:py:mod:`pytmosph3r.planetary_system.star.star_spectrum` ======================================================== .. py:module:: pytmosph3r.planetary_system.star.star_spectrum Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: SpectrumStar(spectrum: exo_k.Spectrum, radius: Union[float, astropy.units.Quantity] = 695700000.0, mass: Union[None, float, astropy.units.Quantity] = None, **kwargs) Bases: :py:obj:`pytmosph3r.planetary_system.star.base.BaseStar` `SpectrumStar` allow to provide a custom flux at the star surface. With this kind of spectrum, it only makes sense to define the bolometric luminosity over the given wavenumbers range. Indeed, we have no way to get the energy distributed outside the range. :param radius: Stellar radius in`m` :type radius: float, optional :param mass: Stellar mass in `kg` :type mass: float, optional .. py:method:: fromBolometricLuminosity(bolometric_luminosity: astropy.units.Quantity, spectrum: exo_k.Spectrum, radius: astropy.units.Quantity, mass: astropy.units.Quantity) :classmethod: Create a `SpectrumStar` object from a bolometric luminosity and spectrum. :param bolometric_luminosity: Bolometric luminosity of the star when integrated on the spectrum range. :type bolometric_luminosity: Quantity['power'] :param spectrum: Spectrum of the star. :type spectrum: Spectrum :param radius: Stellar radius [Length]. :type radius: Quantity['length'] :param mass: Stellar mass [Mass]. :type mass: Quantity['mass'] :returns: An object behaving as a `Star`, with a custom flux.