries (first longitude duplicated to make a full circle).
Deduced from :attr:`longitudes`."""
if self._all_longitudes is None:
if self.to_east: # going up
self._all_longitudes = np.concatenate([self.longitudes, [self.longitudes[0] + 2 * np.pi]])
else: # going down
self._all_longitudes = np.concatenate([self.longitudes, [self.longitudes[0] - 2 * np.pi]])
return self._all_longitudes
def all_longitudes(self, value: np.ndarray):
"""Overwrite longitudinal boundaries."""
self._all_longitudes = value
def mid_longitudes(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""List of longitudes (in the \"middle\" of each longitude box). By default, start at -Pi."""
if self._mid_longitudes is None:
self._mid_longitudes = np.asarray([self.lon_angle * i for i in range(self.n_longitudes)]) - np.pi
return self._mid_longitudes
def mid_longitudes(self, value):
"""Overwrite longitudes in the middle of each box."""
self._mid_longitudes = np.asarray(value)
# force recomputations of other variables that depend on mid_longitudes
self._to_east = None
self._all_longitudes = None
self._half_longitudes = None
self._longitudes = None
def night_longitudes(self) -> List:
"""List of longitudinal indices on the `night` side.
The night side is here defined as the first quarter of longitudinal indices and the last one.
return list(range(int(self.n_longitudes / 4))) + \
list(range(int(self.n_longitudes * 3 / 4),
self.n_longitudes)) # BUG: Check what is returned, parenthesis hazard
def day_longitudes(self) -> List:
"""List of longitudinal indices on the `day` side.
The day side is here defined as the second and third quarters of longitudinal indices.
return list(range(int(self.n_longitudes / 4), int(self.n_longitudes * 3 / 4)))
def lon_angle(self):
"""Angle between two longitudes."""
if self._longitude_angle is None:
self._longitude_angle = 2 * np.pi / self.n_longitudes
return self._longitude_angle
def make_3D(self, obj: Union[np.ndarray, dict], axis: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> np.ndarray:
"""This function will try to transform :attr:`obj` from whatever dimension it is (or a dict of arrays with whatever dimensions) into a 3D array (or a dict with 3D arrays) of the same shape as the grid.
obj (ndarray | dict): 1, 2 or 3 dimensional array (or dict with such arrays).
axis (Optional[List[int]]): Allow to choose the value of axis. Use [0] to set a 1D pressure
or temperature array seen as an atmospheric column to a 3D one.
(ndarray | dict): 3D array (or dict with 3D arrays).
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k,v in obj.items():
obj[k] = self.make_3D(v)
return obj
if not hasattr(obj, "shape") or obj.shape == self.shape:
return obj
# if axis is None:
# axis = [0]
indices = np.arange(len(self.shape))
if axis is None:
axis = indices[np.isin(self.shape, obj.shape)]
new_axis = tuple([i for i, s in enumerate(self.shape) if i not in axis])
return np.ones(self.shape) * np.expand_dims(obj, axis=new_axis)
def horizontal_walk(self, *args):
"""Iterator over horizontal grid (latitude, longitude)."""
return self.walk([1, 2])
def horizontal_run(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run a function over horizontal grid (latitude, longitude)."""
results = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=object)
dtype = object
for lat, lon in self.walk([1, 2]):
tmp = function(lat, lon, *args, **kwargs)
dtype = tmp.dtype
results[:, lat, lon] = tmp
return np.asarray(results, dtype=dtype)
def outputs(self):
return self.inputs() + ['mid_latitudes', 'mid_longitudes']