Source code for pytmosph3r.aerosols

import numpy as np

# TODO: remove when new exo_k version is released
    from exo_k.aerosol.util_aerosol import mmr_to_number_density, mmr_to_number_density_ratio # noqa
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from exo_k.util import mmr_to_number_density, mmr_to_number_density_ratio  # noqa

from pytmosph3r.util.constants import RGP
from pytmosph3r.util.util import get, init_array

[docs] class PrepareAerosols: """Transform aerosols (from mmr, reff and condensate_density) to a format suitable to exo_k (reff and nb_density). """ def __init__(self, model, atm, size): """Initialize the aer_reff_densities to a exo_k-compatible format. Args: model (:class:`~pytmosph3r.model.Model`): The model from which to extract some data. atm (:class:`~pytmosph3r.atmosphere.Atmosphere`): The atmosphere from which to extract some data. size (int): Size of the data (reff & nb_density) for each molecule. """ self.model = model self.atmosphere = atm self.aer_reff_densities = {} """Dictionary that should be compatible with exo_k. Its keys should be the aerosol names and the values should be lists containing 2 floats (or arrays) as values. The values are the particle effective radii and number densities. See `absorption_coefficient()`_ in the doc of exo_k: .. _absorption_coefficient(): """ if atm.aerosols: for aerosol in atm.aerosols.keys(): try: key = atm.aerosols[aerosol]["optical_properties"] except: key = self.model.aerosol(aerosol) self.aer_reff_densities[key] = np.empty(2, dtype=object) self.aer_reff_densities[key][0] = init_array(atm.aerosols[aerosol]["reff"], size) self.aer_reff_densities[key][1] = np.full((size), np.nan)
[docs] def compute(self, i, coordinates): """Compute the value of aer_reff_densities at :attr:`coordinates`, which will be stored at index :attr:`i`. The input :attr:`aerosols` dictionary should contain a MMR :attr:`mmr` (in `kg/kg`), and effective radius :attr:`reff` (in `m`), and :attr:`condensate_density` (in :math:`kg/m^3`). Args: i (int, slice): index. coordinates (tuple): cell coordinates. Returns: dict: A dictionary with aerosol names as keys and lists containing 2 floats (or arrays) as values. The values are the particle effective radii and number densities. """ atm = self.atmosphere gas_density = atm.molar_mass[coordinates] * atm.pressure[coordinates] / (RGP * atm.temperature[coordinates]) for aerosol in atm.aerosols.keys(): try: key = atm.aerosols[aerosol]["optical_properties"] except: key = self.model.aerosol(aerosol) mmr = get(atm.aerosols[aerosol]['mmr'], coordinates) reff = get(atm.aerosols[aerosol]['reff'], coordinates) condensate_density = get(atm.aerosols[aerosol]['condensate_density'], coordinates) # nb_density = mmr_to_number_density(mmr, gas_density, reff, condensate_density) nb_density = mmr_to_number_density_ratio(mmr, atm.molar_mass[coordinates], reff, condensate_density) if isinstance(self.aer_reff_densities[key][0], np.ndarray): self.aer_reff_densities[key][0][i] = reff self.aer_reff_densities[key][1][i] = nb_density return self.aer_reff_densities