:py:mod:`pytmosph3r.interface.netcdf` ===================================== .. py:module:: pytmosph3r.interface.netcdf Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: ncInput(filename) Bases: :py:obj:`pytmosph3r.interface.io.Input` Base class to read input data. :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.HDF5Input` and :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.ncInput` inherit from it. .. py:method:: keys(path='.') .. py:method:: getclass(path) .. py:method:: get(path) :abstractmethod: .. py:class:: ncOutput(filename, append=False) Bases: :py:obj:`pytmosph3r.interface.io.Output`, :py:obj:`ncInput` Base class to write outputs. :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.HDF5Output` and :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.ncOutput` inherit from it. .. py:method:: getclass(path) :abstractmethod: .. py:method:: createDimension(*args, **kwargs) .. py:method:: createVariable(*args, **kwargs) .. py:method:: write_model(model, output=None, radius_scale: float = 1.0) .. py:method:: write_mol_dict(mol_list, mol_dict, mol_type='vap') Write list of molecules (gas or aerosols). .. py:method:: write_mol(mol_data, mol_dict, mol, mol_type='vap', data='') Write one molecule. .. py:method:: get(path) :abstractmethod: .. py:class:: ncGroup(f) Bases: :py:obj:`ncOutput`, :py:obj:`abc.ABC` Base class to write outputs. :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.HDF5Output` and :class:`~pytmosph3r.interface.ncOutput` inherit from it. .. py:method:: get(path) .. py:function:: write_netcdf(filename, model, radius_scale: float = 0.0) Write a netCDF file using :attr:`model`, which can be viewed using ncview, ParaView, etc. :param filename: Name of the netCDF output file. :type filename: string :param model: Model to write. :type model: :class:`~pytmosph3r.model.model.Model` :param radius_scale: Scale for planet radius (for visualization purposes). ncview prefers a scale of 0. :type radius_scale: float