Source code for pytmosph3r.config.factory

@author: A. Falco

Create objects from config file, forked from TauREX 3 (

from pytmosph3r.log import Logger

log = Logger('Factory')

[docs] def create_obj(config, name, *args, **kwargs): """Creates an object with parameters from the configuration file.""" args, class_obj = determine_class(config, name, 'type', factory) args.update(kwargs) obj_type = None if isinstance(class_obj, tuple): obj_type = class_obj[1] class_obj = class_obj[0] if class_obj is None: return None obj = class_obj(**args) if obj_type is not None and 'type' not in obj.__dict__: obj.type = obj_type # save type for potential reload of output data return obj
[docs] def determine_class(config, name, field, factory): args = {} class_field = None if name in config: try: args = config[name] class_field = config[name].pop(field)"Setting {name} to {class_field}") except KeyError: class_field = None except AttributeError: args = {} class_obj = factory(name, class_field) return args, class_obj
[docs] def factory(name, obj_type): obj = None if name in ('Model',): return model_factory(obj_type) if name in ('Chemistry',): return chemistry_factory(obj_type) if name in ('Parallel',): return parallel_factory(obj_type) if name in ('Star',): return star_factory(obj_type) if name in ('Planet',): from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import Planet as obj elif name in ('Grid',): from pytmosph3r.grid import Grid3D as obj elif name in ('Atmosphere',): from pytmosph3r.atmosphere import InputAtmosphere as obj elif name in ('Observer',): from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import Observer as obj elif name in ('Opacity',): from pytmosph3r.opacity import Opacity as obj elif name in ('Transmission',): from pytmosph3r.observations import Transmission as obj elif name in ('Emission',): from pytmosph3r.observations import Emission as obj elif name in ('Lightcurve',): from pytmosph3r.observations import Lightcurve as obj elif name in ('Phasecurve',): from pytmosph3r.observations import Phasecurve as obj else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Class '{name}' not implemented") return obj
[docs] def parallel_factory(obj_type): raise NotImplementedError if obj_type is None:"Using MultiProc by default.") from pytmosph3r.parallel import MultiProcTransit as parallel elif obj_type.lower() in ('mp', 'multiproc', 'multiprocessing'): from pytmosph3r.parallel import MultiProcTransit as parallel elif obj_type.lower() in ('mpi',): log.warning("MPI parallelization not supported anymore. Using MultiProc.") from pytmosph3r.parallel import MultiProcTransit as parallel else: log.error("Parallel type '{}' not implemented. Sequential run.".format(obj_type)) return None return parallel, obj_type
[docs] def model_factory(obj_type): if obj_type is None or obj_type.lower() in ('simple',): from pytmosph3r.model import Model as model elif obj_type.lower() in ('hdf5',): from pytmosph3r.model import HDF5Model as model elif obj_type.lower() in ('diagfi',): from pytmosph3r.model import DiagfiModel as model else: model = get_class(obj_type) return model
[docs] def chemistry_factory(obj_type): if obj_type is None: log.debug("No chemistry given. If you want one, set chemistry type. See pytmosph3r.chemistry and pytmosph3r.InputAtmosphere.chemistry for more information.") return None if obj_type.lower() in ('parmentier2018', 'dissociation'): from pytmosph3r.chemistry import Parmentier2018Dissociation as chemistry elif obj_type.lower() in ('fastchem', 'fastchemistry'): from pytmosph3r.chemistry import FastChemistry as chemistry elif obj_type.lower() in ('interpolation', 'interp'): from pytmosph3r.chemistry import InterpolationChemistry as chemistry elif obj_type.lower() in ('standard',): from pytmosph3r.chemistry.standard import StandardRatioHeH2 as chemistry elif obj_type is None: log.debug("No chemistry given. If you want one, set chemistry type with %s.") chemistry = None else: from pytmosph3r.chemistry import Chemistry chemistry = get_class(obj_type, Chemistry) return chemistry, obj_type
[docs] def star_factory(obj_type): if obj_type is None or obj_type.lower() in ('blackbody',): from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import BlackbodyStar as star elif obj_type.lower() in ('sun','solar'): from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import SunStar as star elif obj_type.lower() in ('spectrum','file'): from pytmosph3r.planetary_system import SpectrumStar as star else: star = get_class(obj_type) return star
[docs] def get_class(python_file, baseclass=None): import importlib.util import inspect log.search_path(python_file) python_file = log.filename spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("module", python_file) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) try: candidates = [m[1] for m in inspect.getmembers(module, inspect.isclass)] classes = [c for c in candidates if c is not baseclass and issubclass(c, baseclass)] except: classes = candidates if len(classes) == 0: log.error('Could not find class of type %s in file %s', baseclass, python_file) raise Exception(f'No class inheriting from {baseclass} in ' f'{python_file}') return classes[0]